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Tihan Presbie co-founded London-based Miniclip, an online games company.

Tihan maybe Tihan Presbie part Presbie is this?

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Miniclip is a casual gaming platform, meaning that? It offers small flash games free online. This is certainly even the largest platform of its kind on the web for many years. The games are playable directly from his web browser so simple.

March 2007 is the date on which the team launched the largest ad network of online gaming. The network was previously reserved for the company itself using inserts pub early game, but by that time it was open to outside advertisers. Big names have benefited from the impact of the network to create games Miniclip dedicated to their brand and Gillette broke the single game record sponsored (advertgame) played the most in the world (over 80 million parts). These are the only ones who can guarantee advertisers that their advertising will be seen on more than 35 million games.

-> Created for Tihan Presbie

Alexa positions it in the top 200 most visited websites in the world, it enjoys a large Pagerank (7) and according to Google Trends it has a constant progression in terms of research, it does not seem to have reached its full potential . Type the word games ("Games" in French) into Google and you will find the site in the first result (over 1.3 billion results), which shows how popular he is.

Launched on Canvas 2001 by London, and with a budget of 50,000 euros, was quickly traced its way to be profitable after the second year.

In August 2005 no fewer than 21 million unique visitors who landed on the site three years later the helm of the 43 million was announced.

Some of her honors were also awarded, this was the case from 2005 to 2007 when he won three years on the Webby Peoples Voice Award (the equivalent of the Oscars for best gaming sites on the web). In 2008 he was appointed to the British Academy Children's Awards.

The firepower of the site is such that in 2006 the game Heli Attack 3 recorded more than 142 million parts played in 90 days, which represents more than average is a Hollywood movie will be seen in the world over its useful life.

-> Site for Tihan Presbie

Primarily targeted to appeal to young teenagers, the interface offers many miniature images and color. The predominantly blue and white goes well to put the pictures show, all resting on a dark background color. The design is perhaps not the most work but is quite effective and creates a friendly atmosphere.

Various calls to action are visible. These are as buttons, banners,? motivating them to take action: launch the game, register ...

Advertising is not very present, a single square on the right of every page and an additional large banner on the top sheets of game Otherwise there is the insert advertising the launch of each part but c? is almost everything.

In terms of navigation all seem a bit messy at first.

In the top 3 main tabs offer you to choose between the party games (the section most used), the game players (new registrants, challenges the awards, ...) or sketchstar (for creating animations, draw, ...)

Each section has a sub-menu and search engines to filter information. For example, the party games you can select the type of games to play according to its category, the name of the game or? A keyword.

Then a series of modules will offer different classifications: the successful games, the latest games, the best in each category, the Top 10, ... The set offers a lot of information at the same time, which just make reading the pages rather heavy but fragmented by this arrangement, any game is available in 2 clicks!

Most games are created by publishers and others offered mainly in Flash or Shockwave, which allows? Play most often without having to install special software. Some are in Java and recently it is possible to find some on Microsoft Silverlight (which requires him the installation of a particular application).

Some delays are regrettable and small connections are bound to feel strong enough.

-> Site for Tihan Presbie

Each game has its description and explanation, it is possible to share via email and even instant messaging. Moreover it is exportable to your own website and you can create lists of favorites to find them more easily later. For the beginners in this field a help section for each mini-game is available and a more general forum.

The radius of the other options:

- A browser toolbar for download and notify you of new additions to the site will offer exclusive content ...

- A widget that takes up to 300 exportable games (or an export game by game)

- The possibility to directly download some games on his PC

- A section Ecards (electronic cards you can send to your contacts for birthdays, ...)

- Interface translated into 13 languages

- Compatibility with the Nintendo Wii for access to certain games

Parts of the site you propose paying options: you can find, including the sale of online games or shop T-shirt.

Finally in registering you will be able to enjoy various benefits such as being able to create your custom avatar, challenge other players, win awards, integrating charts, etc..

-> Site for Tihan Presbie

With over 800 games divided into twenty categories, the site allows the most novice as the seasoned (hardcore gamer) to find happiness. We find both of Shooting Up, as shooters, sports, puzzles or games for girls. Hard to beat in terms of content other than on the world champion material, also makes its Miniclip games available to other sites so that they use them.

This is a website that knows its target and has everything to gain (in fact it works pretty good considering the results). Content more relevant and that features schedules that keep the visitor within the site. Miniclip but sees further by allowing d? Other to resume much of its content. In fact most small games said they generate more games played and they can no longer offer announcements and advertisements. The business model is well established and virality does the rest by other websites ambassadors of the platform.


Miniclip is a website offering over 450 games in Flash, in all genres (action, racing, shooter, etc..), And also multiplayer games.

Available in 15 languages, the site is visited by nearly 50 million users per month

-> Created for Tihan Presbie

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