WINDSOR, Ont. - The $ 1.6-billion Windsor-Essex Parkway to the U.S. Border Will Forge Ahead as Planned, despite a Michigan Senate vote yesterday That could have serious tooth In The plans for a new international bridge. Windsor MPP and Ontario Finance Minister Dwight Duncan, the Windsor Star Told That yesterday's Senate vote to shelve a final decision Indefinitely On The So-Called DRIC bridge Will not affect Windsor's truck route to bypass the Border. The six-lane, below grade Roadway Along the Huron Church Road-Talbot Road corridor WAS Planned to end at The New Bridge Site In The Brighton Beach area in southwest Windsor. Duncan Said That he's "still confidant That Will Eventually the bridge get built, to In the Meantime, he says he can" Guarantee the Road Will Be Built. " About $ 300 million has so far Been Spent On The Windsor-Essex Parkway. After Hearing the news about the bridge vote yesterday, a coalition of local business, labor groups and pro-DRIC stakeholders Called 'Build the DRIC Now' Issued a statement Expressing disappointment How the Senate Handled With The Legislative. "Ten thousand construction workers and Thousands of Michigan Businesses and Their Employees, Who Depend on trade with Canada, Will Have to look to the next legislature for support," Said Tom Shields, spokesperson for The Coalition. Encouraged Shields's The Government of Canada to keep on the Table icts $ 550 million offer to fund Michigan's half of the bridge, and incoming pour la legislative leadership to "make this project a top priority in 2011." Meanwhile, Ambassador Bridge Officials Declared Victory in this game of Political Ongoing chicken. "Today's actions in The Senate only Reinforce thats the DRIC project is dead," Matthew Moroun, vice-chairman of the bridge and son of owner Matty Moroun WAS quoted as saying. "We Realize Many bureaucrats in Michigan and Canada do not like it, Those Are The objective facts." It's Been Reported That's heavy lobbying and Moroun Major Political Contributions to Legislators - Largely Republicans (who Were unanimous in Opposing DRIC) - helped kill "any vote this year for The Project.
---- A millionaire and his bridge with the golden eggs There is only one bridge between Detroit and Windsor, Ontario. A bridge that belongs to the American Manual Moroun, a self-made man of 81 years who made his fortune in the trucking industry. Manuel Moroun became 100% owner of the Ambassador Bridge in 1979 after buying out the minority shareholding of Warren Buffet. And since he jealously guards his bridge. You can see why. Each car pays its way $ 4.75, while for trucks, the toll varies between $ 3.25 and $ 5.25 per axle as the vehicle weight. Trucks crossed the bridge at 2.89 million times last year. In fact, according to estimates, between one quarter and one third of trade in goods between Canada and the United States that is channeled through this single bridge. Unsurprisingly, this bridge is 80 years old almost perpetually corked, to the dismay of automakers that have plants on both sides of the border. The governments of Canada, the United States, Ontario and Michigan have agreed, after lengthy talks, to build a second bridge, three miles south of the former. In the eyes of Manuel Moroun, the public bridge cornered his company, Detroit International Bridge Co., into bankruptcy. Especially after having been dragged kicking and screaming, he finally decided to expand and build a second bridge from six to eight lanes right next to the Ambassador Bridge. Manuel Moroun filed a lawsuit this week against the Michigan Department of Transportation to block the construction of public bridge, reports the Wall Street Journal. Last month, he had already appealed to a federal court to halt the project also led by the Federal Highway Administration. In short, while both countries suggest the importance of traffic flow to run the North American economy, construction of a new bridge in southern Ontario mired in the courts ... ---- Ambassador Bridge The Ambassador Bridge (Ambassador Bridge in English) is a suspension bridge that connects the cities of Detroit, Michigan (USA) and Windsor in Ontario (Canada) passing over the Detroit River. (Both cities are connected by the Detroit-Windsor tunnel under the river.) Designed by the McClintic-Marshall Company, it was built between 1927 and 1929. Features The bridge has been central to the larger world when it was built in 1929, with 564 meters. The total length of the bridge is 2286 meters. The floor is 46 meters above the River. The bridge is a mixture of architectural designs of Art Deco and Modern Art, also with a bit of Gothic architecture. It is made mainly from steel, however, the two main towers on each side of the river are made of alloy steel, silicon, supported by concrete pillars. The bridge is the busiest international crossing in North America in terms of trading volume: over 25% of all trade between the U.S. and Canada borrows. The bridge has four lanes and is seen passing over 10 000 vehicles daily, including trucks for the transport of automotive parts. In times of security alerts (eg when terrorist threats proven or not), queues of trucks can often reach 13 kilometers long, and shortly after the attacks of September 11, 2001, the tail of trucks was more than 34 miles on Highway 401. Due to the extremely high volume of traffic, the U.S. and Canadian governments jointly examine proposals to build a second bridge to cross the river, south of the Ambassador. The bridge is a private, belonging to the Detroit International Bridge Co., a company of local billionaire Manuel "Matty" Moroun. -- Michigan Central Station (also known as Michigan Central Depot or MCS), built in 1913 for the Railway Michigan Central Railroad Station was traveling from Detroit, Michigan, United States, it opened in 1913, following the fire the previous station of the same name, until the last Amtrak train leaves its platform serving the January 6, 1988. The building, located in the Corktown neighborhood, near