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Kamal is wife of Niranjan Hiranandani (Hiranandani Group)

Kamal Hiranandani - Niranjan's family Kamal Hiranandani - Niranjan's wife Kamal Hiranandani - Niranjan's spouse

Sorry for my poor english translation.

In the core of the luxurious and peaceful environment of Hiranandani Gardens stands Rodas - An Ecotel Hotel, a creation of the signature of the Hiranandani Group. The hotel, with its arched facade neo-classical and modern interiors designed by renowned architect Hafeez Contractor, displays a distinct combination of contemporary design and old world charm. Rodas is the first Indian Designer Ecotel Hotel and the second Ecotel in India comply with all five standards required for certification Home Valuation Services International ECOTEL: solid waste management, energy efficiency, water conservation and preservation, employee training and community involvement. "Rodas is a hotel that caters to a niche and clientele of small impeccable facilities for relaxation, recreation and business support. It is a designer class hotel business, which are small hotels, but offering a very personalized service, "says Niranjan Hiranandani.

-> Created for Niranjan, Kamal Hiranandani

Hiranandani Gardens is a township located in Powai, a northern suburb of Mumbai, India

A garden is an enclosed piece of land under crops of garden tools (garden / horticulture) in the plant under more or less intensive care with help. Unlike most parks are used for private gardens.

Gardens are created not only to reap a direct income (gardens), but also an artistic, spiritual, religious, or therapeutic purpose to serve the leisure and recreation (ornamental garden), (allotment).

The German word derives etymologically from the garden crop (and later Indo-European gher ghortos) from. Meant willow, hazel rods or are others that earlier - the walled garden - intertwined. The word gerd called gard on gothic garde "Enclosure" initially "the (with switches) fenced in area," get in shape gates for "fence", while the encircled by a living fence area in the Word field Hag, hedges can be found.

-> Site for Kamal Hiranandani, Niranjan

Medieval illustrations show the garden but also expressly surrounded by a wall. In this conceptual field puts an Indo-European root cart (o) "protection" that cooks in Latin hortus "kitchen garden", French jardin 'garden' (but German stronghold), GARD OHG, Old Norse garðr ("Court", " territory ", cf Asgard, Midgard) in English. yard ("Court"), skand gaard ("Court", "House") and slaw grad ("Castle", "attachment", "fence"), and indirectly to the Guard ("Guard", "protection force") as well as proper names in-gard / t (Luitgard, Irmgard, Eringard) is obtained [1].

Of the word in its present form, the underlying concept is "fenced land for planting of crops." The garden was under special legal protection (Peace Garden). Toponyms on-gard / t (s),-gad (s) are derived from this context, but mingle with the Old High German word gadam "Gadem", "space", "Easy", "barn" (Berchtesgaden).

In addition to the now often encountered form of a mixed garden, which, united as the name suggests, many aspects in one, a distinction is made in Europe, depending on the main emphasis of his system the household or kitchen garden, vegetable, fruit (formerly Baumgarten called) and herb garden, small garden, natural garden, the botanical garden, the experimental garden and much more.

Gardens within the meaning of flower gardens can be public or private, fenced and accessible.

A large garden, which is based not on income purposes, but as an aesthetic object and hold is a park, even if in the name of such facilities has the word "garden" will receive (for example, the English Garden).

Are both garden and park, when it comes to garden art, named after planting, style or design theme: a French garden, Italian garden, English landscape park, rose garden, rock garden, perennial garden, desert garden, tropical garden, gravel garden, shade garden, water garden, Bible garden, cottage garden, the cloister garden, baroque gardens, artist's garden, monastery garden, castle garden, landscape garden, Chinese garden, Zen garden, Japanese garden, herb garden, a Persian garden

-> Site for Kamal Hiranandani, Niranjan

For the pre-dynastic period can be detected by various crops:

the sycamore, mulberry and fig, which has been venerated since the time of the Old Kingdom around 2600 BC as a love goddess Hathor, the ancient Egyptians and their wood to build furniture, boats, coffins and statues related.
The doum-palms (Hyphaene thebaica L.) and the date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.). that can be detected using both Matt residues, traps and subjects for this time
the wine you can consume for the duration of the first dynasty to 2950 BC in the Third Dynasty Abydos and about three hundred years later in Sakkara.

