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Sorry for my poor english translation.


• In 1983, he graduated from the Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute, distribute to the mine Raspadskaya.

• In 1993 he was elected chairman of the board of directors Raspadskaya, with Gennady Kozovoj (¹ 75) has consolidated more than 70% of the company.

• In 2006, Raspadskaya held IPO.

• «Raspadskaya - one of the largest Russian coking coal producers. Extraction of up to 2010 amounted to 7.1 million tons of raw materials - is about 1% of world production.

• At 2.9 million tonnes, or 30%, has fallen prey Raspadskaya Coal Company as a result of a major accident at a mine in May 2010.

• Likes to fish on the river Varzuga on the Kola Peninsula, where Atlantic salmon were caught, Boris Yeltsin, King of Norway Harald V, King of Sweden Carl XVI Gustaf.

-> Site for Alexander Vagin

Alexander Vagin born February 15, 1959 in Kemerovo region. In 1983 he graduated from the Kuzbass Polytechnic Institute. Then began work at the mine Raspadskaya. From 1984 to 1993, working at the mine has held a variety of positions, the last few years was director of manufacturing. In 1993 he was elected chairman of the board of directors Raspadskaya, over time, he acquired 70% stake in the company. Since 2004 he has held the post of Deputy Director General Raspadskaya coal company.

At this time, Alexander Vagin live in Mezhdurechensk, is married and has two children. Loves fishing. A favorite place for this activity Varzuga river. It caught salmon, Boris Yeltsin, King of Norway Harald V, King of Switzerland XVI Gustaf.


Alexander Vagin: "Who would say that no, it will be easier to build"

In today's financial crisis, the timing of projects prefer not to talk. Alexander Vagin, president of the Open-Realty - one of the few people who confidently asserts that their facility will be implemented in time. The secret of his peace of mind - a specialization of the company: fee-development (from the English. Fee - "reward") - a relatively new format in the Russian market and today much needed.

- In a crisis, demand for work associated with project support is reduced, many investors have postponed their implementation. Will the demand for service fee-developers, who work for a fee?

- In my opinion, now is the time when the services are fee-developers will be most relevant. In the market there is an automatic redistribution of property - the banks take their draft debtors practically nothing, and they have a question: what is this all done? And even if the banks have their own affiliated companies, they do not always have enough knowledge and capacity to implement projects. So they just needed market players as partners. Monsters can not draw because they have different prices and, most importantly, another vital concept. It lies in the fact that I have financed the project himself manage a them and therefore it is like to get all the money. Therefore, the demand for small professional company with a reputation will grow. Now we participate in several competitions for project management as a fee-developer.

-> Site for Alexander Vagin

- Do you have any serious competition?

- There is one small detail: the companies willing to provide the service at the fee-development, very little. Many of them either were themselves in the role of investors, or grew out of large construction companies. In my opinion, developers almost none of them did not, as there is no relevant experience. Developer - someone who will come and say that on this plot of land to build it here, he understands what the engineering office to order the development of the concept that demand in the area where you want to see the appropriate analyst to what happens with the market, etc .

- And with what orders your company operates?

- The line consists of three global products. The first - the completion of lend-stage of development. We take a project with different problems, for example, without permits or which are serious litigation, and others, solve them and get the development plan of land. This product can be sold. But if there was an investor, we can offer our services as fee-developer and finish the project. The second product - a concept development, design, obtaining all permits for construction and access to the site. The third - a complete construction management. If the building is not built for its own needs, we also provide services for the creation of business, including leasing, accounting, legal support, etc.

- What are the fees?

- Depending on the scale of the project, this service is from 5% to 10% of construction costs.

- Only the cost of construction or of the total investment in the project?

- Here are some nuances. If the project is at an early stage, it needs to complete and it is a 5% rate, it is estimated more of the total investment in the project. But if the project is at a later stage, such as when there is a project and construction permit, then the bet will be considered only on construction costs.

