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Lev Kvetnoi ?




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Lev Kvetnoi is largest shareholder in Moscow's Vnukovo Airport

Lev Kvetnoi tycoon Lev Kvetnoi businessman

Lev Kvetnoi portrait

Sorry for my poor english translation.

August 27, 1965 - Born in the village Rogachevo (Moscow Region);
1989 - graduated from Leningrad Institute of Physical Culture;
1990-1992 - Commercial Director of JSC "pragma-trading";
1992-1995 - Vice-President of the Bank "Montazhspetsbank;
1995-1996 - first deputy director of the company Interfin;
1996-1999 - Representative Interfin "on the board of directors OEMK;
1999-2004 - CEO OEMK;
2000-2006 - CEO of the holding Gazmetall;
2006 - sold its stake in Gazmetall partner Alisher Usmanov (¹ 14) and Andrei Skoch (¹ 46);
2007 - bought Novoroscement.

As the year has passed:

In the autumn of 2009 after a two-year hiatus Lev Kvetnoi returned to the board of directors of Vnukovo Airport - his nomination put forward by private shareholders of the company. For the first time Kvetnoy joined the Board of Directors of the airport near Moscow in 2005: then chairman Vitaly Vantsev represented him as an "independent director". However, it later emerged that since 1990 Kvetnoy Vantseva is a senior partner in a number of suppliers serving the "Vnukovo". The aggregate annual revenue of these companies - about $ 1 billion in large part accounts Vnukovo serves Kvetnoy owned bank "National Standard".
Right hand:
Yefim Starikov
General Director of OOO Gazmetallproekt "

Since mid-1990's "Gazmetallproekt was the management company OEMK and Lebedinsky GOK, now manages Novoroscement.



Lev Kvetnoi (Kvetnoy Leo Matveyevich)

In 2009, the state of the Lion Kvetnoy estimated at $ 1 billion. Lev Kvetnoi occupies 31 positions in the ranking of the richest men in Russia.
Its major state Russian businessman Lev Kvetnoy began cobble together since the mid 1990's, when it took buying from suppliers that are engaged in the maintenance of the Moscow Vnukovo airport, and now Lev Kvetnoi is the largest of their owner.
In 1995, Lev Kvetnoi joined the company Interfin, headed by Alisher Usmanov.
In 1996-1999, to gain the trust company's owner, Lev Kvetnoi began to represent the organization's board of directors Oskol Elektrometallurgical Plant.
Subsequently, from 1999 to 2004, Lion Kvetnoy became a full partner Alisher Usmanov and Andrei Skoch in the management of the new company Gazmetall, which was established in 2000.
Then Lev Kvetnoi decided to do his own business, and then the businessman sold his stake to the partners and some of the proceeds for her money spent on the acquisition of Bank National Standard, as well as the purchase Novoroscement.


Lev Kvetnoi sat at Vnukovo
Entrepreneur elected to the Board of Directors Airport

Alisher Usmanov, a former partner of the company Gazmetall Lev Kvetnoi after a two year break, returned to the board of directors of Vnukovo Airport. Participants of the aviation market previously have always believed that Mr. Kvetnoy and possibly Usmanov are among the investors Vnukovo. The arrival of Lev Kvetnoi the Board of Directors Airport now they associate with the desire of private shareholders to protect themselves from government attempts to Moscow to increase its influence at the airport.

Yesterday Vnukovo Airport "reported that on 3 September an extraordinary meeting of shareholders of the company has replaced two of the nine board members. The council had been elected Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Gazmetallproekt Lev Kvetnoy and Head of the Department of Transport of the Government of Moscow Vasily Kichedzhi. They were replaced by deputy director general of the airport Gennady Goncharov and Head of the Department of Road and Bridge Engineering of Moscow Alexander Levchenko, respectively. As explained to Kommersant, Mr. Kichedzhi, it pushed the government of Moscow, and Mr. Kvetnoy - private shareholders Vnukovo. Mobile phone Vantseva Vitali, who is considered the largest private shareholder in the airport yesterday, did not answer.

-> Site for Lev Kvetnoi

Lev Kvetnoi - former partner of the largest shareholder of Metalloinvest Alisher Usmanov, in mid-1990 was chairman of the board of directors Oskol Elektrometallurgical Plant (OEMK), then - the CEO and owner of about 30% of ZAO Gazmetall (owned OEMK and Lebedinsky GOK, and the rest shares owned by Alisher Usmanov and Andrei Skoch). In 2006, before combining Gazmetall and Metalloinvest, sold his shares to Alisher Usmanov and his partners.

Vnukovo Airport in 2008, served 7.92 million people. Terminal extension has Vnukovo Airport (73.62% - in Moscow, 25% plus one share - at the Open Society "Vnukovo-Invest", the principal owners of which are considered Vitaly Vantsev and his father, Anatoly). International Terminal is owned by JSC "Vnukovo International Airport (25% - in Moscow, 75% minus one share - at JSC" Aviation Oil Company, headed by Anatoly Vantsev). A single operator for the sale of airport services - JSC Vnukovo Handling (75% minus one share - in Luxembourg, "AAS Aviation Airport Systems SA, a related masters Vantsevymi, 25% plus one share - in Moscow).

