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Gregory Soros ?




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Gregory Soros is youngest son of George.

George Soros personal relations:
Alexander Soros – son
Andrea Soros – daughter
Daisy Soros – sister-in-law
Gregory Soros – son
Jeffrey Soros – nephew
Jonathan Soros – son
Paul Soros – brother
Robert Soros – son
Susan Weber Soros – husband


George Soros, responsible. György Schwartz (born August 12, 1930 in Budapest) - U.S. financier Hungarian-Jewish origin, one of the most famous currency speculators, but also a philanthropist, founder of the Open Society Institute, and numerous foundations, including the Foundation. Stefan Batory Foundation, a disciple of Karl Popper. Well-known critic of George W. Bush policies.

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with George Soros

Soros was born on 12 August 1930 and lived in Hungary until 1946, when he fled to the West during the congress of young Esperanto speakers. As a young man tried to trade currency on the black market during the German occupation of Hungary.

Soros emigrated to Britain in 1947, where in 1952 he graduated from the London School of Economics, where he participated, among others seminars in the famous philosopher Karl Popper. In 1956 he moved to the United States. He mentions that his goal was to make money, which would allow him to work as a writer and philosopher.
The man who broke the Bank of England

The origins of the Soros fortune have their source in the stock market speculation in shares so held. junk companies. These were the shares of companies that had severe financial situation, standing at the threshold of bankruptcy. In view of the market crisis at that time nobody believed in the possibility of significant earn wealth for the game session but Soros under the influence of economic and sociological concepts of Popper, he decided to invest in owning funds, based on the assumption that since these companies have survived the worst crisis that must be significant ability to create profit, which in future will increase their course. And so it happened, and the Soros made his fortune.

Soros suddenly became known 22 September 1992, when considering that the pound sterling is overvalued, has speculation against the currency, involving $ 10 billion and playing on a discount rate [1]. As a result, the Bank of England was forced to withdraw currency from the Exchange Rate Mechanism (ERM II), and Soros earned about one billion dollars. She was named the man who broke the Bank of England. In 1997, in a similar situation during the Asian financial crisis, Malaysian Prime Minister has accused Soros of causing the collapse of the currency of that country.

Soros is considered a controversial person. On the one hand became fabulously rich through financial speculation (in 2007 his fortune was estimated at 8.5 billion U.S. dollars). On the other hand, openly acknowledges that the current system of financial speculation harms the growth of many developing countries.

Soros has been an active philanthropist since 1979, when he began to provide funds to help black students in South Africa studying at the University of Cape Town. Soros' philanthropic efforts in Central and Eastern Europe takes place mainly by the Open Society Institute (the Open Society Institute) and several foundations, eg the Stefan Batory Foundation in Poland. Soros gave $ 250 million to Central European University in Budapest.

He received honorary doctorates from the following universities: the New School for Social Research (New York), University of Oxford (1980), Budapest University of Economics and Yale University in 1991.

For many years, Soros did not involve himself more in politics, but that changed under President George W. Bush. In an interview with The Washington Post, 11 November 2003, Soros said that removing President Bush to chair the U.S. is "the main task of my life" and "matter of life and death." In order to achieve this goal, Soros (along with another person) gave $ 5,000,000 to, an organization associated with the Democratic Party. In total, transferred 15.5 million dollars for activities against George W. Bush [citation needed].

In Poland, Soros causes controversy among some anti-globalization circles (on the one hand, they criticize the unethical - they think - the way in which Soros came to his fortune, but on the other in favor of his critique of Bush policy, and globalization) and among the extreme right ( because of his support for an open society.) Soros was repeated Bilderberg participant in meetings so it is not counted it among the opponents of globalization.

* The Alchemy of Finance (1987) ISBN 0-471-44549-5
* Opening the Soviet System (1990)
* Underwriting Democracy (1991)
Soros on Soros *: Staying Ahead of the Curve (1995) ISBN 1-891620-27-4
* The Crisis of Global Capitalism: Open Society Endangered (1998)
* Open Society: Reforming Global Capitalism (2000)
* George Soros on Globalization (PublicAffairs, March 2002) ISBN 1-58648-125-8
* The Bubble of American Supremacy: Correcting the Misuse of American Power (PublicAffairs, December 2003) ISBN 1-58648-217-3
* The New Paradigm for Financial Markets (the title of the Polish edition: A new paradigm for financial markets) (2008)


George Soros is a billionaire financier American, born in Budapest in Hungary in 1930, son of the Esperanto writer Tivadar Soros. He became famous for its activities in currency speculation activities and philanthropy. He is currently chairman of Soros Fund Management and the Open Society Institute.

His youth
He was born in Hungary, where he lived until 1946, when he fled the Soviet occupation of his way to a congress of Esperanto. George Soros emigrated to the United Kingdom in 1947 where he studied economics at the London School of Economics. He then went to the United States in 1956, according to him, to earn enough money to Wall Street to become a writer and philosopher. He worked at the New York Stock Exchange as a trader and created his own investment fund, Soros Fund.

