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Kenny (music industry entrepreneur) is son of Willie Haughey (Scottish businessman, chairman of City Refrigeration Holdings)

Kenny Haughey family Willie Haughey

Kenny Haughey father

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Refrigeration is the process for obtaining and maintaining a system (local, product, etc..) At a lower temperature than the environment.

Refrigeration Technology

There are different ways to get cold. The principle is always a transfer of heat (calories) from the system to cool and to the environment.

The two most widely used technologies on a large scale are:

* Compression systems;
* Absorption systems.

-> Created for Kenny Haughey

Continuous cycles steam

These technologies involve a refrigerant whose evaporation absorbs heat. Since 1 October 2000, no person shall supply of CFCs (R12 - Dichlorodifluoromethane - CCl2F2). Since 1 January 2001, he was forbidden to even use CFCs for carrying out repairs on a sealed unit. This fluid has been replaced by R-134a (1,1,1,2-tetrafluoroethane CH2F-CF3) (substitute gas).

* Refrigerator vapor compression (Rankine cycle reverse)

This technology is used in most refrigerators and appliances in many industrial applications.

Compression systems use four elements to the refrigeration cycle: compressor, condenser, expansion valve (capillary in the case of domestic refrigerator) and the evaporator. It uses the pressure-temperature to allow the change of state of the refrigerant. The refrigerant vapor is compressed to allow condensation at room temperature. It is cooled in the condenser and is liquefied. The regulator can then bring the liquid refrigerant at a pressure low enough that it can evaporate in the evaporator by sensing the heat present, resulting in the decrease of temperature in the chamber or is the evaporator. The vaporized fluid and returns to the compressor and the cycle begins again.

-> Created for Kenny Haughey

* Refrigerator Gas Absorption (Round Square)

Because of the significant investment it requires, this technology is widely used mainly for refrigeration of buildings or networks of district cooling. Its advantage is to be primarily driven by a heat source. Minor consumption of electricity is required for the pump.

In such devices, the circulating fluid is a mixture of a refrigerant and an adsorbent (for the couple H2O/NH3, the refrigerant is ammonia, for the couple LiBr/H2O, the refrigerant is water ). The cycle begins with the distillation of this mixture in the "generator" to produce pure refrigerant and a solution capable of absorbing it. The liquid refrigerant is expanded to low pressure. He then vaporizes and causes cooling. The refrigerant vapors are moving towards the absorber to be absorbed by a shower of the solution from the generator. This new solution rich in refrigerant is compressed by pump and reinjected into the generator to be distilled again.

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* Tube Ranque-Hilsch
* Peltier

The Peltier effect is independent of the Joule, which is the point of contact between two dissimilar metals, as the current direction, there is release or absorption of heat. Peltier coolers have many advantages (no moving parts except the fan operation in any direction, no potentially hazardous chemical, insensitivity to shocks, etc..), Which led to their use in situations mobile (cars, etc..). The main drawback of these refrigerators is their lack of effectiveness due to a power conversion efficiency / low heat.

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* Cooling of atoms by laser

Production history of the cold

* The Mesopotamians were using pits filled with ice to preserve meat.
* The Greeks and Romans piled ice and snow in winter in deep trenches, covered by straw. Meat stored in these coolers primitive remained cool until the summer, without the need of salting or smoking.
* The Indians of Peru were digging in the ground ice, before the arrival of Europeans in the sixteenth century.
* The septic system has been used throughout Europe from the seventeenth century. Traders selling ice from the mountains.
* At the Court of the Sun King, the evaporation of ether was used to cool fruit creams.
* Some coolers, furniture isotherm containing blocks of ice periodically renewed, were used in the nineteenth century.
* Before the industrial age, it is primarily marketing the ice allowed the most fortunate to have products consumed or stored at low temperature.
* 1755: water chiller - Scotsman William Cullen gets a little ice water vapor under vacuum bell.
* 1805: compression refrigerator ether - a prototype was presented in Philadelphia by Oliver Evans. The main novelty was the introduction of a closed cycle process.
* 1824: seems the only book of Sadi Carnot. The two principles of thermodynamics are discussed in very simple. From him comes the Carnot cycle.
* 1844: chiller air - the principle of the air expansion was already known in the 18th century. American John Gorrie applied it on his machine.

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* 1850: chiller air - John Gorrie obtained a British patent, but, curiously, his invention caused a scandal in the U.S. where some accused him of wanting to compete with God in making the ice at any time of year . In 1851, he obtained his patent.
* 1854-6: using the main vapor compression, Australian James Harrison the inventor has produced Australia's first practical refrigerator in the world [1]
* 1859: absorption chiller - French Square Ferdinand, brother of Edmond, patented a machine with fluid, after producing the cold, is absorbed by another substance and not drawn into a compressor. This is the first absorption chiller.
* 1872: refrigerating machine with ammonia compressor - is David Boyle, an American of Scottish descent, who obtained the first patent for a compressor using ammonia.
* 1913: Domelre, manufactured in Chicago, is the first domestic refrigerator running.
* 1919: Frigidaire brand made its appearance.
* 1931: manufacturing begins with Electrolux.
* 1938: first mechanical refrigeration unit for trailer: A Model for the Thermo King.
* 1939: first refrigerator at two temperatures, which allowed to keep frozen food in one compartment.
* 1944: absorption chiller - The absorption refrigerator was developed by Swiss company Sibir.
* 1998: refrigerator-freezer from Daewoo has a door LCD. This model, named "Magic Mirror" has the advantage of revealing the contents at the touch of a button, this transparency temporary door can save energy by avoiding any leakage of cold.
* 1999 Creating a prototype solar adsorption refrigeration [2], several fridges sun of this type are used in Africa.
* 2002: 99% of French homes are equipped with refrigerators. It is the most common household appliance.

-> Created for Kenny Haughey

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