Sorry for my poor english translation. Hardware is the generic term for the mechanical and electronic equipment of a system such as a computer system. He must not only relate to systems with one processor. It can also be purely electro-mechanical devices such as a stairwell lighting timer. Originally, the English hardware approximately equal importance with "hardware" and is still used today in the English-speaking world in this sense - not just for computer hardware. ---- Very simple systems can be implemented directly in hardware immutable. The function of these systems is then fixed by the structure of the hardware. Complex hardware systems but usually also contain programmable elements, such as processors. This structure, as set out in its components perform a sequence of instructions that can be manipulated. In addition there are components that can also be defined in their structure (see PLD). Thus, the function of the overall system can be adapted easily. The configuration data and instructions are commonly referred to as the software - with less complex devices, where only simple structures and processes are identified, they are usually called firmware. However, to include hardware components (components: processor, memory, etc.) and peripherals. In simple words is all that can be touched, to the hardware. Computer hardware is usable only with appropriate software. Software refers to programs and data, in contrast, can not touch you. A possible realization or distribution of the hardware is presented the 1945 Von Neumann architecture. It distinguishes between abstract control unit, arithmetic unit ALU, memory work and Eingabe-/Ausgabewerk (peripheral device). Nowadays, such a division to understand the structure of a computer is still useful and necessary, although modern processors are now integrated in many functions in a hardware chip, for instance: To the ALU and control unit to command the same code multiple times for parallel processing; In so-called embedded processors such as PDAs can be found in the same housing one or Ein-/Ausgabewerk in the form of serial interfaces (eg USB), digital I / O (Input / Ouput) eg for lights and analog I / O for example, a touch screen. For computer hardware include: PC components: All of these peripherals and components of a computer are mostly built with logic circuits. The hardware of a computer's firmware (eg BIOS or EFI) and software (eg operating system and related drivers) controlled and managed. Often hardware with an FCC number is provided, which allows a clear identification of the manufacturer. The term originally comes from the firmware area of ??programmable logic. In the 1980s, logical functions such as address decoding with separately available modules were implemented hardwired. (AND gates, OR gates, inverters, flip-flops, etc.) With increasing complexity were used programmable devices such as PLDs. This has the advantage of being able to react flexibly to new-found errors by reprogramming, rather than have to desolder parts. Despite programming the hardware with software similar high-level languages ??(eg, Abel, VHDL, etc.) is referred to as firmware, which one usually associates the hardware and microelectronics. ---- A personal computer (personal computer dt; briefly PC), also abbreviated computer is a stand-alone computer (microcomputer), which served as opposed to a mainframe from a single person (therefore personal), can be used and controlled. In contrast to the workstation, a PC is cheap enough for homes and encompasses the range of the home computer to the inexpensive version of a typical workplace computer use is for the management of tasks, for example, in industry and government to provide the no above-average demands on the hardware ---- Charles Babbage and Ada Lovelace considered by the calculating machine designed by Babbage Analytical Engine as a pioneer of the modern computer. Konrad Zuse (Z3, 1941), John Presper Eckert and John William Mauchly (ENIAC, 1946) built (every man for himself) the first computer. The further to the personal computer took another few decades. 949 Edmund C. Berkeley presented with Simon before the first digital programmable computer for home use. It consisted of 50 relays and was distributed in the form of blueprints, which were sold in the first ten years, over 400 copies. The Hewlett-Packard introduced the HP 9100A-1968 is a programmable computing device on the market that cost twice the average gross annual salary. It is worth noting that this performance was achieved without the use of integrated circuits. The computer was in an advertisement for the first time referred to in literature as a personal computer, although neither he nor priced technically equivalent to the current understanding of a PC. The Xerox PARC Xerox Alto, introduced in 1973 their eyes of the world, about one refrigerator-sized device. With its operation keyboard, the typewriter keyboard was similar, a small additional 5-button input device for specific instructions, a 3-button mouse, and his on-screen graphic user interface (English graphical user interface, GUI), he was instrumental for the future personal computers. Therefore, the device is sometimes dubbed as the first personal computer. However, this prototype was intended as a scientific instrument, it was neither affordable nor for private use in series-produced equipment and therefore not available to the masses. With