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Andreas Sohmen-Pao ?




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Andreas Sohmen-Pao (born 1971, is Chief Executive Officer of BW Maritime and BW Gas)
is son of Helmut Sohmen (BW Group).

Andreas Sohmen-Pao - Helmut's son Andreas Sohmen-Pao - Helmut's family Andreas Sohmen-Pao - Helmut's company

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Helmut Sohmen was born in 1939 in Linz, and has lived since 1970 in Hong Kong. Since 1986 he is head of a family of the world's largest privately owned shipping companies with operating centers in Singapore and Oslo.

Sohmen was general manager of Hong Kong Dragon Airlines Limited (1985-1989) from 1984-2007 and board member of the HSBC banking group in London.

The companies founded by Sohmen Sohmen-China Foundation and the Far East Sohmen Foundation are committed to the promotion of bilateral relations with China and the training of young managers from Austria through increased contacts with the Far East.

-> Created for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

A few years ago, Dr. Helmut Sohmen was a lone voice in the Austrian desert, when it came to demand of the domestic politics and economy, a greater commitment in the Far East. Today belongs to the 1939 born in Linz captain the International Economic Advisory Board of the Austrian Federal Chancellor and is a happy, much heard before, and speaker, commentator and interviewee in the world.

Dr. Sohmen is that for closer cooperation between Europe and Asia of utmost importance, not only from his numerous speeches, interviews and newspaper articles on emissions shows. It is above all of the relevant, major personal commitment of the "preacher from Hong Kong" ("Eco-a3", 1996) that impresses. Precedence over all functions, here is the 1995 from the EU Commission was nominated Dr. Sohm in the "Eminent Persons Group", a 16-strong advisory board of the two economic blocs in the EU and ASEAN mentioned, whose goal is to develop strategies and proposals for a to develop closer cooperation between two partners. In addition, Dr. Helmut Sohmen organizations in the Pacific economic region is involved. It was 1996 - in the presence of President Clinton and Zedillo Ramos - Vice Chairman of the "Pacific Basin Economic Council" (PBEC). This organization is a private sector counterpart to APEC, and plays with 1,300 corporate members from the various Pacific states (ranging from North and South America to Australia, Russia, China, etc.) play an important role in the economic cooperation of the Pacific States. The reason for the broad commitment Dr. Sohmen outside his immediate work as Chairman of "World-Wide Shipping" in whose professional and personal career, which began after school in Linz and the Study of Law (University of Vienna) in America. What today is often regarded as a matter of course, was then in its intensity a novelty was Sohmen both during his studies, and then three times at North American universities to return to the "Master of Comparative Law" and "Master of Law" to graduate.

-> Site for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

Had learned of the marriage with his wife Anna, who Sohmen while studying in Canada, followed by the entry into professional life as a legal advisor to the "Royal Bank of Canada", Montreal. But a few years later the family moved to Hong Kong Sohmen, where Dr. Sohmen father, Sir Yue-Kong Pao, one of the largest shipping companies in the world, possessed in their shops Sohmen got in now. As Dr. Sohmen in a recently published interview: "I have only learned later that I married a whole family" ("Profit", 1996). After stops in Bermuda (1974) and London (1977) Dr. Sohmen lives permanently in Hong Kong since 1981, where he since 1986, the shipping company "World-Wide Shipping Agency Ltd.." as chairman and president presides and also holds a variety of political offices. In addition, Dr. Sohmen Chairman of Hong Kong, Austrian Association.

In addition to awards of the Republic of Austria and the Federal State of Upper Austria, and his appointment as Officer of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire (1990), Dr. Sohmen the "World Federation of Austrians abroad" for "Austrians of the Year 1995" is selected. Also from his hometown was honored Dr. Sohmen: 1995 he received the Great Golden Medal of the City of Linz ".

