I have done this site especially for Yusuf Alekperov
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Yusuf Alekperov, was born in 1990.

Father - Alekperov, owner of the largest stake and Lukoil's president, the conditional status - 10.65 billion dollars.
"Finance: The Richest Russian children - Yusuf Alekperov
Topping the list of the richest heirs of the Russian oligarchs in the magazine "Finance" won the president's son Vagit Alekperov, LUKoil, Yussuf. State of the offspring is estimated at 7.6 billion dollars
Lukoil's president, Alekperov was born in Baku of Azerbaijan. Father - an employee of the executive committee, Azerbaijani, mother - Russian, Cossack. The family had five children. His father died early; Vagit educated mother. While studying at the institute worked drillers. Passed all stages of the path from simple oilman to CEO Kogalymneftegaz. In Kogalym earned the nickname "Alexander I". Was a member of Kogalym Party Committee and the youngest deputy minister of oil and gas industry in the USSR in the history of the ministry. Participated in the creation of state concern "Langepas-Urai-Kogalym-oil", which in 1993 by a decree of Boris Yeltsin has been transformed into joint-stock company "Lukoil", whose president was Alekperov. In 2000, resigned as chairman of the board of directors of the company "LUKoil", remaining members of the board of directors. In 1996 became a confidant of Boris Yeltsin in the presidential election in the Tyumen region. Founder of the Union of Oil Exporters (SONEK) of Russia. Board Member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and predprinimtaeley (RSPP). In 1998, signed kollektvinoe treatment executives of leading oil companies to the Government of the Russian Federation where on their behalf were proposed anti-crisis program. was introduced to the Economic Council of the Russian Government. State Prize (1998).
* 1993 - present: "LUKOIL", the president;
* 2005 - present: government commission on fuel and energy complex and reproduction of mineral resources, a member of the Committees;
* 2000 - present: Lukoil International GmbH, Chairman of the Supervisory Board;
* 2001 - 2006: RITEK, chairman of the board of directors;
* 2001 - 2004: Association of SEC Lukoil, chairman;
* 1996 - 2002: JSC "Volga-Kama Oil Company, a member of the Board of Directors;
* 1995 - 2000: Bank Petrocommerce, Chairman of the Board of Directors;
* 1995 -1998: The "Imperial", the Chairman of the Supervisory Board, a member of the board of trustees, chairman of the board of trustees (in 1998. The bank had its license revoked);
* 1990-1991: Ministry of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR, the Deputy Minister, First Deputy Minister;
* 1987: United Kogalymneftegaz, CEO;
* 1985 - 1987: Software Bashneft, First Deputy Director General of Western Siberia;
* 1979 - 1985: PO Surgugneftegaz, senior engineer, head of the oil field, the head of the Central Engineering and Technology Service, the chief engineer, deputy chief NGDU, head of NGDU;
* 1972 -1979: PO Kaspmorneft, drillers, the operator of oil and gas engineer, shift supervisor, foreman, chief engineer, deputy chief of the oil field.
In addition
* His wife Larisa, the son of Yusuf (born 1990)
* Free time tends to hold with his family. Loves tennis. "? Sometimes happens to play tennis. I'm playing in the big and the small."
* Pre-built a marble mausoleum in the cemetery. Database Labyrinth
* The author of books on Major Trends in the oil business "(Wiley, 1998) and" Strategic Directions for the reorganization of the system management of oil companies (an example of "LUKOIL") "(Wiley, 1998).
* Has a Soviet award - the Order of Honor and the Medal "For development of mineral resources and development of oil and gas complex in western Siberia." He was awarded the Russian Order of Friendship (1996), Azerbaijan Order of Glory Order of Merit "IV degree, the Bulgarian Order of Madara Horseman" I degree (2006).
* In 2005, Khodorkovsky and Lebedev were sentenced to 9 years in prison. Magazine Vlast approached several politicians and businessmen with the question: "Do you agree with the verdict?" Alekperov refused to answer.
Rumor has it that
* In 1997, ischemic heart disease died on the vice-president of Lukoil Vitaly Schmidt, death, which was later treated in the press as the murder by poisoning. Schmidt was the author of the restructuring of offshore companies Lukoil, which has been unprofitable for Alekperov and therefore after the death of Schmidt was not implemented. Relatives Schmidt voiced accusations Alekperov, Ralif Safin and other leaders of the "Lukoil" in the "Top Secret" on the NTV channel. Lukoil has filed several lawsuits on the protection of reputation against the Novaya Gazeta newspaper, NTV, and holding "Top Secret".