the Altair 8800, the company MITS 1975 produced in series device came on the market, which is also called a personal computer and a kit for 397, - U.S. $, as a complete unit for 695, - to earn U.S. $ was [2]. Pioneering was equipped with a bus connection system for expansion cards for the S-100 bus standard. With its toggle switches and LEDs as an input unit corresponds to an output unit, however, this device is not technically what is now known as a personal computer. It was similar with the same year published KIM-1 from MOS Technology, after all, already had a 24-key input unit in the calculator format for direct input of HEX-code, as a 6-digit 7-segment LED output display unit . The journalist Steven Levy described in his 1984 book "Hackers - Heroes of the Computer Revolution," a subculture of hackers, which emerged in the 1970s in the region of San Francisco, the West Coast of the United States, [3] Around the of. Fred Moore in March 1975 founded Homebrew Computer Club met people interested in technology that could be enthusiastic about the idea of ??a personal computer. Starting from the idea that computer for all people to make publicly available, and even in home use, practical projects and developments through to the birth of an entirely new industry in Silicon Valley, they have the development of the personal computer pushed the envelope [4]. Within the early scene has enjoyed great popularity of the MITS Altair 8800 and served the members of the club as the centerpiece for their own extensions. They made regarding the PC again with concepts and practical developments of attention. Members of this society later founded several computer companies. In contrast, the idea that the computer will find its place in households and every person should be freely accessible, dismissed by the dominant industry in the 1970s as absurd. Typical of their attitude was the dictum of Thomas J. Watson, the former CEO of IBM, who declared in 1943. "I think there is a world market for maybe five computers" [5] Although not on this scale, followed by companies like Texas Instruments, Fairchild, IBM, and DEC are still basically the decree. By an employee on the development of a computer addressed to households, pointed DEC CEO Ken Olsen 1977 proposal on the grounds of himself that he could imagine no private person could, which would have such a computer. [5] Only the outstanding sales success of such by other devices (some outside the industry, some start-ups) should prompt the prevailing industry to make to accept the idea of ??a personal computer to develop their own products and bring it to market. A prominent member of the Homebrew Computer Club, Steve Wozniak (in the scene known as The Woz), developed in 1976 in a garage completely own a computer, the Altair was technically far superior to 8800 and the first device in the world not only in price to the modern conceptions of a personal computer equivalent. His computer had a typewriter-like keyboard as an input unit and a screen (initially in the form of a repurposed TV) as the output unit [6] Apple was one of the companies that emerged from the Homebrew Computer Club, where Steve Wozniak with Steve Jobs and Ronald Wayne is one of the founders. His computer was still being developed before the company was founded, [6] but then there produced in series [6] under the name Apple and for I 666, - U.S. $ sold. When he was single-board computer in the form of a completely assembled board and delivered by the dealer or end user to a power supply, housing and adds a keyboard before he could be operated on domestic television. Its successor, the Apple II, was now in full version comes with a case, power supply, keyboard and monitor, then even with a mouse. At the same time he was the last commercially produced PC, which was completely different from one person, Steve Wozniak designed. He was introduced in April 1977 in the U.S. and for a price of 1298 - offered U.S. $. In his introduction he had eight empty slots of the 8-bit Apple-bus system, with which it by inserting the appropriate expansion card for different applications (eg word processing, games, control systems) could be used. This property of a computer that can then be customized through slots on the wishes of the consumers is seen today as a basic property of a PC, it is an open system. In addition to this computer could already shown colors and sounds are played. ---- Commodore PET and Tandy TRS The world's first commercially produced computer in complete design (including housing, power supply, keyboard, monitor and storage in the form of a Datasette) was introduced in January 1977: the Commodore PET 2001, for 795, - was U.S. $ over the counter [7th ] In August of that year was followed by the Tandy TRS 80 Model 1 for 599, - U.S. $ [8] Of the Performance ago were both units of the Apple II, similar, but had no slots for expansion cards, no color display and no sound.. The PET had the spread in the professional metrology (parallel) IEC-bus, which meant that he found in industrial research and dissemination. On 12 August 1981 was introduced the first IBM PC. Priced he moved with 3,000 - U.S. $ (or 6,000, - U.S. $ color graphics) [9] at the upper limit of commercial PCs and found little application in private households. IBM used its former market leadership for (mainframe) computer systems and managed that their IBM-PC was used as desktop computers in