"The man who broke the Bank of England"
George Soros became famous during the Black Wednesday (September 16, 1992), speculating against the pound sterling. The Bank of England was forced to leave his motto of the European Monetary System. The capital gain that would have made Soros would be about 1.1 billion. Why he was nicknamed "the man who broke the Bank of England."

During the Asian financial crisis of 1997 in similar circumstances, Prime Minister Mahathir bin Mohamad at the time accused Soros of speculating on the Malaysian currency, the ringgit. This operation will cost two years of development in Thailand.

Man has its paradoxes. In forty years, George Soros accumulated a fortune estimated at $ 7.2 billion in 2004, as ranked by Forbes Magazine (24th fortunes of the U.S.). He admits that the current financial system is harmful for the development of poorer countries.

George Soros is an ambiguous character, and sometimes convicted for suspected insider trading. His detractors criticize the role played by Soros through his investment fund Quantum Fund, domiciled in Curaçao (Netherlands Antilles) - a tax haven regularly denounced by the Financial Action Task Force on Money Laundering (FATF) as the One of the most important centers of laundering money from drug trafficking. By operating out of Curacao, Soros has not only avoided paying taxes, but he also concealed the nature of its investors and use their money.

George Soros uses some of his fortune to philanthropy. In 1979, he helped financially black students at the University of Cape Town in South Africa in the apartheid era. During the breakup of the Soviet Union, it is known for offering the sum of each scientist $ 500 for not starting to sell their knowledge to the highest bidder, especially because of the risks of spreading nuclear technology.

He developed the Open Society Institute and Soros Foundation, whose stated goal is to promote the development of democratic and open societies. These investments are mainly intended for developing countries or in social reconstruction: country of the former Soviet Union, Africa, South America, Asia. He also pledged to give $ 250 million to the university in central Europe.

George Soros was a disciple of Karl Popper, with whom he maintained a correspondence.

Soros against Bush
George Soros has written several books, including the penultimate, "The Bubble of American Supremacy," is a scathing criticism against the government of George Bush. He also invested $ 12 million to oppose the reelection of George Bush, which may be surprising, given that it was he who saved George Bush Junior's bankruptcy in 1990, and works actively to the Carlyle George Bush.


George Soros, speculator and philanthropist

Archetype of the speculator and prophet of "post-capitalism," the financier George Soros and philosopher, is both feared and adored. Responsible for stock market crashes and patron in some fifty countries, it now has a fortune estimated at seven billion dollars and proposes to finance campaigns against George W. Bush even as he saved from bankruptcy Junior in 1990 and continues to work with his father in the Carlyle Group. Morgan simultaneously active in many regime changes, he is accused of being a screen of the CIA.

By engaging publicly in the election campaign for U.S. presidential candidate's counter George W. Bush billionaire George Soros has raised a storm in Washington. Conversely, the famous speculator has attracted the sympathy of all those who in the world, fear that Bush will succeed himself.

Born in Hungary in 1930, he settled in England after the Second World War in 1947. There he met the philosopher Karl Popper anticommunist, he never ceased to claim. In 1956 he moved to the United States and it created the first "hedge fund" for the very wealthy. From 1969 his main company, Quantum Fund (domiciled in tax havens, the Netherlands Antilles and Curacao), ensures a return on investment of 34.5% per year.

George Soros has never created wealth, but has been enriched by its trading activity. With 7 billion, its assets would now be the 28th property in the United States as ranked by Forbes magazine's 2003. Nicknamed "the man-who-did-jump-the-bank-d'Angleterre" after a raid on the pound sterling in September 1992 which brought him a billion dollars at the expense of British taxpayers, he became the paradigm of the speculator. Although he has experienced heavy losses during the stock market crash of 1987, the 1998 Russian crisis and the bursting of the dotcom bubble, he was the main beneficiary of the Asian crisis in Thailand in 1997 and the Asian crisis .

For presiding over a multitude of associations to which he devoted more than 300 million, it would be one of the greatest modern philanthropists. His main foundation, the Open Society Institute is named after the philosophical project of his teacher Karl Popper: build open societies, that is to say, aware of their imperfections and capable of improvement, to make the world better . Its main programs are aimed at defending human rights, the fight against drug addiction, training and policy frameworks, development of freedom of information. These objectives include consensual campaigns controversial defense of gay rights, decriminalization of drugs and introduction of alternative programs for drug addicts. This charitable activity is a useful and progressive offset his image as a financial predator.

However, for many years, voices were raised to suggest that his philanthropy is a cover for intervention by the CIA and the State of Israel in the world and that his fortune is more than insider trading the "Midas touch" [1].

Initially, the Quantum Fund was administered by representatives of Lord Jacob Rothschild (current officer of Mikhail Khodorkovsky), Sir James Goldsmith (who was alongside MEP Philippe de Villiers) and Edmond Safra (s main arms dealer Israel).
Member of the Carlyle Group

The Nation recently reported that it was George Soros, via the company Harken Energy and Spectrum 7, which in 1990, saved George W. Bush cleaning up the bankruptcy debts. Asked about this by the newspaper, he said he does so to buy "political influence" (sic) [2].

