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Hume Campbell ?




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Hume Campbell is CEO of Riverside Marine, past Director of the Queensland Confederation of Industry and the Marine Board of the Department of Transport.

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Sorry for my poor english translation.

A ferry, ferry (the English ferry), ferry, ferry (in Quebec and New Brunswick) is a ship whose primary function is to carry road and rail vehicles with their cargo and passengers at sea crossings .

According to the website of the Office de la langue French, the words "ferry" and "ro", mostly used in Europe, have undergone a formal recommendation from the General Commission on Terminology and neologisms, France, because they resemble the term used to ferry boats making crossings of rivers. Borrowings "ferry" and "ferry" are widespread in Europe but were not selected in Quebec because they are totally unused, "ferry" is the common term in use since the late nineteenth century.

The French term "ferryboat" always spelled with a hyphen, while its English equivalent is written as a word (ferryboat). In the plural, the practice allows the English form "ferries" but recommends "ferry."

-> Site for Hume Campbell

Generally includes a ferry passenger decks and holds reserved for vehicles embarking and disembarking through a ramp. Different types of boats are used, the choice is usually determined by the following criteria:

length of the course;
number of passengers or vehicles;
expected speed (the presence of competing modes of transportation as the plane or train);
normal weather;
marine conditions (tides, currents, storms).

The ferries, however, share some characteristics imposed by the nature of their activity:

A ferry must be fast to meet customer expectations in a hurry to our society.
It must be maneuvered to do without any assistance towing ports even reached large sizes. Transverse thrusters are installed for this purpose. What are the consequences of the frequency of service and speed required. To participate in this research to save time, the ferry terminal install mooring systems with suction cups. (See Docking (shipping))
It is generally as large passenger vehicles and require large volumes when compared to a conventional cargo.

-> Site for Hume Campbell

Their design on several floors and the existence of a bridge just partitioned garage helps to make them dangerous and the number of accidents is important. After the wreck among others the Herald of Free Enterprise and Estonia, new safety rules were enacted tougher to improve their stability after damage.


The ferries often welcome passengers for a short time. For this reason, they are found primarily in the areas:

straits: the Strait of Gibraltar, Kattegat, Dover, Strait of Messina, the Dardanelles, Strait of Magellan
archipelagos of the Philippines, Indonesia, Japan
Narrow range of seas: Mediterranean Sea, Baltic Sea, Red Sea, English Channel
for service to the islands from the mainland

-> Created for Hume Campbell

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