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Lady Anne Sugar ?




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Lady Anne Sugar is wife of Lord Alan Sugar

Lady Sugar portrait Lady Anne party

 Anne Sugar black dress

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Sir Alan Michael Sugar (born March 24, 1947) is a British businessman with a fortune estimated at 830 million pounds Sterling. He is best known for creating the company Amstrad (contraction of "Alan Michael Sugar Trading) in 1968. He is married since 1968 to Ann Simons.

Alan Sugar left school at age 16 years and founded the electronics company Amstrad and Informatics. He was an owner of football club Tottenham Hotspur FC [When?]. He is a donor to the Labour Party.

He created a French subsidiary of Amstrad in 1982, led by Marion Vannier. In 1984, he launched into the micro-computer family with the CPC 464: Immediate success was due to its low price.

In 1985 he struck again with PCW8256, which obsoletes all typewriters. He committed a mistake, however: the floppy 3 "debut, format incompatible with the 3.5" which began to spread.

In November 1986 he launched the PC-compatible 1512, one of the first low-cost PCs, and Sinclair bought in May 1986. But the phones were introduced in 1988 failed.

The company now sells Amstrad hi-fi and satellite dishes.

In 2005, he took Donald Trump in his adaptation for the BBC's reality TV show The Apprentice American.

In 2007, for about 12 weeks, he presented each Wednesday evening from 9:00 to 10:00 UK time, The Apprentice (apprentice (e)) on BBC. Candidates compete each week in groups of two teams in events where they must demonstrate their talent for business. At the end of each episode, one team wins, a candidate from the losing team will be fired as he says that means fired. In the end, only two candidates: a woman named Christina and a boy named Simon. He finally wins the sum of £ 100,000 and a place in the company of Alan Sugar.

Alan Sugar also has an airline that offers to rent the Cessna (AmsAIR) and a company managing a huge real estate AmsPROP. All of his financial holdings are concentrated in its holding AmsHOLD. He created a company, Amscreen dedicated to media platforms like TV. It is headed by a son, Simon.

His biography was written in English by David Thomas as the Alan Sugar The Amstrad Story.

The Real Sir Alan is a biographical 60-minute show produced by Fiona Bruce and broadcast on BBC Two (January 11, 2009) and BBC One (January 24, 2009). She can not be seen with the BBC iPlayer, but is available on Youtube in 6 parts of 10 minutes.



The Apprentice: Final

I must say that I watch very little television, with the exception of the TV show "The Apprentice" is just my "guilty pleasure" of Wednesday night ... Today is the final of the 6th season: who, Stella and Chris, will be hired by Lord Sugar?

Concept (source wikipedia): Each season sees a group of candidates compete for various career paths, but always in connection with the business. During the show, they live together in the same apartment so they can learn about each other. They are divided into two teams and each week they must accomplish a mission, one of them being appointed project manager to lead the team time to the mission. The team that executes better mission is entitled to a reward while the losing team goes into the "boardroom" where the entrepreneur has to choose which "transfer" (elimination of the program) among the defeated candidates.

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The removal takes place in two stages. In the first, all members of the losing team must be accountable to the contractor. The project manager must then choose two of his colleagues to return to deal with the contractor and his advisers, the others may return to the apartment. The three remaining candidates are once again explained their actions to the contractor, then the person who chooses to transfer, after seeking the advice of his advisers.

Still, when more than two in the race, everyone is given an important mission, it will fill with the help of some of those trips during previous episodes. Finally, they both return to the boardroom to explain their choices and their capabilities to the contractor, who makes the final hiring decision.

My opinion: I like "The Apprentice" because, unlike a lot of TV reality show, I think she is not stupid o) However it can be bad because some candidates are willing to All to get the job and salary that goes with 6 digits! The tests are interesting and varied to be successful it must both be creative, organized, know how to sell and manager, and the losing team will analyze the reasons for its failure. The personality of Lord Sugar is certainly instrumental in the success of the show in England: Judgement is often spot-on "and he has a sense of the formula. But tonight, at the end of the show, his famous "you're fired" will turn into "You're Hired!"

Tip: You can watch broadcasts on the BBC iplayer for a week after publication.


