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Наталья Потанина - ее муж, Владимир Потанин (считается "отцом всех олигархов", с активами около $ 12 млрд.), встретились в средней школе, пошел к одному классу У них трое детей Наталья не участвует в общественной жизни элиты недавнего времени жил в Лондоне... где дети ходят в школу.
Natalia Potanin - her husband, Vladimir Potanin (considered the "father of all the oligarchs," with assets of approximately $ 12 billion), met in high school, went to one class. They have three children. Natalia does not participate in the social life of the elite. Recently lived in London where children go to school.

 Higher vocational education
Member of the Komsomol (1975-1989). In 1983, Vladimir Potanin, graduated from the Faculty of International Economic Relations (IER) MGIMO majoring in international economy and foreign languages. " During the course joined the Communist Party [citation needed 51 days]. Fluent in French and English. .
Employment in government during the Soviet period
From 1983 to 1990 he worked in organizations Minvneshtorga, in 1988, renamed the Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR after the merger with GKES USSR.
In August 1983 an engineer and later senior engineer in the "Urea" firm "Fertilizer" All-Union Foreign Economic Association (TSBs) "Soyuzpromeksport" - the organization of the Ministry of Foreign Trade (MBT).
In 1988-90. worked as a senior engineer of the company "Ruda" in the same organization, reporting to have a new Ministry of Foreign Economic Relations of the USSR.
Employment in the private sector in 1990-1996.
Since 1990 - president of the association foreign Interros. By opening an account of the Association of Interros International Bank for Economic Cooperation (IBEC), Potanin met and became close friends with the future long-term partner in private business, Mikhail Prokhorov, while the Head of IBEC.
In 1992-1993 he served as vice president, then president created with Mikhail Prokhorov of the International Financial Company (IFC).
In 1993, Potanin became President of the Bank "ONEKSIM Bank, while remaining chairman of the board of directors of the bank's IFC. Summer of 1996, Potanin-controlled structures acquired stake in the company "Svyazinvest" (on the board of directors of Potanin came in January 1998).
[Edit] The Government of the Russian Federation
On August 14, 1996 on March 17, 1997 Potanin worked as First Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation. He supervised economic issues and coordinated the work of the Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation, Russian Federation State Committee on Antimonopoly Policy, the Russian State Committee for State Property Management, Russian Federal Property Fund, the Federal Office of insolvency (bankruptcy), the Federal Commission on Securities Market , Federal Energy Regulatory Commission of the Russian Federation.
While working in the Russian government headed about 20 federal, government and interagency committees, including a government commission on financial and monetary policy, the operational committee of the Russian Government to improve the system of payments and inter-ministerial commission of the Russian Federation for Cooperation with International Financial and economic organizations and the Group of Seven. "
Served as manager of the Russian Federation in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development and the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency.
[Edit] Employment in the private sector after 1997
The fall of 1997 Potanin created holding company Prof-Media to manage all controlled ONEXIM Bank "media, including at various times were so popular in Russia publications as Izvestia, Komsomolskaya Pravda," Bill "and" big city. "
In 1998, Potanin became President and Chairman of the Board of Directors of the holding company Interros, established on the basis of FPG Interros, Norilsk Nickel and Sidanco.
In early 2007, Potanin announced the topic of business with his partner for many years in private business Mikhail Prokhorov, after a scandal in France, associated with short-term arrest last on suspicion of involvement in prostitution at the ski resort of Courchevel (it eventually fell apart during the preliminary investigation). Section business with Mikhail Prokhorov resulted in a lengthy and complicated procedure, during which the former partners found out their relationship in the press and the courts .
Site for Ms Natalia
Наталья Потанина
Во время перестройки, Владимир Потанин бросить структур государства во внешней торговле и в 1991 году создал частный Интеррос ассоциации с помощью своих знаний собрались в Министерстве внешней торговли и его предыдущей профессиональной сети.