Wall paintings in tombs of this period demonstrate the many hardships of the desert with the gardens were extracted. In the tombs of the pyramids seeds were found following garden plants: Acacia (Acacia nilotica), leek (Allium porrum), Balsamodendron, Balanites aegyptiaca, chicory (Cichorium intybus), dill, celery, coriander, fenugreek, Citrullus edulis, cucumber (Cucumis sativus) , yellow nutsedge (Cyperus esculentus), True fig (Ficus carica), Hyphaene thebaica, Juniperus phoenicea, Mimusops ummeligella sativa, pomegranate (Punica granatum), Ricinus communis, Raphanus sativus, Sapindus.
Horticulture in Asia
Japanese Tea Garden

The ancient Indians were well-watered gardens and quite regularly, in which each species was mostly a special department determines. Unlike in China, where agriculture and horticulture, for them the water, always was in the highest imaginable blossom. The gardens of Japan are similar to the Chinese. The same idea lies at the bottom, only those that imitate nature still looking for a loyal and large landscapes in miniature replicate. Japanese gardens are created according to the principles of Zen Buddhism or the feng shui that match certain patterns. Attention is paid mainly to balance the elements.

-> Site for Kamal Hiranandani, Niranjan

From the gardens of the Israelites, Arabs, Syrians and Assyrians, we know those of King Solomon in Jerusalem and Queen Semiramis in Babylon.

King Solomon (1015) was a great gardener and moved, perhaps to class, plants of any kind "from the cedar to the hyssop that grew out of the wall", put in a second garden, all sorts of mostly imported from India herbs.

Cyrus II (559-529), founder of the great Persian Empire and the Persian garden, promoted by the fruit of wise laws and school gardens in the institutions where the children were of nobles of his kingdom educated. Of fruit plants in these countries were and are still known as: grapes, quince, peach, plum lotus (Lotus Diospyrus), plums and pears.

-> Created for Niranjan, Kamal Hiranandani

In Greece, the original inhabitants of the forest were devoted to worship, as later immigrants from the north of Egypt and Asia Minor led a number of crops, but the forests thinned and soon had the country for irrigation provided. Homer's odyssey into a coherent, regularly divided into fruit (and probably vegetable) garden is known. Homer's Odyssey is in its extensive descriptions are never that fruit is eaten, and yet make the poet pears, pomegranates, apples, figs, olives and, of course, grapes, a well planned fruit garden, a garden, which produce over a long time in fruit would:

Besides the farm is a large garden near the courtyard door
On four acres, surrounded on all sides of the fence.
Large trees are in fact lush growth,
Apple trees with bright fruit, pomegranates and pears
And also sweet and fresh figs, green olives.

Which never spoils fruit, yet it lacks both winter and summer
Throughout the year, but the steady western breeze
Drives out the one and the other mature leaves.
Pear on pear and apple ripens as apple,
but also on grapes and grape also fig on fig.
(Homer, Odyssey 7.112)

Greece in classical times, went back and horticultural field, they lived mostly in cities, where a few regular inhabitants of the plantations were used as a recreational places where Epicurus and his disciples gathered around, called his philosophy was so Kepos (garden). The vegetables of ancient Greece were rather those of our day. But the peninsula, with its flower died in the beginning of our era, foreign invaders, and until recently there was talk again of the garden and in Greece, among others, the palace gardens, creating what Queen Amalia in Athens could, and should be of a marvel of beauty , has in recent times though, according to Professor Landerer, the garden has become more of general extent won, but which has been detrimental to the severe winter 1879/80 quite significant.

-> Site for Kamal Hiranandani, Niranjan

After the fall of the Roman Empire in Italy were looted and destroyed undefended possessions of the nobles, the land was cultivated only for the most essential requirement, especially for food. Then came monasteries, often the one beside the other, and during the reign of the Popes in the 8th-12th Century, the monks were almost the only ones that dealt with agriculture and horticulture, the rich and powerful people gave them, in order to obtain forgiveness of sins, large areas of land with serfs and rewarded her work as able farmers and gardeners. The peace was also expressed by the introduction of many alien plants from the Orient, particularly by wealthy Venetians and Genoese.

