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Walk flea Saint-Ouen
The Duke of china
How the Duke of Westminster, the first capital of the kingdom, has offered two iconic markets of Saint-Ouen flea. And incurred the wrath of "puciers.

It is good in the early autumn, walk into the wind flea Saint-Ouen. Is it the color of the Virginia creeper climbing up to the assault of signs, which are beginning to be tinged with red? Or softness of a sun that seems to skate late copper items unpacked from a clever knick-knacks?
With the return back the urge to wander randomly in the aisles a bit provincial market Vernaison, Jules-Vallès or Biron, in search of who knows what, perhaps a favorite - a book old mitts grandmother, a statuette which we did not need a moment before.
This is the charm of this place that traffics in nostalgia, that bittersweet feeling that traders fear will dissolve into speculation. And so, since a certain Duke of England took possession of Paul-Bert and Serpette, two of the sixteen markets that are this small Parisian paradise if the flea market and antiques. That was two years ago. Since then, nostalgia is no longer quite what it was. Contact person is Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor, 57, sixth Duke of Westminster, knight of the Garter, who never set foot in the Rue des Rosiers, but whose reputation does enough to ruffle the merchants of the first market for antiquities world, located in one of the last citadels "red" in the suburbs.
My Lord in the 9-3, which scenario! In December 2005 the Grosvenor Group, which manages the considerable assets of the Duke estate, bought for 50 million euros two of the markets most popular chips: Paul-Bert, 61 Spring kingdom of China with its seven lanes open, and Serpette, former garage converted in 1970 in Aladdin's cave for bobos silver. Or 420 traders and individualists moaners - very French, so - which has since claimed they sought to steal their soul. And incidentally, to increase their charges and rents. Yet because of their deep blues is probably the golden age of the chips is now history. An idea for those unbearable jazz and musette are still dreaming.
But what was he doing in that galley, the Duke, which even the subjects of His Most Gracious Majesty know almost nothing? The story has what it takes mystery to continue feeding rumors and fantasies. The Duke of Westminster is indeed the emblematic character of an aristocracy that no longer exists in France since 1789, owner of the largest real estate empire in the world and first capital of British, far ahead of the queen. A true master in every sense of the term.
"Of all the non-royal dukes, he was the first by the wealth and prestige," said Marc Roche, Le Monde correspondent in London and author of Elizabeth II, the last queen, appeared last year in the editions of The Round Table. A book that illuminates the place of choice employed by Gerald Cavendish Grosvenor in the British nobility. Intimate Prince Charles, he is the head of a miniroyaume whose "capital" is the medieval city of Chester, and finance hundreds of charities, modeled on the royal family.
Retired General of the Army Reserve, the Duke is very close to the Anglican Church, which is a major contributor. This has not prevented the media coverage of its few deviations from you ladies small worm. Of course, "said Marc Roche, 'cases do not interest him, but he was always surrounded by the best and largest real estate specialists.
If Gerald Grosvenor had already, in its heritage and some beautiful antique streets in London, near Pimlico, is that the heart of his property empire beats in the neighborhoods of London's most exclusive, Mayfair and Belgravia, that it has almost entirely. Quite the miracle of long leases in English, which enabled the British aristocracy to maintain its economic power: the commoners could not buy that the walls of their houses, land ownership remains in the hands of aristocratic families. Entrusted to a trust - the Grosvenor Group, noblesse oblige - the goods have prospered much better than high-flying financiers who looked after them were making bold paris: they were among the first to invest in San Francisco and Australia, and have recently entered into venture funds invested in real estate. If the noble titles of the Duke back to William the Conqueror, his vision for finance is the twenty-first century.

What's more natural for a group as internationally, that interest in France? The acquisition of beautiful buildings rue du Faubourg Saint-Honore, or ultra-modern office space in the seventeenth arrondissement of Paris are not surprising. As the seat of the continental branch of the Grosvenor Group, is housed in a plush building on Boulevard Haussmann, and uses the song by Joe Dassin Aux Champs-Elysees as music on hold. All very normal.
But the chips, heirs of the nineteenth century dressers who had been exiled by the prefect bin beyond the fortifications? "It's a magical and emblematic of Paris," says Marie-Christine Solal, French partner group Grosvenor in this operation, whose real estate consulting company took 10% of the market Paul-Bert and Serpette alongside the British. The young woman, who started his company in 2004, has held that: his father, Jean-Louis Solal, was the Pope of shopping centers in France in the 1970s. This has created thirty, which Parly II and II in Velizy near Paris, or La Part-Dieu in Lyon. It was at her side she learned the trade. A universe that merchants feel good chips away from them.
"The British have paid dearly, they need to maximize their invest-ment," The Bachelor considers Francois, trumpet Paul-Bert market, which - super-store old kitchen equipment has long served as the backdrop for All at the flea market, the issue of France 3. "They have the habit of shopping centers. But they ran into a Gallic village! "
And in this village, even better off, as Olivier and Benoît d'Ythurbide Fauquenot, whose shop at the entrance of Serpette, is one of the most spacious and best located, are resisting. Like 130 other stores, they are proceeding against the new owner, because they refuse to load increases, signal a development that does not tell them anything of value, to a high-end standard, like the Swiss Village gallery, antique soulless fifteenth arrondissement of Paris. "Even the big customers like to find a bauble to 50 euros in the middle of things more expensive," argues Olivier d'Ythurbide, president of the friendly traders Serpette. Finance kill Does it picturesque?
Marie-Christine Solal, of course, denies it. In his eyes, he is simply better manage the scene - cut costs by Paul-Bert and Serpette same space - and renovate them. "When we arrived, we asked a building permit to replace the stands in the aisle Algeco 6 Paul-Bert, whose reopening was held in June and urged the modernization of the toilet. We want to install an ATM and a second restaurant. Customers have the right to be properly received, "pleads the woman. She says "love the bullet" and simply wants to achieve the desired improvements it would qualify as a client. But nothing helped, the graft is difficult to take. Even if merchants have long cohabitation with a hard-finance is inevitable.
In 1999, markets Paul-Bert and Serpette Serpaul together in society had become the property of LBO France, which had an initial overhaul of the leases. In 2004, the transfer of Serpaul "generates a multiple of 2.3," said the finance group. The new owner is Tikehau Capital, which brings together former Merrill Lynch and Goldman Sachs France, and Compagnie Nationale à Portefeuille. Either the Belgian Baron Albert Frere, one of the savviest investors on the French market. Tikehau Serpaul not keep a year before selling at Grosvenor with, again, a significant added value.

Suspicious, bohemians, lovers of freedom, have puciers of melancholy. Cascade resales make troubles. In the 1980s, is the construction of social housing - the city of Boute-en-train - by the Communist mayor who was screaming, they have quite the right heart. Today, the municipality invests in this area now classified as "protected building". "It is planned to make the streets for pedestrians Paul-Bert and Jules-Valles," said Paul Macedo, head of economic development of chips for mayor.
That he will restore the morale merchants? Not sure. The French do not spend more. And since September 11, 2001, the Americans are gone. "Some landed here with their decorator just after buying their house to furnish it from cellar to attic, and it was stipulated in their credit," says Nicholas Moufflet, president of the development and promotion of smart Paris-Saint Ouen. Those days are over. The Russians, Indians, Chinese? Still be there a little marketing to get them. But who will agree the Gallic village on the way to go about it is perhaps not yet born.


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