В 1993 году Потанин стал президентом Соединенных Экспортно-импортный банк. С 14 августа 1996 до 17 марта 1997 года он работал первым заместителем премьер-министра России.
С августа 1998 года Потанин удерживать позиции Президента и председатель совета директоров компании "Интеррос".
Интеррос "Потанина владеет 25% и управления Русской никель гигант" Норильский никель ", компания, принадлежащая РУСАЛ Олега Дерипаски, Абрам Резникова Alamak Espana торговле и Металлоинвест" Алишера Усманова.
С марта 2003 года Потанин принял под свою ответственность Национальный совет по корпоративному управлению (NSKU), главной целью которой является улучшение законодательных норм в России и ввести профессиональных и этических стандартов корпоративного управления в деятельности русских компаний, чтобы повысить репутацию и инвестиционной привлекательности бизнеса России.
С декабря 2001 года он был членом попечительского совета Фонда Соломона Р. Гуггенхайма (Нью-Йорк). В апреле 2003 года Потанин был избран председателем Попечительского совета Государственного Эрмитажа, самых известных русских художественный музей. С 2005 года Потанин был членом Общественной палаты России.
В январе 2007 года в Париже Потанин был назначен директором престижного ордена искусств и литературы за его культурный вклад. Французское министерство культуры и коммуникаций предоставляется премия.
В марте 2009 года Потанин иск бывшего делового партнера и русский олигарх Михаил Прохоров $ 29 миллионов за разногласий собственности в Москве. По данным Moscow Times, этот процесс является одним перед другими деловых споров между двух бизнесменов
Сплит от своего давнего партнера, Михаил Прохоров, начала в начале 2007 года. Не помогло кармана книгу. Fortune упал более чем на $ 17 млрд. в прошлом году, как акции его крупнейший холдинг, крупнейший производитель никеля мире "Норильский никель", рухнул на три четверти. Тем не менее свою долю в Норильском не столь велика, как он надеется, как Прохоров продан миллиардеру Олегу Дерипаске вместо него. В рамках разделения активов, Потанин по-прежнему имеет долю в "Росбанк". Продано 20% акций "Полюс Золото" на другой миллиардер Сулейман Керимов, в конце 2008 года. С разному служил заместителем премьер-министра экономики при Борисе Ельцине и в качестве партнера Джорджа Сороса в телекоммуникационной монополии Связьинвест ". Активный в благотворительности в России и является сторонником искусства.
Potanin refused to leave the children to his billions
Russian businessman Vladimir Potanin plans to give his entire fortune to charity, rather than leaving it to heirs. About this Potanin said in an interview with The Financial Times.
"My capital should work for the benefit of society - said in an interview Potanin The Financial Times. - My children are growing up, their father - billionaire, a famous person. <...> What are their incentives to something in life to seek ? In this sense, I feel very right move to transfer the capital to serve society, not by passing it through inheritance. I intend to follow the example of (Bill) Gates and (Warren) Buffett. "
"I took a policy decision that my capital in the future, somewhere in 10 years, will be transferred to the charity in a special fund," - said Potanin through the press service Interfax. "That, in any form and in what organization will be the transfer of capital, I have yet to solve. Until that moment the way of asset management will remain the same - it will, as now, to do the" Interros "," - said Potanin.
Vladimir Potanin in 1999 established a nonprofit charitable foundation, and from April 2003 is chairman of the board of trustees of the museum "Hermitage." Businessman plans to increase annual donations to his charitable foundation with a 10 to 25 million dollars. The Foundation supports a businessman Hermitage, but also pays grants and scholarships to talented students.
In autumn 2009, the magazine "Finance has estimated that the size of the conditional inheritance Anastasia, Ivan and Vasily Potanin will amount to 1,67 billion dollars.
In 2009, Potanin takes 19 place in the list of Russian Forbes magazine with a fortune of 2.1 billion dollars.
Potanin owned holding company Interros, which owns stakes in Norilsk Nickel, Rosbank, a media holding company Prof-Media "and other assets.
Site for Ms Natalia