From the "lone voice crying in the wilderness" has become a consultant, not only on the Austrian chancellor hears, but also to strengthen the relevant parts of the European economy and politics, whose primary goal is to strengthen cooperation between Europe and the Far East. That the Sohmen-Far East Foundation to ten years could make their contribution, this is the foundation's president to thank warmly and sincerely!

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Helmut Sohmen: from Linz to the world and in the billionaire league

New addition to the "Forbes" list: Reeder Helmut Sohmen is with a fortune of $ 1.4 billion fourth-richest Austrians.

The Austrians in the "Forbes" list of richest people in the world are few and far between, and actually, old acquaintances: Since there is Billa founder Karl Wlaschek ranked 189 comes with a fortune of 4.4 billion U.S. dollars, cans tycoon Dietrich Mateschitz increases to 208, with 4.1 billion dollars and department store billionaire Heidi Horten, with $ 3.1 billion to the 307th One place. One is slipped into the new list: Helmut Sohmen is an estimated $ 1.4 billion fortune to 721st place

By the lawyer for shipowners

Helmut Sohmen, the fourth largest Austrian was born in 1939 in Linz. He attended the Realschule in Linz, and went after high school with a scholarship to the University of Connecticut. Finally he made Vienna his doctorate in law. His first job was in the international department of the Royal Bank of Canada in Montreal. But more importantly, that his stay abroad should be developed in the U.S. during the study as one of the most important sign of his later career. He met there his future wife Anna. The marriage brought him into the family empire of Sir Yue-Kong Pao, then one of the largest shipowners in the world. "I only learned later that I married a whole family," Sohmen said later in an interview. The father took in at least a few years after marrying into the company.

Since 1981, Sohmen lives in Hong Kong. Since 1986 he has of Reederei "World-Wide Shipping Agency" as a chairman and president. He also held various political offices and is also Chairman of the Hong Kong Austrian Association. Sohmen is widely regarded as an economic-rounder. That was the now 70-year-old in his career, including Director General of the airline Dragon Air, said Vice-Chief of HSBC Holdings, one of the world's largest banking groups.

Clever in a crisis

But through marriage of wealth can be no question in Sohmen. He proved to be head of Famlienunternehmens, his wife as a smart businessman. Before the big tanker crisis in the late 70s, he kept by a timely sale of a majority of the fleet of the family from huge losses. Later he bought cheap back in the shipping industry. In 2003 he took over most of Norway's Bergesen-Worldwide (BW). To his business empire includes 140 tankers and more than 4,500 employees.

China's close friend

In addition, one of the Sohmen intimate connoisseurs of Chinese economy. He is a frequent guest speaker and interviewee when it comes to this subject. For his merit Sohmen has won several awards from the Republic of Austria. In August 2009, Sohmen was also honored with the Golden Medal of the province of Upper Austria.

-> Site for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

Marriage and clever moves in hard times have made Linz-born Helmut Sohmen ascend into the ranks of the super rich. With an estimated fortune of $ 1.4 billion this year, the Hong Kong Shipowners' is the number 721 on the rich list by U.S. magazine Forbes, and thus fourth-richest Austrians (see page 11). In addition, the 1939 born in Linz entrepreneurs a wanted caller sought after speaker at events and occurs as an advisor to politicians (including the Chancellor) and is considered profound China experts.

Sohmen went to the high school at the Fadinger School, which was then called junior high school in Linz, with a scholarship to the University of Connecticut in the United States and received his doctorate in Vienna for the Doctor of Laws. While studying in America he met his wife Anna. His first professional position was the international department of the Royal Bank of Canada in Montreal, Canada. His marriage was to change radically Sohmen life. Because his father was Sir Yue-Kong Pao, one of the largest shipowners in the world. Sohmen once commented in an interview: "I have only learned later that I married a whole family." The father took him to Hong Kong where he lived permanently since 1981. In 1986 he became chief of operations. One of his three sons, Andreas Sohmen-Pao supported him today in the top management of the Group.

