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Elizabeth Lefkofsky ?




I have done this site especially for Elizabeth Lefkofsky
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Elizabeth is wife of Eric Lefkofsky (president of Blue Media, LLC, a Chicago-based private equity and consulting firm)

Eric Lefkofsky wife Liz - Elizabeth Elizabeth Liz Lefkofsky with husband Eric Elizabeth Lefkofsky (Liz) - spouse of Eric

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Google: birth and decline of a great power techno

There is barely a decade, there was no suggestion that Microsoft cease to rain or shine within its industry. Similarly, Google now seems the height of his glory and dominates many sectors of the future ... However, after the failure of services and Buzz Wave, which were directed to the new wave of websites with social Google has demonstrated that it was not invincible.

Last February, the market share of Google's Internet searches have very slightly decreased, while those of Bing, the Microsoft search engine, rose slightly. Google, which still retains 65.37% of the market in the U.S., accused in February, a decrease of 0.24%, after having suffered a more substantial that one, from 1.03% in January . These two consecutive declines, as thin as they are, are even more significant than the lion's share of company revenue comes from advertising related to searches.

Meanwhile, the capital seems to have a crush on social networking sites, so much so that Forbes, which released its list of billionaires recently saw fit to create a list of billionaires of social networks on its website. Among them, figure the co-founder of Groupon Eric Lefkofsky, who said no to six billion offered by Google to acquire its social shopping site last December.

Just as empires dealt Paul Kennedy paraphrased in the book by the title of this post, large companies have a life cycle longer or shorter, in which the giants of technology are no exception. Worse still, their life cycle is likely to be shorter, not least to the extent that their environment is changing faster than any other.

Besides, nothing is finished until a company has not closed its doors. If there are signs of decline at Google, its expiration date is certainly not fixed for tomorrow. Several tech companies have also managed to reinvent itself, as evidenced by Apple, but also the multinational Philips, which began in the lighting technologies (!) In 1891. Ironically, the cousin of the founder of that company is known in particular for accepting a theory ... the concept of historical determinism.


-> Site for Liz, Elizabeth Lefkofsky

Groupon is an ecommerce site based on the concept of bulk purchase. The bulk purchase is a type of purchase where a group of people together to get a substantial discount on a product.

Groupon site is active in major cities of the United States, Canada, Brazil, France, Germany and the United Kingdom. It was launched in November 2008 in Chicago. Subsequently, it was readily available in Boston, New York and Toronto. In October 2010, Groupon served more than 150 markets in North America and 100 markets outside North America. The site at that time had 35 million registered users

The site was created by Andrew Mason (en), a native of Pittsburg4 and currently CEO of Groupon5. The site made its first bid in October 2008, it was an offer for a pizza at half price offered by a restaurant on the first floor of the building which housed the young company Groupon4.

-> Created for Elizabeth Lefkofsky, Liz

The site has attracted the attention of his former employer, Eric Lefkofsky, which provided $ 1 million in seed capital to develop the site. Groupon growing rapidly with an expected turnover of 500 million for 2010. After just under two years of existence in April 2010, the company was valued at 1.35 billion dollars1. According to a report in Forbes magazine and a report in the Wall Street Journal, Groupon should "generate $ 1 billion faster than any other company" 4.

Groupon acquired several sites that were sites of bulk purchasing and type that operated outside the United States. These sites have been grouped under the name Groupon after acquisition. These acquisitions include MyCityDeal in Europe (May 17, 2010), ClanDescuento South America (June 22, 2010), Japan (August 17, 2010), and Russia (August 17, 2010) 6. Prior to these acquisitions, the company had bought Groupon mobile technology

In October 2010, rumors indicated that Yahoo! had offered more than $ 3 billion to acquire Groupon7.

On November 30, 2010, a report indicated that Google was offering $ 5.3 billion with an escalator clause on future profits of 700 million dollars to acquire Groupon. This offer was rejected by Groupon 3 December 20108. Another source says that Google's offer was $ 6 billion dollars4.

After the rejection of the offer from Google, Groupon was identified as a possible candidate for an IPO by 2013


-> Site for Liz, Elizabeth Lefkofsky

The e-commerce site which uses the concept of bulk purchasing has sold half a billion dollars of securities and it is a priori not finished. Groupon plans an IPO for late 2011.

Launched in November 2008, Groupon based on the group purchase offer daily deals on trips and entertainment in over 300 cities in North America and Europe (including France). The site is negotiating deals with retailers and offers its community of users. If these promotions together enough people interested, they are validated.

This U.S. site has recently been much talk of him by refusing the proposal of purchasing a truck from the Web. A proposal to nearly 6 billion dollars from Google, which would have constituted the largest ever acquisition by the firm in Mountain View.

According to Business Insider, such a transaction would have earned $ 600 million and $ 1.8 billion respectively Lefkofsky Eric and Brad Keywell, co-founders Groupon. Maybe not enough when it expects to earn billions of dollars. Some sources also refer to an operation canceled for fear of disappointment related to problems of anti-competitive practices. This refusal has nonetheless left many observers skeptical.

Yet the madness around Groupon is not complete, while the site anticipates an IPO by the end of 2011. According to a document the authority to regulate trading activities in the United States and relayed by AFP Groupon announced it sold for $ 500 million of securities (€ 375m) since mid-December. The entire operation on a table raising $ 950 million (712 million €). It therefore remains to be acquired for $ 450 million in Groupon.