-> Created for Alexander Vagin

- What services are in demand in a crisis?

- Examination of the projects. On the market today is a huge number of projects, their number is growing like an avalanche, and there are companies with the means who want to buy them. Many potential buyers are aware that the need to acquire right now, but they do not understand what these projects are in their pitfalls, there is litigation, etc.

Another current trend - the financial statements. To its right to grant, we had a lot to learn. Currently, we have formed a good team, including specialists in automating the necessary accountability and the right investment decisions. According to the project Vivaldi Plaza we monthly accountable to a large number of companies. All foreign investors have appointed observers in the face of international legal and auditing firms, which require from us a format for reporting.

- Do you plan new contracts?

- We have been participating in several tenders for the function of fee-developer, they all take place in Moscow.

- What are your company is working now?

- Since the lend-stage project development has never advertised, I can name only those that relate to the third product. The largest - project Vivaldi Plaza. We work as a fee-developer - manage the construction of a fee. This office and hotel complex, Class A, construction of which is in the Paveletskaya square on the street. Kozhevnicheskaya. Total area - about 111,000 square meters. The complex consists of four office buildings of 11 storeys each, housing a hotel of international class 13 stories tall, and 2-storey house under reconstruction.

-> Site for Alexander Vagin

- How did you get this project?

- It was purchased by us from other real estate development company. Earlier in the territory situated Moscow furniture factory, which is derived in Podolsk near Moscow.

-> Created for Alexander Vagin

- What is the budget set?

- Approximately $ 460 million of which $ 140 million - the cost of the site and $ 320 million - the amount of investment.

- Who finances Vivaldi Plaza?

- Among the investors of the project, companies such as Deutsche Bank AG, European Commercial Real Estate Group, an investment fund Starr Capital.

- Who else is involved in the project?

- The general contracting, we have attracted well-known Austrian company Strabag. Jones Land LaSalle and Knight Frank - koeksklyuzivnye marketing consultants, and the rental of premises.

- When an object is to be put?

- Full completion - Spring 2009 until the end of 2008, all housing will be erected in concrete, and some parts of the buildings will be glazed.

- Experience has shown that virtually no project in Moscow is not implemented as scheduled and does not fit in the allocated budget. Are you sure that you get?

- We are confident. It's our responsibility.

- Despite the financial crisis?

- I believe that under the circumstances, who would neither say it will be easier to build. Since many projects are stopped, entered the market Russian contractors very high level of the conclusion of contracts, which previously could only dream of. Now they are already lined up, if only they who are invited.

- What is the fate of Vivaldi Plaza?

- It signed a contract with one of the largest German investment funds - KanAm Grundinvest Fonds to purchase the project after its completion. As far as I know, at the moment, the deal - the largest of the forward contracts on real estate market of Russia. As a rule, the strategy of the fund is that it usually keeps on his own position acquired property a certain number of years, suspended for five years and then decides whether to withdraw from this project, or continue to receive rental payments.

-> Site for Alexander Vagin

- On what conditions can a deal?

- We can not comment on an incomplete forward transactions, it is one of the most important points of the contract.

- What is the estimated payback period?

- I believe that this wording is not entirely correct in this case. Western investors consider all revenues that are associated with this object. They can be either explicit - is that the owner has received from the rental of space - and related to changes in property value. Year or two ago, when formed business plan is as follows: on the lease you can earn about 10%, the growth of property value - 6%, while only 16%. Therefore, if we are talking about institutional investors - and this is primarily funds - return calculations are calculated in this way.

- What other objects in your work?

- The second is almost completed project - the construction of plant for the enrichment of quartz sand in the Ryazan region. It is the largest plant in the European part of Russia and one of the largest in Europe. In this project we also participate as a fee-developer, manage construction and operate in the interests of the investor. Yet we have our own project Strazdelio Namai - multifunctional residential complex located in the old Vilnius, in a place which is better in the city. This is a very difficult restoration and construction project, where the laying of each brick is under the supervision of UNESCO. The house has a total of 12 000 sq. km. m. We are engaged in it with partners, but we own the largest share - 25% of the project.