So much for marriage - now wise to the vagaries. Sohmen preserved before the big tanker crisis of the late '70s through the timely sale of much of the tanker fleet, the family facing great losses. Later he bought cheap back in the shipping industry. So he took over in 2003 the majority of the Norwegian shipping company Bergesen, and since then is called Sohmen shipping group Bergesen-Worldwide. More than 140 giant tankers cross the world markets under Sohmen flag over 4500 employees carry trade goods around the globe.

Sohmen is an all-rounder. He was Director General of the Air Line Dragon Air, for many years was vice-chief of HSBC Holding, one of the largest banking groups in the world. Politically too, the now 70-year-old always engaged. He was also a member of Parliament in Hong Kong. In August of last year he was awarded the "Golden Medal of the province of Upper Austria".

-> Site for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

Helmut Sohmen Reeder received the "Golden Medal" of the country
At the world famous and successful shipowners President Dr. Helmut Sohmen presented Governor Governor Dr. Josef on Saturday 29 August 2009, during a ceremony at the 70th Birthday in Linz, the "Golden Medal of the province of Upper Austria."

Pühringer praised the shipowner with the Upper Austrian roots as a "great son of Upper Austria". As an internationally renowned and successful personality of the business life he was a "special showcase our country in the world." By honoring the country would give a sign of great appreciation for a native Upper Austrian who had been with impressive performances in the course of his professional life example and model what is possible through commitment, motivation and ongoing training and education is.

Helmut Sohmen was born in 1939 in Linz in 1958 and laid the Fadingerschule - from the exam with distinction - then Linz Realschule. With a scholarship he went to the University of Connecticut in the United States and juris doctorate in Vienna to the doctor. Meanwhile, he also has honorary doctorates from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology and the Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts.

Dr. Sohmen was initially legal counsel in the international department of the Royal Bank of Canada in Montreal, but went at the urging of his father, a famous Hong Kong owner, returned to Hong Kong to the family in "World Wide Shipping Group" to enter. In 1986 he was in a very difficult for the shipping time head of the company. Through mergers and restructuring led to the new "BW Group," which today is active with 145 ships with crude oil and product tankers, in the natural gas and petroleum gas transport business in coastal areas and dry goods business. The Group operates globally with twelve offices and employs over 4,500 employees. Sohmen is also Chairman of the main holding companies of its group and advisor to several other companies.

-> Created for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

Sohmen was also CEO and largest shareholder, as the crow flies "Dragonair", from 1984 to 2005 in the Board of the Hong Kong and Shanghai Banking Corporation from 1996 to 2005 Deputy Chairman of HSBC Holdings, one of the largest banking groups in the world, and from 1991 to 2007 also the board of the parent company in London.

In addition to his professional activities, challenging Helmut Sohmen always engaged in political matters and in industry. He was chairman of the Hong Kong Shipowners including association, president of the "Baltic and International Maritime Council" in Copenhagen and director of a company offering to tanker accidents worldwide technical assistance. He also became a member of the Hong Kong Parliament, the "APEC Business Advisory Council," President of "Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce" and chairman of a commission to review the Hong Kong anti-corruption authority.

Thanks to his positive experiences at school in Linz Helmut Sohmen was always interested in supporting educational institutions, has set up professorships at various universities and foundations established to train young people. He is founder and president of the Sohmen-China Foundation and the Far East Sohmen Foundation. He also supports a human rights program at the Law Faculty of the University of Hong Kong and an annual educational program for young Chinese lawyers.

For his merits became president Helmut Sohmen of governments and organizations around the world excellent. He was elected in 1995 to expatriates of the year, he is honorary president of the Austrian-Chinese Friendship Society in Vienna, and this year was honored for his successful work life in London with the title "Owner of the Year 2009".

-> Site for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

For decades, Helmut Sohmen lives in the former British colony of Hong Kong. The 68-year-old is chairman of the BW Group, which is transported by a fleet of 130 vessels transporting crude oil and especially gas throughout the world. Sohmen has much influence in Hong Kong - and little time for democracy.

and HONG KONG. Helmut Sohmen likes the whole world in view. And so is decorated in the conference room of his Hong Kong office an entire wall as a huge world map. Right and left are dressed in display cases ship models. Super tanker belonging to the fleet of his company. "Of this we have 20 pieces," the chairman of the BW Group, said casually. So when he had counted the spoons in the kitchen.