Gardening in France knows only the beginning of his story purely Useful rises only slowly to observe the flowers and reached only very late in the aesthetic beauty, each pleasant and useful product of farming and gardening comes from abroad, from the Phoenicians, Greeks, Carthaginians, Romans and Saracens. Charlemagne (768-814) promoted farming, fruit growing and viticulture in every way, he loved the gardens and gave his gardeners like Verhaltungsbefehle. He stood in friendly relations with the Abbasid caliph Harun ar-Rashid (d. 809), by which he should have received the best vegetables and fruits.

The Botanical Garden in Europe came only in the 16 permanently Century, after the discovery in Mexico's momentum, and was therefore initially from Spain [2].

Gaspar de Gabriel, a wealthy Tuscan nobleman, founded the first botanical garden in 1525, soon of the Cornaro in Venice, which was followed by Simonetti at Milan, Naples and other Pinetta.

1545 by the Senate in Venice, the construction of a public botanical garden in Padua approved, Pope Pius V had the set in Bologna, the Grand Duke of Tuscany in Florence had to, and soon almost every major city in Italy, a botanical garden.

Even in France in 1597 botanical gardens were created.

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Horticulture in the Netherlands

The Netherlands is famous for floriculture (flower bulbs), and the fruit tree nurseries and seed breeding for trade. The Dutch garden style was the precursor of the baroque gardens in the 17th and 18 Century and influenced the French garden architecture. Mansions were often associated with hedges, flowers, walkways and canals surrounded created. The flat landscape favored the regular installation of patches.
The Victorian Garden in England

In the 19th Century, the civic sphere in which art and culture dominated, people loved the rare plants. The gardeners have become amateur botanists and theme gardens laid on with some Australian, South American and Asian plants, the plant hunters gathered around the world. The collecting of rare species became more important than the artistic design of the landscape. For example, did the rhododendrons, camellias and azaleas species feed in the gardens. Especially popular were also topiaries, ie in the form of cut bushes and trees. In the garden of Levens Hall thinks you are in an oversized toy land are to dominate so much here, the cube-shaped, conical and spherical cut hedges. In the city of gardens used to be very popular again now the flower beds, the carpet-like lying there and where were the flowers colorful ornaments.

A natural contrast to these very ornate gardens are the gardens of Women Gardeners like Gertrude Jekyll and Elizabeth Sitwell, geared to the untamed beauty and simplicity of country gardens.

-> Created for Niranjan, Kamal Hiranandani

The garden as an ecosystem

Gardens for biodiversity can have an important meaning. Their diverse structures such as hedges, bushes, fences, trees or single Asthaufen for insects, birds and amphibians shelter and hunting ground. However, the type of garden a big role. Dressed private gardens have a negative impact on biodiversity.

To this end, the National Bumblebee Nest count was 2007, in England, where 700 volunteers searched all the nests in your garden. It turned out that many gardens have messy areas tend to be more humble. So it depends directly on the aesthetic sensibilities of the owner as to whether a garden of its function as an ecological niche can be fair or not.

At least on paper, the knowledge has been reflected by the benefits of structural diversity. An example is the policy for allotment holders in Zurich. It states explicitly: "The creation and maintenance of natural habitats for animals and plants (eg grasslands, site-native shrubs, wild bushes, fruit trees, wet and dry habitats, small structures such as dry stone walls, cairns, etc.) is desirable."

But it seems it always comes back to the conflict between aesthetics and the needs of the ecosystem. For example, one study from the U.S. that the willingness to natural gardening depends strongly on the appearance of the garden of a neighbor. If this makes a clean cut lawn, then you will feel themselves obliged to do likewise.

A study from Switzerland shows, however, that species-poor and boring gardens are generally rated as not aesthetically pleasing. The agreement increases, however, more colorful, rich in species and their appearance is wild. But at some point again tilts the assessment. Completely chaotic nobody finds beautiful gardens. [8] The garden ecosystem has to be acknowledged in this day and age seems a good chance as a valuable habitat for plants and animals.

-> Created for Niranjan, Kamal Hiranandani

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