Lev Kvetnoi not the first member of the Board of Directors of OJSC "Airport Vnukovo": private shareholders once already elected him to the board as its representative in July 2005. Vitaly Vantsev then called Mr. Kvetnoy "independent director", explaining his election that he was "versatile person, he has good success in his business." Then the aviation market participants were confident that Mr. Kvetnoy is on the board the interests of his partner Alisher Usmanov, who was known as one of the major investors Vnukovo. In July 2007, Mr. Kvetnoy left the board of directors of Vnukovo Airport, but an indirect connection to the airport preserved: some accounts Vnukovo Airport and all the accounts of "Vnukovo-Invest" owned by Leo serves Kvetnoy Bank "National Standard". Head of Analytical Services Agency Airport Oleg Panteleyev did not rule out that Mr. Kvetnoy joined the Board of Directors of OAO Vnukovo Airport as a major creditor.

-> Site for Lev Kvetnoi

Two high-ranking source of Kommersant Moscow government doubted that Mr. Usmanov and Kvetnoy are the beneficiaries of offshore structures behind the private shareholders of Vnukovo Airport, but it is thought that Vitali Vantsev could ask them for help after the Moscow government announced its intention to "increase its influence "in Vnukovo. Recall that in July Basil Kichedzhi wrote a letter to Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, which requested a review of the activities of airport management, suggesting that "through the JSC Vnukovo Handling" is output from the control of the Moscow government of its own assets. " The representative of the Alisher Usmanov, declined to comment, and representatives of Lev Kvetnoi connect with Kommersant yesterday failed.


Lev Kvetnoi knocks debts Boris Gromov

List of creditors go to court to recover debts from enterprises owned by the Government of Moscow region continues to grow. Their claims directly to the three regional companies - IKMO, MOITK and MOIA - presented the Bank "National Standard", the main shareholder is billionaire Lev Kvetnoy.

According to the Moscow Region Mortgage Agency (MOIA), the Bank "National Standard" filed suit in the Moscow Arbitration Court to recover from the agency, as well as with the Moscow Regional Investment Trust Company (MOITK) and the Moscow Region Mortgage Corporation (IKMO) on recovery of coupon income and nominal value of bonds issued by MOIA and interest for the use of foreign funds. Bank "National Standard" is the owner of 150 thousand bonds (amounting to 150 million rubles.) Issued MOIA, and requires to recover from the three regional companies 5 million rubles. The suit is addressed to all three regional companies, as MOITK IKMO and provide security for debt securities MOIA. The office of chairman of the bank "National Standard" Sergei Menzhinsky said that the bank is not yet ready "to discuss the matter."

-> Site for Lev Kvetnoi

Meanwhile, the claim "national standards" is not the first in a series of trials for the debts of MOIA. Before that claims to the agency and its guarantors filed a number of bondholders, including KMB-Bank, UK "VTB Asset Management, Bank Petrocommerce, MDM Bank, Trust Bank, UK" Leader ", Gazprombank, NOMOS bank. Total debt MOIA to bondholders is 8.6 billion rubles. No better than it looks in other regional companies. In particular, the combined debt MOITK, which also filed several lawsuits, the agency estimated Standard & Poor's at 50 billion rubles. Out of which 13.6 billion rubles. amount of guarantee on the bonds of other companies.

Recall that in mid-August, the Moscow Regional Government decided to liquidate MOITK (see RBC dailly August 13), and officials have promised to pay off all creditors. However, the decision of regional authorities, it seems, not satisfied with the creditors, who in large numbers began to file claims to all three regional "daughters", so the claim of the bank "National Standard", and decided to get in line plaintiffs to the area seems quite logical.

-> Site for Lev Kvetnoi

Market participants do not exclude that the interest of "national standards", whose assets, according to RBC, on July 1, 2009 amounted to 27.1 billion rubles. To the district "daughters" is associated not only with the desire to return to five million. The main owner of the bank, owning 76 percent stake, is a billionaire Lev Kvetnoy appearing in the top 40 richest people in the country. He is also a shareholder of Novoroscement, one of the largest cement companies in the country. Note that all three regional companies were closely tied to the cash flows that are channeled for the construction of infrastructure facilities in the area of ??housing. For example, a creditor MOITK development company RIGroup to be about 19 billion rubles. IKMO owns the rights to several plots of land in the suburbs.

"As you know, in June 2009, amendments to the Law on Bankruptcy, which cut off most popular patterns before bankruptcy - the source says RBC daily in the provincial government. - Opportunities for companies to pay off the debts is not limited to compensation for property belonging to it. Debts have to pay the beneficiaries, even if they own the bankrupt through a chain of other companies. " As a result, the source said, all roads still lead to the government area, and if the Regional Property Relations of the (shareholder MOITK, MOIA, IKMO. - RBC daily) can not repay the debts of companies, we will have to seize the domain and it will bankrupt it . Pay the same for the "daughters", given the scale of debt (only a claim of Gazprombank pulls half a billion rubles), regional officials are unlikely to be able to: projected budget deficit of the Moscow region this year may reach 23 billion rubles.

-> Created for Lev Kvetnoi

Could you forward this site to Lev Kvetnoi