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Charlie Wates is a Chartered Surveyor with 10 years of commercial property experience. He is Founder and Joint Managing Director of Needspace

Charles Wates profile Tim Wates Charles Wates family

Sorry for my poor english translation.

In a building project or public works, construction is done by assembling various elements of the building using materials and techniques.


This activity is often called the support of many players and guilds, more or less specialized.
In France in particular, the self is, however, permitted without the help of any professional to certain conditions (including an area of ??less than 170 m²). This surface would allow a very large percentage of self-made individual buildings without architects. The projects are, however, generally designed and conducted by a "prime contractor" (architect, engineering), on behalf of the client, called "owner". For projects large or complex, multiple players can share the tasks of project management or project management.
The building itself is usually performed by one or more companies (referred to as a "consortium"), manager (s) of the market (contract) work. This business market manager, often called "general contractor" also makes use of subcontracting.

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The various stakeholders of the construction are identified in the so-called "state body" structural work, roofing, plumbing, electrical, heating, painting, etc.. (For buildings), roads, lighting, water systems (drinking water, while water-borne sewerage, stormwater), networks "dry" (electricity, gas, telephone, fiber optic, etc..) Signaling, etc.. (Public works).

The general contractor is usually the one that carries the structural work (construction of the structure) and it subcontracts for other state bodies.

A construction project requires more technical capacity, planning a major effort to meet deadlines and the financial framework set out with the developer and contractor, to hold together the various branches of the State, to be supplied at the right time, etc.. The contractor, which is often the one who participated in the design of the work, ensures that the company complies with the project in general market conditions. The owner must also check that the work complies with the regulations, particularly as regards working conditions, environment, discomfort of residents ...

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In all countries, the construction or rehabilitation are subject to increased regulation (guaranteed - for example ten in France - rules and construction standards, protection of workers and the public, etc.).. The mode of procurement is especially framed to allow free competition while avoiding market distortions (corruption, etc..).
The building regulations already existed in antiquity, with for example (Mesopotamia), the code of Hammurabi, one of the earliest known legal codes, which set of rules already built.

Seen too many accidents in the construction sector at European level, a directive of the European Union (eighth 92/57/EEC of the Council of European Communities of 24 June 1992) was developed and the requirements for minimum safety and health to implement the "temporary or mobile sites." This directive has introduced a new concept: the health and safety coordination.

The regulation also tends to evolve towards a better integration of environment in terms of work area clean and less damaging (fight against noise and dust, sorting and recovery of waste, recycling materials, etc..) And upstream moving to new buildings, to standards QEH types supported on "A designed" requiring checks (and auto) individuals associated with the obligation of result from the architect and builder (eg terms of sound and heat insulation). The imperatives of respect for the Kyoto Protocol foreshadow major changes in the choice of implementation techniques and materials, even in the ways of living.

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Types of construction

There are five types of buildings: residential, commercial, industrial, public works (PW) and institutional. Within the construction of houses, a large disparity in processes: in recent years, the house is undergoing a revolution, changes in attitude and increased energy pushed manufacturers, industrialists and artisans to new processes. The house of tomorrow will certainly be a prefabricated house in the studio, thinking to achieve maximum energy savings, and assembled in record time at the place of residence.
Construction of several apartment blocks.
The construction of large multipurpose room at the Lighthouse Chambery.

Most work in the building are either in new construction or in rehabilitation or conversion of existing buildings. The building is collective or individual, the individual is either scattered or grouped (many houses built in the same place by the same promoter).

The main actors are the Client (client), the Project Manager (the professional arm of the right customer) companies. The contracting authority may dispense with a prime contractor and make itself the design of structure, coordination and supervision. For private works only obligation is to use an architect for the building permit application if the surface created (shon = net floor area) is greater than 170 m (or if the Client is an SCI) . For cons the reason is a non-professional to call upon the services of a Project Manager (EOM) or a general contractor.

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Attention to the choice of the MOE: This legal status is not protected. An MOE is not right: advertising, working always with the same companies, write specifications for the business. It is further limited to only one tender per year for all its sites. An EOM is the right hand of the customer, not the company. He directed the first plans for the construction and tests the feasibility of the work of a technical point of view, without going into details of construction which are reserved for the general contractor.

The general contractor or general contractor or builder. It handles everything from drawings to completion of the work. Even if it outsources some of the work he is responsible.
Contract to build a house

In the case of the construction of a house is called the general contractor builder, he owes his client a number of protections included in the "contract to build detached house" including a financial guarantee of completion of delivery guarantee price and an agreed period (an insurance company takes care of finishing the construction in case of failure of the builder and assumes the costs). If construction is financed with debt, the lender must verify the effective implementation of legal protections or uses an outside agency.

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These protections are also due on acquisition of a house used to work on the structure of the building and the creation or surface. (See work of Professor Perrinet-Marquet)

Warning: texts have established different rules depending on the original construction plans. If the plans are procured to the customer directly or indirectly by the manufacturer's model is applicable to the contract to build detached house "with supply plans. So if the operator is responsible to establish plans for its client (either internally or by an independent professional) the transaction must be of such contract.

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Public Works

The Public Works consist of construction of infrastructure for transport generally. These sites are usually run by government or by large companies for which the State has assigned or granted a public service remit. One can cite as an example of public works: roads, highways, railways, bridges, pipelines and urban development (development of a place, burial of electric lines and telephone lines, tram, etc..) Port construction etc..

Some private companies may also need to install key infrastructure, particularly in the mining, energy, transportation. In most countries (eg France), these facilities are subject to extensive regulation in order to preserve the people's interest, safety, and minimize negative impacts on the environment.

Besides the "great works", there are also many public works projects to small for both local (development of a pedestrian crossing a roundabout, lighting, etc..) Than for individuals or companies (covering a driveway, a car park, etc.).

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