Like his friend Khodorkovsky, George Soros has joined the Carlyle Group when it became a refuge for former Bush administration in 1992. This group is the largest asset management company in the world. It deals mainly with heritages of Bush and Bin Laden families Through its controlled companies, the Carlyle Group is the 11th largest supplier of the Pentagon.

On December 20, 2002, George Soros has been sentenced to 2.2 million fine by the Paris court for insider trading stock during the raid against Société Générale in 1988.
Human Rights Watch and the International Crisis Group

Besides the Open Society Institute (OSI), which is present in around fifty countries, George Soros has created and funded by various foundations and associations leading, as Human Rights Watch and the International Crisis Group.

Human Rights Watch (HRW) was one of the organizations with the most documented the crimes attributed to Slobodan Milosevic, thus justifying the NATO action against Serbia. A large part of the imputations of this association could not be confirmed so far by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia.

The International Crisis Group (ICG) was established in 1994 as a non-governmental diplomatic organization, chaired by Sen. George Mitchell (who gave his name to the report of the same name on the Israeli-Palestinian). First active in Burundi, Nigeria and Sierra Leone, the ICG has moved closer to NATO on Yugoslavia. It is now chaired by Martti Ahtisaari, former Finnish president who pretended to negotiate with Milosevic to stop the war. Its board is like a who's personalities Atlanticist. Alongside former national security advisers Richard Allen and Zbigniew Brzezinski, one finds the Kuwaiti prince Saud Nasir Al-Sabah, the former prosecutor of the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia, Louise Arbour, former Supreme Commander or the NATO war in Yugoslavia during the General Wesley Clark. Some financial relations as the former Philippine president Fidel Ramos and the Russian oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky, all members of the Carlyle Group. Are also prominent French: Simone Veil, President of the Holocaust memorial, and journalist Christine Ockrent, wife of former governor of Kosovo Bernard Kouchner.

In 2001, George Soros established the Democracy Coalition Project (DCP) in charge of animating the non-governmental forum on the sidelines of the summit of the Community of Democracies held by the State Department, U.S..
Among the authors of this Agency, the cream of neo-liberal economists

He also created a Network Media Program, which has acquired the archives of Radio Free Europe (one of whose former leaders, Herbert Okun, sits on the board of OSI), the station of the CIA during the Cold War . It has funded many "independent" media as Radio B92 in Yugoslavia during the war and today newspapers 'free' in Iraq. It controls Project Syndicate, an agency of dissemination of political opinion columns in 181 international newspapers. Among its authors, we find the most Directors of ICG and the cream of neo-liberal economists [3].
He advocates of exploiting the victims of September 11

In September 2001, just after the attacks, George Soros was involved in a working group of the Council on Foreign Relations, the club's establishment Washingtonians, the role of propaganda in the war on terrorism. The work was chaired by Ambassador Richard C. Holbrooke, who played a crucial role in triggering the attack on Yugoslavia, whose wife, Kati Marton, is a director of OSI. The statement of findings sent to President Bush advocates to convince the world the merits of the foreign policy of the United States constantly rehashing the events of 11 September and by playing the victim to elicit sympathy. He insisted that foreign governments are not only invited to condemn the attacks, but to endorse the reasoning that follows on the war on terrorism. Finally, he advises to develop a presence in the media worldwide, including in particular the New York Times supplement in major newspapers friends.
Russia has expelled the Open Society Institute in late 2003

In recent years, George Soros has played a central role in regime change, especially in Central and Eastern Europe. He was particularly active in Poland where he was both a personal friend of General Jaruselski and the main patron of the union Solidarnoc (now found Bronislaw Geremek on the board of directors of ICG). But of course in Hungary, his homeland.

He seems to have participated in the staging of the "velvet revolution" in the Czech Republic, which placed him in power Vaclav Havel. He republished this model in Serbia to topple Slobodan Milosevic and more recently in Georgia against Edward Shevarnardze. Each time, he relied on youth movement Otpor type. He is accused of fomenting unrest identical in Ukraine and Belarus. To end its meddling in Russia, authorities seized a pretext to evict for unpaid rent the Open Society Institute a few days after Mikhail Khodorkovsky arrested on suspicion of plotting.
What puts George Soros?

Given the multiple facets of the man-who-did-jump-the-bank-d'Angleterre, it is difficult to understand why he chose to invest $ 12 million today to oppose the election of George W. Bush. Noted in an article in the New Statesman [4], journalist Neil Clark provides that the president and the billionaire, who have long worked and still work, are both supporters of the neo-liberal empire, but disagree about the how to manage it. George Soros, who applies for years to give an appearance of financial capitalism with a human face, consider that the brutality of George W. Bush is endangering the system acceptance by the people. Others suggest that the Soros campaign is doomed to failure and merely create the illusion of democratic debate in the United States.

In 2002, he declared, "In ancient Rome, only the Romans voted. Under the modern global capitalism, only Americans vote. The Brazilians, they do not vote. " Whole program.

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