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Luma Auchi ?




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Luma family Auchie prize Luma speech

Luma Auchi isdaughter of Mrs Ibtisam and Mr Nadhmi.


Sorry for my poor english translation.

The appearance of Nadhmi Auchi

These very bitter exchanges between the three major participants in the trial suggest that languages may continue to loosen in the coming hearings. And the main victim of these regulations into account may well be even Loïk Floch-Prigent, caught in the crossfire of his two former colleagues. After getting out of his silence, Alfred Sirven has not only talked about the commission of 2.5 million paid in the case of Venezuela. Annoyed by the defense of Loik Le Floch-Prigent, who asked him to provide proof of his accusations, he also decided to give more details on the acquisition of a luxurious Paris apartment. "It was I who paid out orders and instructions of Mr. Le Floch-Prigent. Sirven and to specify, thus contradicting the version supported by the former chairman of Elf. "It was not an official accommodation. The Pheasant has been chosen by Mr. Floch-Prigent and Ms. Belaid (his former wife). "

These revelations and thunderous attacks have overshadowed the surprise appearance, earlier this week, the British businessman of Iraqi origin, Nadhmi Auchi. He is suspected of having received huge commissions from Elf on the redemption of Ertoil, a Spanish oil refining company in 1991. He and his former right arm Nasir Abid, were the subject of an international arrest warrant since July 2000. But the two men, respectively domiciled in England and Luxembourg, had hitherto not been molested. In court, Nadhmi Auchi said Monday he had "always been ready to cooperate with French justice." Aplomb unappreciated by court officials in the room, the prosecuting officer, Valerie Dervieux, not hesitating to speak of "contempt" shown by Mr. Auchi. In exchange for a fee of 100,000 euro, it regained its freedom on the same day after having shown little to say on the stand. As for Abid Nasir, he was wearing pale, his lawyer challenging the court a medical certificate.

-> It's created for Ms Luma


The Fall of the House Pasqua?

Tuesday, May 1st 2001 by marieagnes

The Fall of the House Pasqua?

"Pasqua in the viewfinder of judges", "dares" titrate Liberation (20/04/2001).

"Charles Pasqua for the first time directly challenged by the Justice," The World of next module.

Nevertheless. One who "terrorized" the political class and media, even more than "terrorists," appears this time seriously hampered: Human networks are caught in the snares of judges. The testimony of Laurence Sabine, a young assistant of his diplomatic advisor Bernard Guillet (see they say), provided perhaps the last nodes.

Former Minister of State is not only related to Angolagate by Sofremi, the Falcone family and Jean-Charles Marchiani. It is not only the recipient of the largesse of Corsafrique casinotière 1. Ties are evidenced with the characters older and more important: Étienne Leandri and Nadhmi Auchi, two inseparable friends 2.

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The first character was a bit banal Nazi collaborator fled to Italy, emissary of mob boss Lucky Luciano with the CIA director Allen Dulles, discharged through the intervention of the latter, he was sentenced to 20 years hard labor, with co-founder Jacques and Charles Pasqua Foccart of ultragaulliste Service Civic Action (SAC), the backbone of grand corruption until his death in 1995 (it was long the "commercial" common Elf, Dumez and Thomson). This intermediate has many wealthy delivered his experience and contacts to Pasqua father and son.

Probably even richer, the businessman Nadhmi Auchi Iraqi-British was at the heart of oil-weapons transactions. Long biggest shareholder of Paribas, it is suspected of having been through the Continental Bank of Luxembourg (Conti), a pioneer of brewing "industrial" dirty money. It is presented as the heir to the US-Luxembourg Henry J. Leir.

This was probably in the fifties, the biggest arms dealer in the world - but also the inspiration of two "clubs" influentissimes, precursors of today's globalization: the Bilderberg Group (1957), Under the Influence NATO, which annually brings together the cream of political, military, industrial and financial western world and the famous Trilateral Commission (1973).

-> It's created for Luma Auchi

Leir and Auchi are seen as key figures behind one of two international companies clearing of financial assets: Clearstream, based in Luxembourg. It is described in Revelation $ - with its official accounts, his "non-published accounts," his affection for tax havens, his tolerance of mafia banks (Banco Ambrosiano, BCCI, Menatep). Unit of account: the trillion (thousand billion) euros.

Judge Van Ruymbeke has launched an international arrest warrant against Abid and Auchi. The latter has reached 400 million francs in commissions from the purchase by Elf Ertoil Spanish society. It was financially represented in Kinshasa and Kigali during the genocide of 1994. During the twentieth anniversary of its holding company GMH, in London, he received a token of friendship more than a hundred British MPs, including Tony Blair and other leaders of the two major parties. And if Charles Pasqua, persecuted by the judges, asked for political asylum in Britain?