In April 2000, Alekperov to the question, what is his vision of candidates to head the Ministry of Energy, said: "Viktor Kalyuzhny .. The press has repeatedly accused Kalyuzhny in direct lobbying Alekperov. "
Vagit was in favor with all the rulers from Gorbachev to Putin. Back in the late 80's Alekperov combine the qualities of the modern manager and experienced Soviet apparatchik (if it worked the Deputy Minister). Since then much water (oil), passed under the bridge, so many newly oil-generals turned their necks in this business, and Vagit on a horse in any state in the Kremlin. 2b.finam.ru
Alekperov and President of Rosneft Bogdanchikov clashed for Tatneft. ura.ru
Alekperov and President of Rosneft Bogdanov met in Surgut, 25 April 2003 the first year. The reason for the meeting was concerned about the forthcoming establishment of TNK-BP announced merger of Yukos and Sibneft. A month after this memorable conversation appears sensational report of the National Strategy Council, "State and Oligarchy" with bright subtitled "Russia on the verge of an oligarchic coup." Thoughts, goals, in principle, the same as were identified in the mystery of "Surgut evening? Result is well izvesten.flb.ru
In 2000 the Federal Tax Police Service of Russia has announced a criminal investigation against Alekperov and chief accountant of "LUKOIL" Love Hoby on the fact of "shelter from taxation of large vehicles." The same day, Alekperov met in the Kremlin with President Putin. As a result, the prosecution did not present him. In August 2000 the tribunal dismissed most claims FSNP to Lukoil.
Alekperov interests in the State Duma Vice-Speaker lobbied Mr. Chilingarov, who was elected in the Nenets Autonomous District - NAO - (defeating Andrei Vavilov - the owner of "Severneft" Alekperov and competitor in the struggle for oil fields of the Val Gamburtseva). In the elections of the head of administration of the NAO in 2000, supported by Alexander Shmakov, but the governor remained Vladimir Butov, which is supported by "Severneft" Vavilov.
Alekperov, Vagit
President of OAO Lukoil
President of OAO Lukoil in 1993, a board member of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs since 2000. Former president of oil company "LangepasUraiKogalymneft" (1992-1993), former deputy and first deputy minister of oil and gas industry in the USSR (1990-1991), former CEO of industrial association Kogalymneftegaz (1987-1990). Doctor of Economics. According to Forbes magazine in 2009, is among the ten richest men in Russia.
Vagit Alekperov was born Sept. 1, 1950 in Baku. He was the fifth child in the family, early lost his father. Since 1968, Mr. Alekperov worked in the oilfields of Azerbaijan. In parallel, he studied in 1974, graduated from the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute named after M. Azizbayov. In 1979, the party shipping instructions Alekperov was distributed in West Siberia, has held senior positions in the units of production associations "Surgutneftegaz" and "Bashneft. In the 1987-1990 period, he served as Director General of the production association Kogalymneftegaz.
In 1990, Alekperov was appointed a deputy, and in 1991 - first deputy minister of oil and gas industry in the USSR. It was during these years, Alekperov, together with the Minister Leonid Filimonov developed the concept of a vertically integrated oil company. Subsequently, in 1999, Alekperov doctorate, based on this concept has been put.
In 1992, Alekperov retired from the ministry and led the oil company "LangepasUraiKogalymneft. In 1993, this concern has been transformed into open joint stock company "Lukoil". Alekperov was elected chairman of the board of directors and president of the company. In 2000 he resigned as head of the board of Lukoil, but retained the title of President.
In 2000, Alekperov went to the board of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RSPP). Subsequently, he twice - in 2003 and 2006 - was re-elected to the board. In June 2006, Alekperov, head of the newly created in the RSPP committee on energy security, energy efficiency and fuel and energy sector.
June 28, 2006 Alekperov was reelected president of Lukoil for five years.
In February 2007, Alekperov, along with several heads of departments of the company was awarded the Russian government in the field of science and technology. Prizes were awarded for the development and commercialization of rational complex geological and geophysical studies and eco-efficient building technologies offshore wells in the Russian sector of the Caspian Sea.
Alekperov - one of the wealthiest people on the planet. In March 2008, Forbes included Alekperov, the rating of the richest people in the world at number 57. Condition businessman shutting the top ten richest people in Russia, the publication estimated at 13 billion dollars. He retained his position in 2009, during the global financial crisis: the state in 7,8 billion dollars Alekperov again took 57 line rating Forbes, and according to the Russian version of the magazine, entered the top three richest citizens of Russia.
Alekperov is a member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, the author of several books and scientific publications. Was awarded three Russian and two foreign orders.
Alekperov is married with a son.
----------Yusuf Alekperov is son of Vagit.
Date of Birth: 01/09/1950, the
Place of birth: Baku, Azerbaijan.
Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute, specializing in mining engineering technology and complex mechanization of oil and gas fields, evening courses, 1974
From 1972 he worked as drillers in the production association "Kaspmorneft. In the period from 1974 to 1979 began with the operator of oil and gas, he soon became a production engineer, then the shift supervisor, foreman, chief engineer and finally deputy chief of the oil field. From 1979 -1985, GG Alekperov worked in management, manufacturing associations, Surgutneftegaz and Bashneft. From 1985 to 1987 was the first deputy general director of Bashneft in western Siberia. From 1987 to 1990 he worked as general director of the production association Kogalymneftegaz.
