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Sue Ann Hamm ?




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Sue Ann is wife of Harold Hamm (Petroleum magnate, shares of his Continental Resources up 50%)

Sue Ann Hamm - Harold's wife Sue Ann Hamm - Harold's family Sue Ann Hamm - Harold's spouse

Sorry for my poor english translation.

The horizon of Harold Hamm, the last of 13 children, could never exceed Oklahoma. His parents were poor, they picked cotton and were one roof a tiny house in one piece. His first job will be pumping gas. A thankless job but give him ideas. A few months later, in 1966, he founded Tank Truck Service to transport oil. With his people skills, he managed to sign contracts more and more important.

To find new markets, he improvised an expert in oil exploration and gas. Although it took. He discovers the resource fields that starts to operate, making his company a small Continental Resources Staff matters.

-> Site for Sue Ann Hamm

The youngest of 13 children, Harold Hamm grew up in Oklahoma in a house in one piece.

Very young to help his parents, he has a job as attendant in a local garage. In 1966, with smaller economies, Hamm has purchased a truck to ground the carrier oil, Harold Hamm Tank Truck Service. Managing to sign contracts more seriously, it has become one of the largest carriers in the region.

A year later, following the discovery of exploitable oil and gas fields, he created the company's exploration and production of Continental Resources.

Investor in the gas processing companies Hiland Partners and Hiland Holdings, Hamm currently has a wealth estimated at $ 8.6 billion.

-> Created Sue Ann Hamm

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