Brothers Greg, 49,and Niall Turley, 42, each transferred to Etrawler Isle of Man Unlimited their 43% of the Dublin-based website CarTrawler in 2009. The international car hire company has been valued at £97m.
The content of the tag car rental and car hire are not the same as the car to the Passenger Transport Act (§ 49 para 4 PBefG) subject and a form of occasional services is. The relevant federal law regime for car rental is the regulation on controls of a commercial from the Self-Drive to rent vehicles and trailers 21st July 1969 (BGBl I, p. 875). --- Some car rental companies also offer driving school vehicle for short-term rental. These vehicles are equipped with the necessary equipment for driving schools --- In the truck sector provide car rentals an alternative to hiring of trucking companies, provided that the hiring company has appropriate drivers. Some truck drivers do not have the required knowledge of securing loads, while offering the same forwarders increasingly efficient logistics services. Especially on weekends for private truck parades asked and therefore more expensive than a week. --- The car rental market in Germany is characterized by rapidly increasing concentration. Was there in 1999 just under 5,000 companies, so it was 2007, around 470th In total, about 50,000 people are employed. The sector's turnover in 2007 reached over 16 billion €. Of those, 55 percent of rental companies, 17 percent of tourists, 18 percent to individuals and other accidents and 10 percent replacement business. In addition to the actual fleet operators are car hire broker, also called car hire broker. These are brokers who do not have own car, but give the fleet provider offers. Many rental car agents provide their services over the Internet. The vehicles are registered in Germany must be classified as self drive rental vehicles, and thus require a special insurance. This is usually significantly more expensive than a normal private car insurance. |