many businesses. The device was equipped with the Intel 8088 processor and had an 8-bit ISA bus. Also, the following models were equipped with processors from Intel. The one year before the 8088 processor (4.77 to 9.5 MHz clock; internal CPU 16-bit word length, system data bus 8 bits) introduced by Intel 8086 processor (6-12 MHz clock, CPU word length 16 bit, 16-bit system bus) ensure that the abbreviation for the series "x86" established. The IBM PC was from 1981 to 1995 exclusively with the operating system from IBM, PC-DOS driven, which had been licensed by Microsoft to IBM. Cooperation that started in 1981, the company ended 1985th Both companies have developed after the OS separately, but stayed on mutual compatibility. The operating system is MS-DOS from Microsoft since it only on computers that match those in the construction of IBM, the "IBM-PC compatible ---- Home computer, Apple and IBM-compatible PCs With TV output and audio output from the 1980s when home computers were more devices on the market. The best-selling models were the Commodore C64 and the Amiga series of devices, as well as various versions of the Atari ST. In German-speaking world was in the 1980s, the English word personal (personally) are sometimes incorrectly associated with the German personnel (workers, employees). A derivation of personal computers, to a professional company using the relevant equipment was so common in this country. Thus in the medium-power media devices sometimes referred to as "enough to approach the performance of [not] a personal computer" classified, although it is actually also acted in such devices to personal computers. Since the Amiga and the Atari ST series computers to home prices, the performance of the IBM PC XT and AT and sometimes surpassed the housing form used in professional equipment, disappeared the erroneous distinction to the end of the 1980s. Because IBM had a monopoly on the components used (except the BIOS), Compaq was able to bring in 1983 the first IBM-PC compatible computer on the market. Especially in East Asia created a series of reconstructions of companies in Germany, there were companies such as Commodore and later Schneider. The so emerging markets led by competition to lower prices and greater innovation. The numbers were too early is far from being comparable with those of today. The market situation in late 1983, according to [10] for professional microcomputer Even Apple Computer has been partly rebuilt, but the company could hold their own (with a much shrunken market share). The Apple II line was discontinued in the early 1990s. Today is produced only the Macintosh line. Apple and Sun (Unix) are the only two manufacturers, hardware and software (operating system and application programs) to develop and market themselves together. Most other manufacturers, such as Commodore and Schneider, disappeared in the early 1990s, largely from the market or re-turned to other business areas (Atari). The newer models of IBM-PC as the PC 300GL remained largely unknown and went on the market next to the products under other manufacturers. Something similar happened to the attempt by IBM to market with the Personal-System/2-Reihe and the operating system OS / 2 retake. In the private sector and PC home computers were first used to experiment, learn and play. Increasingly, they were also used in areas such as word processing, spreadsheets and databases and found so incorporated into the daily routine. The performance of personal computers increased steadily since their formation (Moore's law). In addition to the tasks of word processing and spreadsheet was the Multimedia section to one of the main applications. In most cases, this IBM-compatible x86-based computers are used. From the other computer architectures for single-user computers in most notable extent still are only models of Apple from the PowerPC era in use, but are no longer supported by Apple's operating system since version 10.6. As operating systems besides the market-leading Microsoft Windows which mainly used in the Unix or Linux environment. Also, the Apple operating system since Mac OS X version of the core is a Unix variant (see list of operating systems). According to the technical development of the designs were transformed over time. The first IBM PC was literally a desktop computer, he and his contemporaries from other manufacturers were usually in landscape mode on the work table. As these computers over time, and were slightly larger on the desk were always in the way, we went over to vertical tower models, see for computer housings. The latter are differentiated after the Big Tower, Mini-Tower and other nuances. Since the early 1980s, efforts were made in parallel to develop portable computers. Commodore brought out the SX64, which required later as the Kaypro and Osborne-1 models have a power connection, battery operation was to think there's not, mainly because they were still equipped with picture tubes. Only with the availability of cheaper LCDs first came out laptops. These were then reduced permanently, if it allowed the technical level, which led to the first class of notebooks, finally, after the year 2005 on the netbooks, and finally to the tablet computers. Again, in parallel, PC-like computing power has also been made in the shape of the whole mobile phones are available, which now handle a significant portion of business activities online. |