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Prada is not sold

In recent days, there has been much speculation about the future of Prada. Some media reported that British billionaire Richard Caring was interested in acquiring the luxury Italian brand. Some even dared to say that the deal was closed.

Following these events, a statement contradicted the news Miuccia Prada and ensured that Prada is not for sale. The firm belongs, almost entirely, to Miucca Prada, her husband, the chief executive Patricio Bertelli and other family members Prada.

The benefits of the firm increased by 63% over the previous year, thanks in part to the success of the film The Devil Wears Prada and the boom of the Asian luxury market. For this reason, a Prada spokesman said the firm's current value was about $ 4 billion, without attempting to receive, therefore, offers to purchase.

-> Site created for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring

Prada. Luxury Industry

The Italian group refuses to negotiate its sale to a British millionaire or a private investment group, but may go public in 2008

The creators of luxury in Italy, largely in the hands of family firms in the second and third generation are making approaches to the Milan stock exchange to diversify its funding source and obtain resources for its expansion in emerging markets, which offer the greatest growth sector

Furriol Eulàlia

Handbags luxury brands have become 'commodities', as its price depends on supply and demand

Miuccia Prada has created a model for a character from Japanese animation film director Shinji Aramaki

Prada Group has launched an online auction of a selection of prototypes selected by the designer Miuccia Prada. Are unique, none of them has been produced in colors or materials that are offered on the web, and most were created for the 2007 season. There are even two dresses that have been made especially for the auction. The benefit will go to a medical foundation in Italy.

In the industry of luxury handbags brands in the industry have become commodities, a product whose price depends on supply and demand.

Exclusivity, individuality, discretion and secrecy, the feeling of pleasure and excitement associated with obtaining the object, are ingredients that define the degree of luxury.

-> Site for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring

"Luxury has evolved from a European phenomenon strongly followed by Japan to acquire a global dimension, with high growth in the U.S. and in emerging countries", defined in his report of this industry experts HSBC.

This growth is also influenced by the finance companies. Prada, the brand preferred by Madonna and Claudia Schiffer, and immortalized in the movie The Devil Wears Prada, is owned by designer Miuccia Prada and her husband Patrizio Bertelli, with participation of family members, and since last summer too Banking Intesa, which received 5% of capital.

Like other traditional industry brands in Italy, second or third generation family business, Prada has expressed its intention to expand its capital base to invest in these emerging markets expansion of its industry, most notably China, India and Russia .

While making their first forays into the Milan Stock Exchange, where only a few firms, some French industry groups have become listed conglomerates such as Moët Hennessy Louis Vuitton and PPR. Aeffe holding company, owns Moschino and Alberta Ferretti, and leave Paul Gaultier, has won approval to take about 40% of the group to the Milan Stock Exchange.

In this context, the information published on Sunday by the Sunday Times that the group was negotiating its sale to billionaire Richard Caring, and possibly also with private investment groups, has led to headlines about the subject. However, information has been denied a few days ago by Prada spokesman, who said that no negotiations are not with one or other or with third parties.

In fact, last December Patrizio Bertelli has not ruled out an IPO in 2008. In fact, on three occasions has tried to make the group public in the past seven years, and for two years have been notable efforts to realign the balance sheets and business, with the sale of some lines and repurchase, for example , the shoe brand Church.

The supposed buyer, Richard Caring, 59, is a British-made billionaire himself who has built his fortune to be the first to import economic clothes Asia in the eighties and nineties. Industry experts also consider private equity groups could have made proposals to the Prada group, like other industry groups, primarily by the lure of high profit margin potential of this industry.

-> Site created for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring

Sector Growth

According to the report by HSBC, organic growth forecasts sales of flagship brands of the sector is between 7% and 8% in the coming years. However, the bank Lehman Brothers has downgraded the sector rating to "buy" to "neutral" before the euro's strength against the dollar and the yen, which adds pressure to the industry.

And just as the management and financing system is changing, with less prominence of the designers, also the buyer's profile has diversified. To define them, the HSBC has created a pyramid of luxury, where products are placed according to their price and their distribution. Believes that consumers who feel the call of luxury products have only one possible evolution: climb the pyramid. While the newcomers are going to more established brands from the base of the pyramid, ever wider, other customers will seek to distance themselves from the mass with smaller firms, and not place barriers in the start-ups, even if as from countries with little tradition as the United States.

-> Site for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring

From what is clear is that Miuccia Prada has its eye on the future. This creator has designed a model for one of the characters in the latest film by Japanese animation Shinji Aramaki. In the history defined as cyber-punk, humans and their clones are at war, and the designer has created two models for the warrior heroine Deunan Knute.