Amstrad is a computer designed by Alan Michael Sugar in the UK, based in Brentwood in Essex, England. The name is a contraction of Alan Michael Sugar Trading.

In the 1980s, the company launched the popular line of personal computers Amstrad CPC in the United Kingdom, France and Germany, and also the range of computer professionals Amstrad PCW, which was primarily an interpreter in the system 'CP / M

The company has adapted over time and subsequently produces a range of personal computers cheap running MS-DOS, the first was the Amstrad PC-1512.

Today, Amstrad still sells electronic products like Hi-Fi, satellite dishes.

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The CPC is a product of mass consumption

Amstrad Co. Ltd. began as a manufacturer on the market of hi-fi Its CEO, Michael Alan Sugar is neither a computer nor an innovator, but an ambitious and talented entrepreneur, an apostle of mass consumption. In 1984, probably inspired by the success of Sir Clive Sinclair, it launches on the market for personal computer home by selling a machine that meets all the know-how Anglo-Saxon in that field (architecture Z80 in a market already so old).

The 8 bits are then sold in supermarkets for several years in Europe, but Amstrad is the first brand that really gets involved in this niche distribution, including aggressive marketing that targets the general public. Its early success is explained by the growth being experienced then the mass consumption and proliferation of hypermarkets distributing the brand. Meanwhile, A. Mr. Sugar is ubiquitous in the computer press.

A similar strategy governs the packaging: the first model of Amstrad CPC 464 for Colour Personal Computer, met for the first time and at an affordable price all that is necessary for the user, with an additional quality: integration . The latter is hitherto remained the preserve of the few luxury machines (Apple or IBM). CPC 464, meanwhile, comes with a monochrome monitor (black and green) or color, a cassette player, a comfortable mechanical keyboard with a numeric keypad and a small speaker. It stands out from the competition by a harmonious and colorful design that owes much to the Oric Atmos. The target market is Europe, but from the outset it was in England and France that will emerge as Amstrad CPC machines ultimate consumer.

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The constructor takes out two new models with a floppy disk drive 3 "instead of the cassette: the CPC 664 in spring 1985, the keyboard light blue and white, will be replaced in the fall following the CPC 6128 , in sober gray keyboard, equipped with 128 KB of RAM (in two separate banks, only 64 KB is addressable).

In terms of programming language BASIC for the Amstrad designed by Locomotive Software is the fastest, flexible and powerful at once, with an integrated editor, unfortunately, "line by line." Another success factor, the documentation is correctly translated and quality. Although in-house software provided from the outset (they are signed AmSoft) is the volume of sales and support of game publishers Anglo-Saxon will make rivals CPC Commodore 64 in Europe.

The PCW: Amstrad tries to win the business market

Embodying the principles that made the success of its range for domestic, Amstrad released in the second half of the 1980 PCW range, destined to conquer the market for professional use. Again, the premise is to integrate affordable operating system felt the CP / M and the basic tools (spreadsheet, word processing, printer, monitor, keyboard) at a fixed price affordable for the time . Despite the arrival of the first PC compatible, the PCW will find its place with 8 million units sold .

Amstrad is one of the last manufacturers of microphones 8-bit still in contention in 1987, but policy-oriented consumer products at bargain prices will not allow him to make a profit large enough to penetrate the market compatible PC, which exploded in the late 1980s. The brand still exists today. The (relative) success of its first range aimed at professionals, the PCW is explained more by the awareness of the range that their real interest.
End of the PC adventure [edit]

Therefore, realizing that the days of micro-computers are not compatible PCs are counted, Amstrad launches in this niche that helps to democratize with some successes, the best known is the PC-1512. In the mid-1990s, the market is saturated, the mark must give up his conquests and retreat to its original niche: the Hi-Fi and video, and satellite decoders.

It is this last activity that led the takeover of BSkyB in July 2007, which Amstrad been two-thirds of its sales. Alan Sugar will remain at the company's management and keep 28% of its capital

-> Created for Lady Anne Sugar

Lord President of Youview Sugar, get ready it will move in UK

Lord Sugar founder of Amstrad acquired by Sky, has been appointed president of the consortium YouView, the famous project scandal that continues to push since 2003.