In 1990-1991 - Deputy, First Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR. In 1991 he became president of oil company "Langepas-Urai-Kogalymneft. In 1993, a decree of President Yeltsin's state concern Langepas-Urai-Kagalym-oil "has been transformed into joint-stock company" Oil Company "LUKOIL". As president of the company, Alekperov had gathered around himself an experienced and goal-oriented team. In 1995, Alekperov was Chairman of the Board of Directors of the bank's "Imperial" in 1998, became chairman of the Supervisory Board. At that time, LUKOIL owned a package of 26% stake in the bank "Imperial" and bought from Gazprom another 7%. According to numerous publications in the media, "LUKOIL" late with the return of a bank loan of 33 million dollars. In 1998-2000, Alekperov was chairman of the board of directors of the bank Petrocommerce.
In April 1996, a confidant of Boris Yeltsin in the Tyumen region in the presidential election. Since 1999 - Member of the Economic Council of the Russian Government. In January 2000, relieved of his duties as chairman of the board of directors of the company "LUKOIL". Since 2000. to present - Chairman of the Board of Directors of RITEK. Since 2001. to present - Chairman SEC Lukoil.
According to the magazine "Finance" as of 2009 totaled 7.60 billion dollars, took 4 th place in rating of Russian billionaires.
---------------- I have done this site for Yusuf
Alekperov - a famous Russian businessman, president and co-owner of oil company LUKoil. One of the richest people in Russia today, before the crisis among the ten most affluent citizens. However, despite the tangible financial losses, Alekperov has not ceased to be the one called oligarch.
Alekperov has the title of doctor of economic sciences. His authorship belong monograph "Vertically integrated oil companies in Russia: Methodology for the formation and implementation" and "Oil of Russia: A look a top manager." He noted at the state level. Alekperov was awarded the Order of Honour "," Friendship, "" Glory, "" For merits before Fatherland »IV degree, the medal" For development of mineral resources and development of oil and gas complex in western Siberia. "Alekperov
It was hard to imagine that such a spectacular career will make a simple Azeri boy, fifth child of petroleum. Vahid was born Sept. 1, 1950 in the village of Razin, located not far from Baku. His childhood and youth were literally soaked with oil. As a consequence, at the age of 18, he found work at the production association "Kaspmorneft. Realizing that without education a career is not done, Vahid concurrently entered the Azerbaijan Oil and Chemistry Institute, who successfully graduated in 1974 with a degree in mining engineering technology and complex mechanization of oil and gas fields.
The next 5 years became the foundation of his future career. With the post production operator oil and gas had risen to deputy chief of the oil field. Of course, not without its share of luck, but the main character, heading Alekperov up the corporate ladder, had ambition and ability to please the boss. Second, as is known, valued above all else.
In 1979, Alekperov was sent by party orders to Western Siberia. Career achievements Vagit continued, in his new endeavors. He has held senior positions in organizations such as Surgutneftegaz and Bashneft. In 1987 he was appointed CEO Kogalymneftegaz.
Alekperov happened to visit and the civil service. In the early 90's, he served as Deputy Minister of Oil and Gas Industry of the USSR. However, in 1992 he left that post and became the leader of the oil company Langepas-Urai-Kogalymneft. The following year the company was renamed OAO Lukoil. Alekperov was elected president and head of the board of directors. In 2000 he relinquished the position of chairman sovdira, but the president has remained to this Vagit Alekperovden. In May 2008, Alekperov has increased its stake in Lukoil to 20.4% and became the largest shareholder.
Very revealing characterizes Alekperov way he forms a team of their subordinates. Firstly, all the important personnel decisions businessman takes personally. Secondly, they say that the special arrangement he has for the former military, albeit with no work experience in the oil industry. Third, the top team Alekperov is an international, that has been done to them intentionally. Since the scope of interest the businessman is not limited to Russia and even former Soviet republics, he tried to attract the maximum specialists of various nationalities, supposedly it helps with international projects.
A project is indeed a lot. This field development in Siberia, processing factories located throughout Russia, the management of networks of filling stations in the United States, the Baltics, Poland, Bulgaria, Romania, Czech Republic, Croatia, Iraq, leadership offshore Cyprus, Cayman, Virgin Islands.
Tellingly, much of the "Lukoil" rests exclusively on the personality of the president of the company. Some contracts are made only after assurances that Alekperov will remain in his post. As for his style of leadership, it is extremely authoritarian.
Alekperov married. With his wife Larisa has a son Yusuf. In his spare time, prefers to communicate with friends. Hobby - traveling.
I have done this site for Yusuf