The Spanish among the biggest spenders in Europe in luxury

Spanish consumers are second in the ranking of Europeans who spend the most on luxury goods. The list is headed by the United Kingdom, the very country that stands for the consumption of low-cost clothing big chains. In third place is Germany, and paradoxically, France, the country is where they have left much of the most outstanding creators, is in markets where consumers spend less on luxury goods. These results have been presented by the World Luxury Tracking monitor, a new study to follow the evolution of the sector and the industry it globalazación guiarala and diversification of consumer profiles. The global study distinguishes different cultural aspirations, the Chinese follow the U.S. style, ynodeCoreaoJapón. The Russians prefer to look to Europe and not America. And the Europeans are still reluctant to boast of his wealth, although the Spanish are an exception, as included in the conclusions of the analysis.

The luxury sector is becoming less cyclical, and demand is most closely related to social and cultural phenomena with global wealth, as concluded in the latest report from HSBC bank. The study says that gross domestic product should not be overestimated in its influence in the sector


Celebrities from all over the world now clean your online reputation

A new Web site allows you to correct things that are written about them.

Check the history books. Forget everything you ever thought was true! A new Web site that can correct some of the worst mistakes of his life. ICorrect, created by entrepreneur David Tang, was released last Thursday and is to relish a hook for gossip, gives the opportunity to clarify famous "lies and errors of information or interpretation." And they accepted the invitation: Bianca Jagger had not posted a date with Billy Joel, Michael Caine revealed that never uttered the words "not many people know that" and the bed of the entrepreneur Richard Caring, as he explains, is not fictitious. And it is an exaggeration to say "says Tang, who takes his creation to clear his own image, as once did the Mail on Sunday, he is a flatterer.

-> Site for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring

"Much of what fills cyberspace is represented by hearsay," said Tang. "I thought that people over which he had written should have the chance to clarify things," he said in explaining how the site was born.

ICorrect ( has a screen similar to that of Twitter, but split in two: the famous writing on the box "charges" on the left which version they want to rebut, and the right post your " response. " In its early days online, and there were publications of footballers, businessmen, models and Hollywood stars (see "It is said of them ...") While users may be considered sensitive or self-centered, and the fact may seem irrelevant in this Twitter era, in which celebrities can instantly correct any version of them, "the online reputation management is serious. "To say that it takes a lifetime to build a reputation and a moment to ruin it is a cliché, but it's true," said Will Critchlow, founder of Distilled, a business search engine optimization, which helps firms to make the maximum of search results and also clean your customers' online reputation, whether famous or a company.

The market recorded its launch in recent years. Some of the companies, which are in the United States in particular, are used by people not known by the company but which is also concerned that some information may affect your job online.

"The priority in protecting the reputation is to solve the underlying problem," said Critchlow. In those companies, for example, where complaints are received by customer service that is so poor in general. The corporations that control this reputation is worth after optimization tactics to ensure that the sites listed on the first page of Google search to be relatively complimentary or neutral, at least. "This means getting rid of falsehood and ensure that the truth is a story you want there." Is it possible to bury negative stories? "In principle you can, although it may stoke the fire if it becomes too obvious that this is what you're doing."

That is why companies or people-Kate Moss is said to have used this service after his many public scandals, not to admit having hired someone to clear his name. "The task of hiding becomes the second story, which is not good for anybody."

-> Site for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring


Chavez met with Kevin Spacey

Within hours of the night on Monday received President Hugo Chavez in Miraflores Palace, the actor Kevin Spacey who was delighted with the Villa del Cine.

The actor arrived in Miraflores accompanied by a delegation of British citizens connected to film and theater, which includes, among others, Richard Caring and David Tang, British businessmen, Fernando Sulichin, film producer and Hollywood circuit Rose Serra, a journalist French magazine Paris Match.

Prior to his meeting with Venezuelan President on the afternoon of Monday, Spacey visited Villa del Cine, in Guarenas, Miranda state, promoted by the Bolivarian Government to encourage the production of films, documentaries and film material as part of the culture revolution. The site, in the opinion of actor, "is wonderful", and consider it an excellent setting for training talent.

At the end of the meeting he held for almost 3 hours with the President of the Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela, Hugo Chavez, the renowned actor Kevin Spacey said he had had a good conversation with the Venezuelan leader because "he has been honest, and that is very good at politics. "

Referring specifically to Venezuela, the actor said he had the opportunity to meet this morning in the Villa del Cine and considered that this is an excellent initiative, especially for young people.

Commented that these facilities were inaugurated by the Bolivarian government last year, "young people have the opportunity to create their own films and learn how movies are made."

He said the actor, who has received two Oscars, that "every country should have its own Villa del Cine. This would mean that the world could learn from places you've never been and to show how close we are all human beings and humanity. "

Commented that this initiative will "to unite rather than separate, as people always have different views in terms of policy."

-> Created for Jacqueline Jackie Caring, Ben Caring

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