Born in Austria, has lived for decades in the former British colony of Hong Kong - and that's where 68-year-old with short silvery hairs left their mark. The Lord of the tanker, with a fleet of 130 transport ships - especially for crude oil and gas - is one of the largest shipowners in the world, served in the 23rd Stock to its visitors a cup of tea and likes tends towards understatement. His silvery tie is fashionable, but discreetly. The Clock on the wrist elegant, but not pretentious. And when asked about the shops Sohmen says: "Oh, right now it runs well enough." Looking at the boom in the shipping industry a nice understatement.

-> Created for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

No wonder that such a man of the democracy movement in Hong Kong holds little. "Democracy takes time, something can not be introduced overnight," he rejects the call for direct elections in Hong Kong. A much greater problem is in his view, the city leaders: "The first guide was weak, the current lack of vision."

This was quite different from his father. Whose oil portrait has pride of place in Sohmen office, there hangs a heavy gilt frame at the head end of the conference room. In the picture Sir Pao stands beside a bust of Deng Xiaoping.

Sohmen, a lawyer was born in Linz, that is not here voluntarily. The course introduced the marriage with Anna Pao, the eldest daughter of Sir Yue Kong Pao, one of the richest men in Asia. "Because my father had no sons, he soon made me realize that I had to go into his business here." Sir Pao (nickname: YK) determined in Hong Kong at that time the political cycle. The millionaire who fled as a bank clerk in 1949 before the Red Army from Shanghai to Hong Kong had not only trading houses, hotels, bank shares and the airline Dragon Air, but also the famous Hong Kong Star Ferry, the Container Terminal of the free port - and the best contacts to the Beijing party leadership . After his death in 1991 was his "Hong" - as powerful conglomerates in Hong Kong called - divided among the sons. Sohmen took over the shipping company.

Shipowners in Hong Kong has always played a leading role: First City boss after returning to Beijing was Cheehwa Tung, owner of one of the largest container fleets in the world. Austrians also Sohmen has long been the most influential people of the city.

For him, the increasing environmental problems of Hong Kong, however, are much more important than the constant for 20 years of democracy-talk. He also warns against that Hong Kong could lose its economic strength to the young-old superpower China. The low-productions with which the city rose up after the Second World War to the metropolis, have long since migrated to the nearby Pearl River Delta. "And now the port will lose more and more heavily on China's expanding container ports such as Shenzhen and Ningbo."

Even as a powerful financial center of the future was not assured. Hong Kong would come under pressure in view of Shanghai, the tanker tycoon is convinced: "Not in a year or two, but the latest in 20 years."

-> Created for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

Helmut Sohmen - Chinese 'Friendship Ambassador'
Appointed by the Federation of Chinese

The Austrian businessmen and expatriates Dr. Helmut Sohmen on 9 October 2008 in Beijing by the Chinese Association of Friendship with Foreign Countries for the companies 'Friendship Ambassador' appointed.

Helmut Sohmen lived for decades in Hong Kong and is Chairman of the 'BW Group Limited', one of the world's largest shipping companies in the field of oil and liquefied gas tankers. He was among other things, chairman of the Hong Kong Chamber of Commerce and head of the airline operating out of Hong Kong "Dragonair". His wife, the daughter of Anna Reeder Pui Hing Sohmen, is a member of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference.

The President of the Federation of Chinese friendship societies with other countries, Chen Haosu, noted in his eulogy on Sohmen outstanding contributions to better understanding of China in Austria and the world. Sun Sohmen financed by foundations, scholarships for Chinese students in Austria, and - even lawyers - for budding Chinese legal scholars in the United States.

-> Created for Andreas Sohmen-Pao

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