Sean Michael Kirkham (born August 9, 1972) is son of Lord Graham Kirkham (DFS furniture founder).
Initially moving objects (furniture) in the Middle Ages (often chests), they are transported from one residence to another by their owners for travel and many of them (re) define the Renaissance: * The western end of the tray table aircraft and trestles from the Middle Ages Furniture and Sustainable Development The furniture is the cause of high consumption of raw material. Formerly made of wood and sometimes metal, they contain more synthetic materials impacting the environment and health. -------
In Brief: National Heritage, National Museums Italian Venus Victrix ... Le Journal des Arts - No. 33 - February 1997 In the United Kingdom, the budget of National Heritage has been cut by 9.2% for 1997, but the importance of this reduction is offset by 982 million pounds (8.8 billion) made to date by the National Lottery. The museum will undergo a reduction in their grants by 1.3% instead of 2.5% envisaged in the context of reduced public spending by 2 billion British pounds (18 billion) this year. The grant from the National Gallery in London is reduced from 100,000 pounds, and that of the British Museum 200 000 pounds. The possibility of establishing a right of entry for the latter is more relevant than ever. The Italian national museums have registered 24,718,006 entries in 1995, but only 10,587,348 visitors have paid an entrance fee, net of free museums (7.3 million admissions) and exemptions (6.7 million visitors). Revenue amounted to 95 billion lire (323 million francs), compared to 1000 billion lire annual (3.4 billion) that cost the Italian government maintain its artistic heritage. The wheel turns for Pauline. Immortalized in Venus Victrix (Venus Triumphant) by Antonio Canova, Pauline Bonaparte is preparing again to welcome visitors in the hall that bears his name Borghese Museum in Rome. The restoration of the statue of Princess Borghese languid did reappear the initial color of triclinium, hidden under repainted. The latter is entirely of wood, with the exception of the record cut in stone, but, curiously, all were uniformly painted in faux marble by Canova. The internal mechanism that allows the work to pivot was also restored. After fourteen years of work, six rooms on the first floor of the Borghese Museum should reopen to the public within the month of June (read the JDA No. 29, October 1996). Sir Graham Kirkham is the mysterious buyer of Moses, painting by Orazio Gentileschi from Castle Howard, bought in controversial circumstances by Sotheby's in London December 6, 1995 (read the JDA No. 21, January 1996). The National Gallery in London had in fact tried to negotiate the work directly with the Howard family after the sale, but without success. The millionaire collector has finally acquired the painting at auction prices, or 4.6 million pounds (35 million pounds), and decided to take it to the National Gallery of Scotland in Edinburgh for an unlimited period. Herculean move. The monumental statue by Antonio Canova, Hercules and Lycos will soon be the center of a new hall of the Gallery of Modern Art in Rome, which will give it its name: the Salon d'Hercule. It is part of a series of sculptures of the Palazzo Corsini transferred to the Gallery of Modern Art in order to evoke the old gallery Torlonia, the marble of Canova was the keystone. This work involved in the redevelopment of the southwest part of the museum, which will be open to the public at the end of June. Chapel Treasury in full glory. The restoration of the great fresco of the Glory of the blessed, painted in 1643 by Giovanni Lanfranco on the dome of the chapel of the Treasury of the Duomo of Naples, has just ended after three years of work. This important statement complete restoration of the chapel - one of the most precious testimonies of Baroque art in southern Italy - which began with the restoration of the frescoes of Domenichino, followed by the monumental scale bronze Cosimo Fanzago, then the marble floor and decorated altars. The restoration of the fresco by Lanfranco, financed by the Banco Ambrosiano Veneto, has returned to the chapel of the Treasury all his reading unit. Facade win in Florence. Begun in 1994, restoration of the facade of the palace Mellini Fossi (late fifteenth or early sixteenth century) in Florence is completed. She has to rediscover an exceptional series of frescoes depicting the story of Perseus, which runs from the top of the facade as a theatrical performance: Danae receiving Zeus transformed into a shower of gold which the oracle warns Acrisius king Argos and father of Danae, he will be killed by his grandson, son, Perseus killing the Medusa, the liberation of Andromeda, Perseus shows Medusa's head to King Polydectes and friends, immediately turned into stone statues . Attributed to the Younger Olandese Stolfi, this cycle has been executed during the second half of the sixteenth century from cartons of Francesco Salviati, some works are visible inside the palace. "Menhirs" Sardinian. In twenty years, forty monoliths were unearthed during excavations in Sardinia by the University of Cagliari, under the direction of Professor Enrico Atzeni. These statues or statue-menhirs steles are now exhibited in the new galleries of the Museum of Laconi, in the province of Nuoro. Decorated with carved designs, the monoliths can reach up to two meters high. First examples of male and female anthropomorphic statuary Sardinian, they show the transition period from the Neolithic era to the Mediterranean nuraghi.