His appointment to this distinguished leadership position is already clear. The Ojectives No. 1 is in action and it acts as quickly as possible. Sugar Lord just named, just requested that she be provided a speedy review of the calendar that requires: Reliable!

It emphasizes the commercial launch of Youview noting in passing that the project would initially be made on open standards and emphasize that they are honestly far from it today. Finally a leader who does not waffle, especially when we talk about a project that dates back to 2003 largely funded with public money! we must recognize that quality so rare.

Sugar adds that Lord Youview could build on a base of terminals already installed in households in the United Kingdom.

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Marion Vannier (former CEO Amstrad France): "We launched two Amstrad France, in a simple desktop computer-free"

This interview with the former CEO of Amstrad France has been collected and published by the Phoenix site computer, which brings together the community of fans of Amstrad computers. It includes thousands of articles presenting the games released on the Amstrad, with video presentations and articles explaining the technical specifications of this equipment is very popular in the years 85-90.

Hello Ms. Vannier.
I would like firstly to thank you for spending some of your time and it is with great pride and emotion that we received your email.

You incarnate for many years Amstrad France. is a website which brings together many enthusiasts still Amstrad CPC and we all remember your way in this society. Imagine a woman CEO of a company as large at the time ...

First, what was the path that led you to take the helm of the company Amstrad France and in what year?


I had no training at the base, not even the OCA. When I arrived in Paris at the age of twenty years, I managed somehow to blow small "jobs".

I then responded to a job in Le Figaro and in June 1972 that I went home Europconfort which initially sold the furniture. After several years of field training, I became the business manager of the import company that resold Cogel Europconfort and others.

At that time, Amstrad produced material Hifi and we distributed some of their products. In 1982, the manager decides to stop its activities. I gained valuable commercial experience and extensive contacts. Alan Sugar, who was no distributor in France, decided to seize this opportunity and asked me to create for him its subsidiary in France.

In 1984 Alan, who sought to diversify its activities, started the micro-personal computer. He therefore applied the method he had used on equipment Hifi. Hifi was sold by the elements, it was he who "invented" the concept of the all in one. The various components (turntable player, radio tuner and K7) were arranged in racks and placed in a single block. A facade gave the impression that the elements were separated from each other and piled up. A single power supply, a single cable. This simplified the use and of course, decreased costs.

His favorite expression was "a duke in disguise King! . In our case it was a record player disguised as a hi-fi system with separate elements.

You have been chosen directly by Alan Sugar?

Alan Sugar ran everything. I already had good contacts with him and it is a simple phone call that I created the subsidiary Amstrad France. For the record, we were two flights. I took Daniel Marcelin, a friend, as secretary. Daniel worked for several years with me and was very familiar with the activity. He was a man in whom I had complete confidence.

In any case, a woman with a man for secretary, it was not common. Besides, when I pick up the phone, I was taken regularly to the Secretary.

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Succeed without luggage university

The actors of the high sphere show that British policy can succeed without the baggage normally required in France. For example, James Callaghan, is a self-taught politics. Coming from the working class and without any university degree, he was appointed the largest of the British Parliament from 1976 to 1979. Prime Minister from 1990 to 1997, John Major, came from nothing, before climbing the ladder of "Standart Chartered Bank and invest the ruling class. Conversely, France to feed its heads of state from a bottle of ENA, Sciences Po or St. Cyr, the most prestigious schools and more elitist.

There are also lots of English businessmen who have left school before earning their Bac. The most telling example is that of Alan Sugar, founder of Amstrad. When he left school at sixteen, who would have thought he would become a leader in the business world? That may be why he launched in 2007, a show called THE APPRENTICE (the apprentice (e)) on the BBC. Candidates compete in trials where they must demonstrate their talents as a businessman. A key: a place in the company of Alan Sugar. Other Self Made Man, Richard Branson, has followed a mediocre school. His headmaster told him "You'll end up in jail or a billionaire." He was right since billionaire Branson eventually creating the famous Virgin brand.
Succeed without a degree is possible in Britain. A study shows that 10 percent of directors of the largest British companies, have no university degree. Amazing is not it? While the largest French CEO went on the benches of Polytechnique, the ENA or business schools.

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Could you forward this site to Lady Anne Sugar