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Christopher Binyon Sarofim is son of Fayez Sarofim (Coptic Egyptian American fund manager for a number of Dreyfus family stock funds. He is divorced with five children, and lives in Houston, Texas)

Sorry for my poor english translation.

Egypt (Arabic: ??? Misr, officially the Arab Republic of Egypt) is a country in northeastern Africa, which belongs to Egypt the Sinai Peninsula is counted in the bridge to Asia. Egypt has its high number of over 80 million people a huge political and cultural influence in the Arab world. With the Suez Canal in Egypt is a waterway with outstanding importance for the global economy, it connects the European Mediterranean to the Indian Ocean. In addition, the country has a border with Israel and thus with the difficult crisis in the Middle East region.

The most important lifeline of Egypt is the Nile as it flows into the Mediterranean. As early as 3000 BC, it became home to the ancient civilizations of the Old World.

With the conquest in 640, the country had become Christian in the Islamic world. Once there was a long time been dominated by the Ottoman dynasty, Egypt was in the 19th Century, a British colony. The independence in 1922, it experienced as a kingdom until 1952, a coup brought to power a government that is essentially dependent on the military. Since the resignation of President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak on 11 February 2011 ruling of the military council under the leadership of Mohammed Hussein Tantawi. Prime Schafiq came after persistent protests against his government on 3 Back in March 2011. Essam Sharaf's successor has been appointed by the military.


The country's name means Egyptian Km.t "Black Country" and refers to the fertile soils of the Nile valley in contrast to the "Red Land" of the adjacent deserts, the DSr.t. In Coptic it was Kimi or Kim?, finally Kymeia in Ancient Greek.

The Arabic term Mi?r, today is the official state name, of Semitic origin. He is the original Assyrian spelling Misir / Musur very similar, but also with the Hebrew ????????? (Mitzrayim) related. It simply means "country" or "State", which was historically so Lower Egypt (The lower land) meant and was later transferred to the entire country (Lower and Upper Egypt). This is also reflected in the later Hebrew name as a dual-term expression. In the Egyptian dialect of Arabic from Masr Mi?r however, and finally masri for "Egyptian", the frequent epithet al-Masri, therefore means "the Egyptian" is. Egypt in the Achaemenian brought the ancient Persian name as satrapy Mudraya.

The European concepts of Egypt, Egypt, Egypt, Egitto, etc. come from the Latin word Aegyptus and ultimately from the ancient Greek Α?γυπτος (Aegyptus) from. The Copts claim to being the direct descendants of the ancient Egyptian population of the Pharaonic period. [8] From her name was the Greek Aegyptus, the Germans were in Egypt. According to popular theory represents a continuation of the ancient Egyptian expression Aegyptus Hwt-k3-pth is what "the seat of the soul (God) Ptah" means and which is alluded to a temple of Ptah in Memphis.

For country names from 1958 to 1972 see United Arab Republic.

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The lifeline of Egypt is the Nile, Kagera river whose source springs in the mountain country of Burundi and Egypt about 1,550 km long from south to north flows through before it flows through the 24,000 km ² in the Nile Delta, the Mediterranean Sea. Apart from a few oases and small ports on the coasts alone offer its water and its fertile banks of the regions based on cultivation and settlement. This area represents about five percent of the territory. The territory can be divided into seven natural geographical units:

In the far south is the counting of Nubia and Upper Egypt section of the Nile Valley between Aswan and Abu Simbel, which is today occupied by Lake Nasser. In the further course of the Nile has cut into the limestone box-shaped panel of the desert. From the outlet of the river from Lake Nasser to Cairo forms the Nile valley up to 25 km wide, fertile river oasis.

In Lower Egypt, north of Cairo, the Nile splits into two main estuary arms between Rosetta and Damietta and forms an approximately 23,000 sq. km comprehensive, intensive farming delta landscape of deposited mud, criss-crossed by numerous small estuary, canals and irrigation systems.

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The westernmost of the Nile Libyan desert occupies a vast flat layer plateau about two-thirds of Egypt's national territory. In its north is relatively low, the Libyan plateau, reached in Egypt up to 241 m altitude. Southeast of it is lowered into the ground filled with the salt marshes Kattarasenke from up to 133 m below sea level, rises in the southwest to the desert to 1,098 meters. For the rest stop just individual basins and lowlands with the oases of Siwa, Bahariyya, Farafra, Dakhla and Kharga from north to south about 1,000 km long and monotonous sand-dunes. About 100 km southwest of Cairo is the 1827 km ² Faiyum Basin, a basin-like oasis landscape in the northern part is the 230 square kilometer Lake Qarun.

In contrast, the east of the Nile Arabian desert is dominated by a heavily rutted mountain by wadis, which reached the middle section more than 2,000 m altitude. The Arabian Desert is the western section of Aufwölbungszone, the central part of the Tertiary is broken and is now the more than 1,000 m deep trench of the Red Sea. This is again a section of the Syrian-African grave breach system.