-> Created for Alexander Vagin

- At what stage is the project?

- The project is divided into three phases. Currently the first phase has been completed and sold.

- How are sales, because the Baltic states are among the most affected by the crisis?

- The crisis has affected many segments of the market and property as well. But our project is unique. Even after the escalation of the situation, we sold three apartments. Sales are at prices ranging from 5000 to 8000 Euros per 1 sq. km. m

- There are differences in the real estate developer in Russia and in Europe?

- In Europe, the work easier. All relations in obtaining permits is absolutely clear. Before the financial crisis, interest rates on loans accounted for only 4% to 5% per annum, and the money could be taken indefinitely.

- But if in Europe to work so well, why are you limited to only one project?

- Because the profitability of projects in the Baltic States are lower than in Russia. Earlier projects in Russia with a yield of less than 30% no one even discussed, and in the Baltic region of 12-15% - it is normal for them to find investors.

- As far as I know, you do not already have a project in Tambov.

- There we are building a shopping mall in this format as "Mega," but not of such magnitude. The project "Open-Realty entered as a developer and investor in the early stages of its implementation. The city is our representation, and we fully control the process. In addition we participate in the project has two investors - the Moscow and Tambov company. The total area of ??shopping center - 27,000 square meters. m. facility is located in the heart of the city. In concept, quality of finish and engineering anything like this in Tambov, no. To complete its construction, we plan in late 2009

-> Site for Alexander Vagin

- Do you have enough money to fund it?

- The scale of projects in which we participate as investors, small, and therefore their funding is not critical for our business. We are confident that we will have enough funds to complete all the projects started.

- Tenant Area are Tambov company?

- No, this is Moscow's networking company. To date, agreements have been reached to lease more than half the space. We look forward to the success of the project, because all the other commercial sites in the city to build stopped.

- The crisis in the market for sale may come not only projects, but the whole company. What is the threat?

- Shareholders will lose their shares, but for all companies may get quite well. Is it bad if such a financial monster, as VTB and Sberbank, will become the owner of the bankrupt company? Tomorrow he will give money and will sell frozen projects.

- Do you have a forecast when the situation gets better?

- Because life is arranged - it is impossible to everything in it was bad forever. But I think that at least a year everything will be not very good. Let me tell you an anecdote on this subject. Parishioner comes to the rabbi and says: "I have everything in life is very bad, what to do?" To which the rabbi replies: "Will you write to the plate" So it will not always "and hang it in a conspicuous place." Parishioner did. As time passed, life has become developed, got some money, wealth. Parishioner again went to the rabbi and says: "Thanks for a magical sign, it really helps!" To which the rabbi answered him: "And you do not hurry take it off!"

- When your company is organized and who are the owners?

- The company was founded in 2003 under the concrete project on the street. Barricade. Now in this building is the headquarters of PIC. At that time the company employed no more than 15 people. The owners of the company - three of the owner, including two minority shareholders who own approximately 15% share of the company - Boris Krutov and me. Currently, we are the top managers of the company.

-> Site for Alexander Vagin

- How many people are now working in the company?

- About 150 people. We have specialists in all professions, set up a highly professional team of construction professionals, consultation, etc. We can offer our customers a comprehensive solution of issues, including audits, the setting of accounting, the solution of legal issues and much more.

- What is your education?

- The first degree I was a mathematician - education provides a systematic approach, where any situation can be represented in a clear and proper light. I also studied economics and Ph.D. degree, receiving a Ph.D. in economics.

- And on the personal life time enough?

- Enough. I have two grandchildren - a girl and a boy. And I am proud that they have when they grow up, will go to Moscow and show your friends the building that ran their grandfather.

-> Created for Alexander Vagin

Could you forward this site to Alexander Vagin