April 2001: Justice pierces the Spanish networks of the Elf affair.
A key figure, far in flight, heard in Paris.

The acquisition of the Spanish refinery Ertoil by Elf had led to the distribution of several hundred million francs commission.

-> Site for Luma Auchi

One of the many components of the Elf affair has just taken a major step forward. Judge Van Ruymbeke interviewed for the first time March 21 in Paris, Daniel Busturia, one of the key figures in the purchase by Elf Ertoil, a Spanish refinery, polluted by heavy transaction commissions. Spanish businessman, specializing in oil and gas market, Busturia was the subject of an international arrest warrant since the fall of 2000. Friday, February 9, the French judge went to Madrid to inform him of his indictment. In exchange for the payment of a bond and the lifting of the arrest warrant, Busturia agreed to answer the judge.
As in Leuna refinery in the former GDR bought by Elf, the operation resulted in the distribution Ertoil high commissions. The prize goes to the Iraqi billionaire Nadhmi Auchi, the beneficiary of 400 million francs granted by Elf, and endorsed by an international arrest warrant since July 13, 2000 - he is also the case in Leuna.

Auchi's role was to bring the redemption of Ertoil, he has sold four months later in Cepsa, a Spanish company owned 34% by Elf, for 2.2 billion francs. Nadhmi Auchi is a business relationship with Alfred Sirven. The right arm of Auchi Nasir Abid, himself is a relative of Sirven, like Daniel Busturia.

-> It's created for Luma Auchi

According to information provided by Nadhmi Auchi in Paris-Match in August 2000, Elf had contacted him in 1990 to bring the operation because the oil company was suspended from the green light from antitrust authorities in Brussels. Pressed by the seller, a Kuwaiti government agency urgently needs cash to cope with the start of the Gulf War, Elf has used the financial power of Auchi (then owner of 7.5% of Paribas), largely rewarded and gratified thanks the French Government at a breakfast in the company of Loik Le Floch-Prigent. Later, for reasons of European regulations, Elf ask Andre Guelfi through to find a new ally in Cepsa, in this case a Venezuelan oil company, but this setup will be canceled by Jerome Jaffre's successor, Loik Le Floch-Prigent to head Elf.

Representing the interests of Ertoil Spain, Daniel Busturia also earned a salary, the lower, for his role as an intermediary. Société Nationale Elf-Aquitaine (SNEA) charges him 54 million francs in fact paid into an account at Paribas Switzerland Rivunion, a subsidiary of Elf-based Geneva - Busturia said he did not know the origin of money .

Founded in 1980, Rivunion, a sort of central treasury of the oil company, is the common thread of all commissions paid by Elf between 1989 and 1993 under the presidency of Loik Le Floch-Prigent. These commissions, which were endorsed by the Elysée and Customs, sometimes appear in the archives of the State.

In the task Ertoil, Renaud Van Ruymbeke received October 7 declassifying documents labeled "top secret" proving that the French government gave the green light to pay 54 million francs as "an intermediate close to the Spanish authorities' , according to a handwritten note obtained by the judge.

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Recent progress in the investigation have revealed the distribution of this amount. Spanish side of Daniel Busturia shares half of the manna (27 million francs) with two partners. It pays the other half of the commission to Hubert Leblanc-Bellevaux, senior adviser at the time of Alfred Sirven, who then distribute it to the French network: Sirven, used to pay huge, merely 400 000 francs, Alain Guillon, former director of Elf-France, pocketing 11 million francs, and Leblanc-Bellevaux retains the remaining $ 15.5 million. This circuit has been restored by the investigations of the Swiss judge Paul Perraudin, come February 26 in Paris to bring the results of his research. The rumor of bribery of politicians Spanish or French is, to date, not proven.

If the detail of these 54 million francs in commissions seems now illuminated, the destination of the 400 million of commissions received by Nadhmi Auchi remains mysterious. The identity of the mastermind of the operation is also unclear. Before Judge Van Ruymbeke, March 21, Daniel Busturia, maintained in Elf teams until 1997 by Jerome Jaffre, reiterated that he acted only on instructions Bellevaux-Hubert Leblanc, described by several sources close to the investigation as the technician of the case Ertoil. But who ordered the payment of commissions Rivunion? This point is not clarified. Thus, investigators have not interviewed administrators Rivunion, and no documents were seized in the former subsidiary of Elf. Only Hustache Philippe, the former chief financial officer of Elf, and one of his assistants Gosselin, explained to Judge Van Ruymbeke that no payment could be effected without the consent of Loik Le Floch-Prigent, the assertions that the former head of Elf admitted at trial Dumas. Sign of the covert nature of this subsidiary, Elf has not provided the court the bill of 54 million francs paid by Rivunion to intermediate Spanish.

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