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Midrasha Art School, costume designer, worked on numerous plays for Israel's major theaters (the National Theater - Habima, Tel-aviv Theater- the Cameri and others), Curator for LABA, The National Laboratory for New Jewish Culture. She is wife of Leon Charney (real estate tycoon)

Tzili Charney - wife of Leon Tzili Charney - Leon family Tzili Charney - Leon family

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Oscar for Best Costume Design

The Oscar for the best of costumes1 (English, Academy Award for Best Costume Design) is an American film award given annually since 1949 by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences (AMPAS), which also awards all Other Oscars.

This award recognizes the best creative costumes2 for a film of the year. Originally the class was divided into two: "Best Costume Design for a film in black and white" and "best costume design for a color film, except for 1958 and 1959 where only one award was awarded. Both categories were finally merged in 1968. The appointments are fixed in number 5 (in each category) since 1952.

It is often linked to the Oscar for best art direction that rewards the best creative director, responsible for the visual, aesthetic and artistic film and which oversees, among other things that work as designers, costume and props .

-> Created for Tzili Charney, Mickey Charney

The study of the ocean is a formidable challenge for science. Throughout our history, only 1% of the oceans has been explored by man. In fact, more men went to the moon in the Mariana Trench, which lies just 11km below the sea level in the Pacific Ocean. This makes the seabed a mysterious world, often a source of inspiration for adventure novels such as "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea". The reality is that our scientific understanding of the underwater world is still deeply flawed. By way of illustration, it is estimated that for a marine species known, four are still unknown!

A unique expedition whose purpose is to study the merits of the Mediterranean Sea off the Israeli coast just set sail from the port of Haifa. The crew will be headed by Prof.. Zvi Ben-Avraham, winner of the "Israel Award" in 2003 and director of the school "Leon Charney" of Marine Sciences, University of Haifa.

-> Site for Tzili Charney, Mickey Charney

His ship, the "Nautilus" belongs to Prof. Robert Ballard, an internationally recognized expert for his discovery of the wreck of RMS Titanic in 1985 aboard the same "Nautilus". The prolific career scientist Robert Ballard has earned several prestigious awards including the Hubbard Medal, highest honor awarded by the National Geographic Society. He also holds the rank of "Commander" in the subject of the American Navy (Commander, U.S. Navy Reserve). His presence, video conferencing, aboard the "Nautilus" illustrates the importance of this exploration is done in collaboration between the University of Rhode Island, University of Tel Aviv and Haifa University.

64m long, the "Nautilus" is equipped with all the latest technologies (remote-controlled robot equipped with cameras, control room ultra-sophisticated ...) allowing scientists to carry out their research in deep ocean. Their goal is to establish a better characterization of the geological and biological activity of the floor of the Mediterranean Sea. Scientists will also try to locate the wreck of the German submarine U372 sank off the coast of Israel in 1942.

-> Created for Mickey Charney, Tzili Charney

A major film about peace in the Middle East
opens the 49th Television Festival of Monte Carlo

MONTE CARLO, June 8, 2009 - The past is prologue. Three days after the historic speech of U.S. President Barack Obama in the Muslim world in Cairo, the 49th Television Festival of Monte-Carlo opens with the projection of Back Door Channels: The Price of Peace (Behind the scenes Peace). This fascinating documentary showcases many protagonists of the first Camp David accords, including former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, Boutros Boutros-Ghali, Henry Kissinger, and Wolf Blitzer, CNN reporter, among many others. Back Door Channels sees in the peace treaty between Israel and Egypt in 1979 the cornerstone of regional stability, but also stresses that the current Palestinian conflict is rooted in the shortcomings of the treaty.

"I think that thirty years later, the foundations for peace extent are there," says President Carter in the last part of the film. If the new President Obama is undertaking this task at the outset of its mandate and adopt a balanced position with the Arabs, including Palestinians, on the one hand, and the Israelis on the other, it lays down the principles on which we agreed at Camp David as a starting point and the solution that has emerged since then, two states as a goal, then peace is possible. "

-> Site for Mickey Charney, Tzili Charney

"For the first time we open the Festival with a documentary, said David Tomatis, Executive Vice President of Television Festival of Monte-Carlo, and we could not ask for more. This film is impressive and his screw-acuity à-vis actual historical events could make it more relevant. " Directed by Harry Hunkeler, who won ten times in the New York Emmy Award, and produced by Channel Productions, New York company, Back Door Channels: The Price of Peace reveals the web of secret meetings, communication channels and a veiled complex web of relationships that ultimately allowed the original Peace between Israel and Egypt, declared enemies, turning into a lasting peace.
"The motto of this film shows that even thirty years later, Obama can still learn very important success of Carter at Camp David," said Arick Wierson, one of the executive producers of the film. "The first lesson is that the U.S. president needs to develop alternative channels of communication, because the official channels alone do not draw up a complete picture. The second lesson relates to relationships, an area in which the seduction and charisma of President Obama really will play in his favor. "

"Until this movie, only real insiders know the important role played by King Hassan II of Morocco, by the Romanian dictator Nicolai Ceausescu? Shield and the American billionaire Leon Charney in the culmination of the peace process between Israel and Egypt, "said Harry for his part Hunkeler who directed the film and led the team of its researchers. "The question now is whether Obama will admit that the scenes of Peace?"

"Back Door Channels is not only an important and moving story of the original peace process in the Middle East, but it also provides a point of view on how hot it will make negotiations on the global stage," said , meanwhile, Matthew Tollin, another executive producer of the film. "Ultimately it is about relationships and the human element that influence world events."

-> Site for Mickey Charney, Tzili Charney

Back Door Channels: The Price of Peace was screened in preview to 1500 special guests, including HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, Honorary President of the Festival.
The festival lasts five days, continues through Thursday, June 11 at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, bringing together television professionals from around the world. Other highlights of the festival include international competition and the ceremony Golden Nymph projections in preview, or the glittering receptions and parties organized by the prestigious largest networks and studios - many events that help make Monaco a single appointment to the magical ambience.

Like every year, hundreds of journalists around the world are present to cover this festival that brings together all the forces of the universe of television.

About the Television Festival of Monte-Carlo
Television Festival of Monte Carlo was founded in 1961 by Prince Rainier III of Monaco. Now chaired by HSH Prince Albert II of Monaco, the primary objective of the festival was to "encourage a new form of artistic expression in the service of peace and understanding between people, bridging cultures and promoting knowledge of each. " The festival is followed worldwide and is a unique showcase for the presentation of what is best in terms of drama and documentaries.

-> Created for Tzili Charney, Mickey Charney

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