Caution, however, competition is organized in the image of LivingSocial who this month received an investment of 183 million dollars from a major player in e-commerce, Amazon.


-> Site for Liz, Elizabeth Lefkofsky

Groupon refuses to be bought by Google (News)

Groupon direction, an American website that offers discounts to its users, has rejected the bid of search giant Google on the Internet, said Friday the website of Chicago Economic News Breaking Business.
According to this site, owned by the group that publishes the Chicago Tribune, Groupon wishes to remain independent, before a possible IPO in which it should consider in 2011.
Google had offered "between 5 and 6 billion dollars" for the acquisition, the largest sum he had ever put on the table to take control of a company, "said Chicago Breaking Business, citing people familiar with the folder.
Founded in November 2008 in Chicago, Groupon has built its success on "business day" for Internet users: they receive discounts ("50-90%", said the home page) valid for a day trade, restaurant, hair salon or beauty, gym, etc..
In August, Forbes magazine had spoken of "the company with the highest growth in history." After starting very modestly, it has gradually expanded its network, including by acquiring foreign companies that have copied its business, for now 33 million users in 35 countries and more than 3,000 wage.
Breaking Chicago Business cited among the holders of shares Groupon "local investors Lefkofsky Eric and Brad Keywell, corporate venture capital like New Enterprise Associates and Accel Partners, and the Russian company Group, which claims to be number one Russian Internet.

-> Created for Elizabeth Lefkofsky, Liz

Groupon attacked for selling alcohol illegal in the U.S.

According to Forbes magazine, Groupon would face numerous lawsuits that could seriously affect his business model.

The young company founded by Andrew Mason, would face many trials in the USA. Many concern the delay of purchase orders and sale of alcohol is banned in some states.

Because the firm is promoting breakfasts & dinners including alcohol, U.S. authorities could consider it illegal to sell alcohol without a license. Groupon does not seem worried: "Providing a chicken and a beer for $ 10 instead of 20 is not the same thing to offer alcohol at will for a dollar," said Eric Lefkofsky, majority shareholder of Groupon .


-> Site for Liz, Elizabeth Lefkofsky

Google re-acquire. This time the dilahapnya is a software anti-piracy, Widevine.

The movement, according to a statement posted on the official Google blog, conceived as a means to increase their online video service.

In a statement, Mario Queiroz, Google's vice president of product management, said that streaming video on demand increasingly the first choice to enjoy video content.

According to Queiroz, content providers need a lot of things including protection against piracy of content to deliver their content to a streaming video service on request.

"We are pleased to announce that we have agreed to acquire Widevine," wrote Queiroz.

Widevine provides anti-piracy software, otherwise known as Digital Rights Management (DRM). Widevine software is currently used in various electronic devices.

The news follows the purchase acquisition plans Widevine Google Groupon - discounts and company information provider and special offers. They say that Google is ready money paid $ 6 billion (around Rp 54 trillion) of Schedule Groupon.

But these efforts have failed because Lefkofsky Eric and Andrew Mason, founder Groupon, rejected the offer from Google. Both would still want Groupon independent and may one day enter the stock market.

-> Created for Elizabeth Lefkofsky, Liz

Google groupon snob and refuses to $ 6 Billion

The site rejects the offer rebates of more than $ 6 billion to Google in order to remain independent, before an eventual IPO .. If a stock falls groupon, board, INVEST IMMEDIATELY WITHOUT WASTING TIME! It's gonna be a killer as the launch for google ... About $ 60 ==) + $ 600, 10x the original bet!

Read on

groupon, the American website for the rebates, extended the bid for the search giant Google on the internet, said website economic Breaking Business Chicago Friday, December 3.
According to the news site, wants to remain independent groupon before a possible IPO in which it should consider in 2011.
Google had offered "between 5 and 6 billion dollars" for the acquisition, the largest sum he had ever put on the table to take control of a company, "said Chicago Breaking Business, citing people familiar with the folder.

-> Site for Liz, Elizabeth Lefkofsky

"The company's largest growth in history"
Founded in November 2008 in Chicago, groupon based its success on the "affair of the day" for Internet users: they receive discounts (50-90%, depending on the home page) valid for a day trade, restaurant, hair salon or beauty, gym ...
In August, Forbes magazine had spoken of "the company's largest growth in history." After starting very modestly, it has gradually expanded its network, including by acquiring foreign companies that have copied its business, for now 33 million users in 35 countries and more than 3,000 wage.
Breaking Chicago Business cited among the holders of shares groupon "local investors Lefkofsky Eric and Brad Keywell, corporate venture capital like New Enterprise Associates and Accel Partners, and the Russian company Group, which claims instead of number one Russian Internet

groupon has already achieved more than $ 500 million of turnover .. 1 billion expected next year, so the 6 Billion Google are ridiculous! groupon should apply now virtually over 50 billion dollars, because it is only the beginning .. Once their system of national deal, and that the "shops" they can even manage their promotion, it will be one gavere .. society is the fastest growing in the history of the web!

Groupon boss has just turned 30, he became a billionaire even faster than google and facebook ... internet always surprise me! Especially since the bulk purchase is something that has existed for quite some time now

-> Created for Elizabeth Lefkofsky, Liz

Could you forward this site to Elizabeth Lefkofsky