Tiger Stadium and the Ambassador Bridge, about 3 miles southwest of downtown, is still standing today, although it remains unoccupied. It was added to the National Register of Historic Places in 1975. Several restoration projects have been proposed or negotiated, but none have borne fruit. The restoration of the station as well as (completed it) of the tower of the Westin Book Cadillac Hotel is seen as important initiatives for the economic development of Detroit. History The building is not yet completed when it becomes the main passenger station in Detroit, following the fire at the old Michigan Central Station, December 26, 1913. Construction had already begun, as part of a larger project for the traffic of goods and passengers, including the Michigan Central Railway Tunnel under the Detroit River. It was expected that the old station was replaced by the new passenger service to set on the main line, the old station was on a secondary branch, which was inconvenient for passengers. As evidenced by the building's design, the growing share of the automobile in travel was not an important issue in 1913. Most passengers joining or leaving the station by city and intercity trams, not seen walking distance of downtown. The reason for choosing this location was offset hopes that the station would develop the area. This promised well as Henry Ford bought the land near the station during the 1920s. But the Great Depression of 1929 and other circumstances, hindered development efforts. The lack of parking for cars would also be problematic. Thus, when the trams were stopped long distance less than 20 years after the station opened, followed by streetcar in 1938, the Michigan Central Station was in fact isolated from a large majority of the population. However, even if there were fewer ways to access the station, the number of passengers was not immediately dropped. During the Second World War, the station has seen a significant military traffic, but once the conflict ended, the number of travelers began to decline. The service is reduced, and passenger traffic becomes so low that the owners of the station trying to sell it in 1956 for five million dollars or one third of the original cost of the building in 1913. A new attempt to sell was in 1963, but there is still no buyer. In 1967, maintenance costs are considered too high, given the reduced number of passengers. Restaurant, shopping mall, and the main entrance is closed, and most of the main waiting room. Are only two wickets left to serve passengers and visitors, who must take the same entrance as the parking of the railway employees working in the building. The situation seems to get better for the station when the railway service supports Amtrak passenger service at the national level in 1971. The large waiting room and main entrance were reopened in 1975 and a renovation project at a cost of 1, 25 million was started in 1978. Only 6 years later, the building is sold for a proposed transportation center that never materialized. Then, 6 January 1988, the last Amtrak train leaves the station, following the decision of its closure. The owners have changed several times since the sale of 1984, the station even after exchanging cons less than 80,000 dollars. It now belongs to the Controlled Terminals Inc.. Another carrier, the Detroit International Bridge Co. owns the Ambassador Bridge nearby. Both companies belong to the same businessman Manuel Moroun [1]. Opened in 1913, the building, a Beaux-Arts, was designed by architectural firms Warren & Wetmore and Reed & Stern and these two firms have also designed the station's Grand Central Terminal in New York. Michigan Central Station, building of 46,000 square meters, cost $ 15 million to its construction. The building has two distinct parts: the station itself, and a 18-storey tower, whose top reached the height of 70 m. The tower was used as offices by the Michigan Central Railroad Company, and other successive owners. The interiors of at least the latter have never been finished, and this floor was never used. The main waiting room is inspired by Roman baths, with marble walls. The building also houses a large hall decorated with Doric columns, with ticket offices and a shopping arcade. Behind the gallery is on the hall, with brick walls and a large skylight made of copper. From there, passengers had to descend a ramp to the platforms of train departures, 11 tracks in all. Sunken roads and the building is a large space for luggage, mail and other functions of the building. The building has since been stripped of most of his valuables, including facilities in brass. It has also been a particular victim of vandalism. The vessel's owners said their intention in 2008 to renovate the dilapidated building today. They do not see the financing of the operation as a problem, but rather finding the proper use of the building, given the cost of the renovation estimated at $ 80 million [2]. The station has attracted many film shoots. Various rehabilitation projects proposed several possible destinations: * A business center. A suggested proposal to station an international center of business and customs, given the proximity of the Ambassador Bridge. * A convention center and casino. Ambassador Bridge owner Manuel Moroun [1] proposed that the station is to be restored in the heart of a new convention center that could be associated with a casino. The cost of this project is $ 1.2 billion, including $ 300 million to renovate the station. Dan Stamper, president of Detroit International Bridge, noted that the station could become a casino in the city [2]. * The police headquarters in Detroit. In 2004, Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick announced that the city thought the option to relocate the seat of his police. However, mid-2005, the city canceled the project and chose to renovate the existing seat [3]. The budget for the renovation was estimated at between 80 and 300 million. -> Site for Lindsay Moroun |