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Cantey Ergen ?




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Ergen Cantey C  Ergen

Ranked 146th with global fortune $ 3.9 billion by Forbes in 2009, Charles (Charlie) Ergen is the founder and CEO of EchoStar, a company specializing in the telecommunications sector. The Company and its subsidiaries provide products and services DBS (Direct Broadcast Satellite) and comprises three divisions: DISH Network, EchoStar Technologies Corporation and EchoStar Satellite Services.

He holds an MBA from Wake Forest University, Charles Ergen started his career as a financial analyst for Frito Lay, a division of Pepsico Inc.. In 1980, he founded Echostar. At its inception, the company provides broadcast tapes to the media in 1992 before obtaining the necessary license to operate a satellite.

In November 1994, Charles Ergen decided to build a satellite uplink center in Cheyenne. In 1995, he successfully launched Echostar, its first satellite. In the aftermath, Charles Ergen Dish Network creates a branch for the satellite TV market. In March 1996, the transmission center DISH Network broadcasts its first programs. A year later, a second satellite is launched Echostar.

In 1998, Charles Ergen bought the assets of the satellite broadcasting company News Corporation and MCI Worldcom ASkyB. With this acquisition, EchoStar has more than doubled its distribution capacity in the United States.

In January 2005, EchoStar bought the broadcasting assets of Voom, a company specializing in satellite HDTV.

In early 2008, Charles Ergen EchoStar restructured into two separate companies: Dish Network Corporation and EchoStar Broadcasting Corporation. DISH Network Corporation, the latter focuses on marketing to U.S. television via satellite, while EchoStar Corporation manages a majority of the satellite fleet and other infrastructure.

Through DISH Network, EchoStar Communications Corporation has become one of the leading satellite television services in the United States, it broadcasts its programs from over 11 million customers.

for Cantey.


Charles Ergen an assault on Sirius XM

( - On the verge of bankruptcy, the U.S. broadcaster Sirius Satellite Radio XM has initiated discussions with Charles Ergen, EchoStar's CEO in an attempt to escape a hostile takeover. Tough negotiations ahead because the latter did not appear to favor the CEO of Sirius XM Mel Kermazin.

Aside for a moment, the merger with Echostar seems itself as the only solution for Sirius XM. Especially since Charles Ergen, through his company Echostar, has already purchased most of the $ 300 million in bonds at a discount of Sirius which expire today (16/02).

Sirius has rejected a previous offer of Mr. Ergen for control of the company, but the hour is to survive for Mel Kermazin, so the negotiation.

After announcing its intention to put himself under protection of Chapter 11 of bankruptcy law, a provision of U.S. law that allows a company in financial difficulties to continue to operate normally while giving her time to seek an agreement with its creditors, the title of Sirius XM has risen from 25% last Thursday after wins by 51% the previous day.

Last August, Mr. Kermazin purchased two million shares of Sirius XM 1.37 per share. Before that, he bought 20 million shares at an average price of $ 5 per unit. Last Tuesday, the action of Sirius XM worth 11.4 cents at the close.

For now, the balance of power seems clearly in favor of Charles Ergen.

Site created for Cantey.

Charles Ergen attack a subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch in court

( - 1 billion dollars in damages. It claims that Echostar to News Digital System (NDS). Subsidiary of Rupert Murdoch's empire, NDS is accused of having been used by hackers to destroy the security systems smart cards TV American broadcaster Echostar. The trial opened on Wednesday in California.

Charles Ergen, Echostar, which owns, NDS accused of having paid the hacker to "crack" their encryption systems and have posted the codes for card security Kudelski, a client of Echostar. The FTD uses digital control systems designed to access digital TV by NDS, the industry leader in content protection programs pay television.

The biter bit?
A few years ago, Charlie Ergen had made his name by excelling in the casinos at blackjack in particular. Until it is done out of a Las Vegas casino for counting cards, a form of cheating based on statistics.

He gets involved in the sale of satellite dishes and counts among its first customers isolated Midwestern farmers, they visit on an old pickup, with his wife and a companion card.

When the rivalry leads to court
It will then create Echostar, became in 1995 a bouquet of satellite channels in their own right called DISH Network. DirecTV reaches the same year, which quickly became the main competitor of Echostar. Rupert Murdoch emerges in 2001: the Australian magnate acquires 39% of DirecTV and gives the kickoff of the "most exciting rivalry in the global world of media," writes the Financial Times in 2001.

Between commercial offers suicidal attempts retoquée merger and hostile takeover bids failed, this rivalry has taken an additional course in this case of espionage whose verdict is expected within a month.

Website created for Cantey Ergen.


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