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Tracy Kerkorian ?




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Tracy is daughter of Kirk Kerkorian (Armenian-American president/CEO of Tracinda Corporation, his private holding company based in Beverly Hills, California)

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Sorry for my poor english translation.

Kirk Kerkorian (born June 6, 1917 in Fresno, California) is a multi-millionaire from Nevada and Chief Executive Officer (CEO) of the Tracinda Corporation, headquartered in Beverly Hills, California.

Kerkor "Kirk" Kerkorian was born in 1917 in Fresno, the son of Armenian immigrants. His father was a fruit merchant. Under the tutelage of his older brother Kerkorian was first an amateur boxer, in 1939 he concentrated on flying. In the second World War Kerkorian was a pilot in the Royal Air Force. In 1948 he founded the Trans International Airlines, which he sold in 1968 for 104 million USD again.

Kerkorian was the first time in 1944 to Las Vegas. Then he visited the city regularly to play.

In 1962, Kerkorian bought for 960 000 USD a 32.2-hectare property in Las Vegas, which he resold it in 1968 for U.S. $ 9 million. Another 33 hectares of land he purchased in 1967 for $ 5 million and built to the "International Hotel" (now the Las Vegas Hilton) with the then largest showroom in Las Vegas (about 2000 seats). For the opening season of hotels in 1969 he could commit a show act Elvis Presley. Kerkorian was the owner of other hotels in Las Vegas and the Flamingo Hotel and the MGM Grand Hotel and Casino (this is not about today's hotel of that name, but the current "Bally's"). The International Hotel and the MGM Grand Hotel (now Bally's) will be respectively have been the biggest hotels in the world in their design. Even today, Kerkorian is the majority shareholder of casino and hotel operator MGM Resorts International (formerly MGM Mirage), based in Las Vegas.

-> Created for Tracy Kerkorian

Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (MGM) was acquired in 1969 by Kerkorian. In the same year he appointed James T. Aubrey d.J. as president of MGM. Many operations were scaled back after it. Businesses, land and historic memorabilia were sold, including Dorothy Gale's wine-red slippers from the movie The Wizard of Oz (Eng: The Wizard of Oz). Despite the decline succeeded MGM in the 1970s to shoot a series of better-known films, such as the films with English titles Fame, Logan's Run ("Escape into the 23rd century") and Shaft.

In 1979, Kerkorian MGM called a company that operates mainly hotels. Later, in 1981, United Artists was acquired by him. Both companies were sold in 1986 to Ted Turner.


Kerkorian, Tracinda Corporation, was the principal shareholder of the Chrysler Corporation, as the 1998 merger with Daimler-Benz. Following Kerkorian sued the company for eight billion dollars in damages because he believes the merger is not claimed as a "merger of equals' (merger of equals), but have been a Chrysler takeover by Daimler-Benz was. Kerkorian lawsuit based among others on an unfortunate formulation of Juergen Schrempp, in an interview with the Financial Times of 30 October 2000. Kirk Kerkorian announced in April 2007 in the wake of the financial difficulties of the Daimler Chrysler Group's renewed interest in a takeover of Chrysler. He is said to have offered $ 4.5 billion for American car brand.

In 2005 he bought shares in the large scale of the ailing General Motors group and temporarily held 9.9% of the shares in GM. In November 2006, Kerkorian sold firm, Tracinda, however, $ 2.5% of shares worth 264 million U.S.. In April 2008, he bought about 5% of the shares of the ailing automaker Ford Motor. By December 2008, however, he parted from the Ford stake, as they had during the financial crisis lost much of its value.

Through his Lincy Foundation he has donated several million dollars already to Armenia. The foundation was named as his holding company Tracinda on his daughters Linda and Tracey.

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Kerkorian was married to the professional tennis player Lisa Bonder. The custody of the child was allegedly shared Lisa awarded after the divorce.

After Kerkorian in 2001 hired detectives to prove his former spouse having an affair with Stephen Bonder Leo Bling, it turned out that that is the father of that child.

It was followed by another lawsuit. Now, however, due to privacy violations, because the investigators also searched trash blings. Dental floss, they found it was eventually used for paternity testing by DNA analysis.

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Detroit - for the ailing U.S. carmaker Ford, it is very thick: Less than a year after his spectacular start as a large shareholder in the U.S. auto industry has the pugnacious investor Kirk Kerkorian sold his interest back together again.

Tracinda had a once-largest shareholder in Ford declared in October, talking to banks about the sale of 133.5 million shares at that time. It was initially unclear when Tracinda has completed the sale of the shares. Kerkorian Tracinda holding company now holds no more Ford shares, said a spokesman for the company U.S. newspapers.

Because of the last steep slide in Ford Kerkorian's shares suffered heavy losses. Currently, the paper is only a little over two U.S. dollars, Kerkorian had paid for part of the paper more than eight dollars. The 91-year-old was with a share of more than six percent temporarily after the Ford family's second-largest shareholder in the carmaker.

Kerkorian had the Ford restructuring program always publicly called for the future. Kerkorian had publicly praised the Ford management and describes its course as the right way out of serious crisis. Behind the scenes there were some differences of opinion: Thus spake the major shareholder from the sale of the loss-making Swedish subsidiary Volvo, which Ford now officially rejects.

In October Kerkorian Holding then called as a reason for the abrupt change of course that they wanted to concentrate because of the current economic situation in other industries such as hotels and casinos, and oil and gas. Kerkorian holds about Tracinda including the majority of the world's second largest casino operator MGM Mirage, which has now become the face of economic crisis but also under pressure.

Kerkorian had taken care of in the past few years at the former DaimlerChrysler and Opel's parent company General Motors (GM) for attention. His empire includes a number of company shares. He made his fortune primarily in the gambling capital Las Vegas.

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The American multi-billionaire Kirk Kerkorian is on 6 June 90 years old. The age but keeps the legendary investor is not of a renewed takeover approach from among billions of losses once again suffering U.S. auto manufacturer Chrysler. Kerkorian wants to buy the second time in twelve years, Chrysler, this time at a bargain price of $ 4.5 billion.

The U.S. business magazine "Forbes" estimated that Kerkorian's assets to its most recent list of the richest in the world $ 15 billion (11.4 billion euros), with which he is ranked 31 among the superrich. Kerkorian manages its assets through its investment company, Tracinda, named after his daughters Tracy and Linda.

The son of poor Armenian immigrants, was born in 1917 in California. Even without much education, the ex-pilot managed after the Second World War, a huge fortunes. He first flew gamblers from California to Las Vegas and made his first $ 100 million in the sixties with the sale of a small airline formed by it.

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He bought and then sold the legendary Hollywood MGM study over several decades, three times and piled it in billions. Kerkorian controlled the huge casino and hotel company MGM Mirage more than 20 years. Its shares are currently a total of 21 billion dollars.

Meanwhile, Kerkorian tumbled off in 1990 with the purchase of a ten percent stake in Chrysler as the largest shareholder in Detroit. In 1995 he tried together with former Chrysler CEO Lee Iacocca Chrysler to swallow for $ 22.8 billion - without success. Later, he then sued DaimlerChrysler over nine billion dollars in damages because he felt betrayed, and discriminated against. There had not been for a merger but a takeover Same through Stuttgart. But Kerkorian was therefore also be rejected.

A new guest appearance in Detroit Kerkorian was then in the past two years with a stake of 9.9 percent of General Motors. He wanted to force a global tripartite alliance between GM, Renault and Nissan. But even this did not succeed. Now he's trying it again at Chrysler. But Kerkorian has earned from his investments and holdings usually huge sums of money because he always acted according to the motto for success, enter low and sell high.

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