On the Sinai peninsula is the Aufwölbungszone continued. Here arises the Jabal Katrina (Catherine Hill) (2637 m) the highest mountain in Egypt. The Gulf of Suez and the Gulf of Aqaba, clutching her the peninsula from the south. Through the 161 km-long Suez Canal is a connection between the Red and Mediterranean Seas.

Apart from the Nile delta, mostly flat dunes lining the Egyptian Mediterranean coast. In contrast, the coastal areas along the Red Sea are rugged - the mountain ranges often extend to near the sea. Due to the high water temperatures here are many coral reefs offshore.

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The official language is Arabic. It is mostly Egyptian Arabic, a dialect spoken neuarabischer. Written language since the Arab conquest in the 7th The high-century Arab, only in the Coptic church is still used as a liturgical language of the Coptic, which in its own typeface, by the Greek - and a few signs of the demotic script - is derived, is written.

In the oasis of Siwa is still speaks a Berber language, known as Siwi. In the south and in the Kharga oasis, many people speak Nubian. In the southeast there are Bedscha spokesman. As a foreign language is English and the French elite still widespread. In addition, there are approximately 230,000 Domari spokesman - one Indo-Iranian language.

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Egypt is the constitution for an Islamic state, and Islam is the state religion. In theory, Article 18 of the Egyptian constitution grants all citizens freedom of religion. But in practice it is severely limited. Must be given to the religious affiliation of government identification cards, but it may only be chosen between the three officially recognized religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Members of other religions must either deny their faith, or they do not receive badges and thereby forego largely on their civil rights. The same applies to Muslims who convert to another religion, like Christianity, and for such persons is governed by numerous politicians and religious scholars, even demanded the death penalty [11].

Before the advent of Islam in the 7th To the evangelist St. Mark in Egypt have proselytized about the year 50 provides [12] The Christian minority in Egypt is now facing increasing discrimination by the Egyptian authorities and the Muslim religious leaders, only; century in Egypt, Christianity is the dominant religion. About two million of whom profess the Christian faith publicly. After it came back in October 2005 outside a church in Alexandria to violent clashes between Muslims and Copts, in which three people died, was an attack on Islamic extremists Coptic church services on 14th April 2006 a man killed Christian faith, 16 more were injured. During the funeral procession for the dead the following day, hundreds of Muslims and Christians were at each other with clubs, 43 people were injured and 100 arrested.

Almost all Jewish inhabitants were expelled to Egypt since 1948, by and by. Baha'is living in Egypt around 2000. Its institutions were disbanded in 1960 by a law. The Bahai are fighting for state recognition

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The official language is Arabic. It is mostly Egyptian Arabic, a dialect spoken neuarabischer. Written language since the Arab conquest in the 7th The high-century Arab, only in the Coptic church is still used as a liturgical language of the Coptic, which in its own typeface, by the Greek - and a few signs of the demotic script - is derived, is written.

In the oasis of Siwa is still speaks a Berber language, known as Siwi. In the south and in the Kharga oasis, many people speak Nubian. In the southeast there are Bedscha spokesman. As a foreign language is English and the French elite still widespread. In addition, there are approximately 230,000 Domari spokesman - one Indo-Iranian language.

Egypt is the constitution for an Islamic state, and Islam is the state religion. In theory, Article 18 of the Egyptian constitution grants all citizens freedom of religion. But in practice it is severely limited. Must be given to the religious affiliation of government identification cards, but it may only be chosen between the three officially recognized religions Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Members of other religions must either deny their faith, or they do not receive badges and thereby forego largely on their civil rights. The same applies to Muslims who convert to another religion, like Christianity, and for such persons is governed by numerous politicians and religious scholars, even demanded the death penalty [11].

-> Site for Christopher Binyon Sarofim

Before the advent of Islam in the 7th To the evangelist St. Mark in Egypt have proselytized about the year 50 provides [12] The Christian minority in Egypt is now facing increasing discrimination by the Egyptian authorities and the Muslim religious leaders, only; century in Egypt, Christianity is the dominant religion. About two million of whom profess the Christian faith publicly. After it came back in October 2005 outside a church in Alexandria to violent clashes between Muslims and Copts, in which three people died, was an attack on Islamic extremists Coptic church services on 14th April 2006 a man killed Christian faith, 16 more were injured. During the funeral procession for the dead the following day, hundreds of Muslims and Christians were at each other with clubs, 43 people were injured and 100 arrested.

Almost all Jewish inhabitants were expelled to Egypt since 1948, by and by. Baha'is living in Egypt around 2000. Its institutions were disbanded in 1960 by a law. The Bahai are fighting for state recognition [13].

-> Created for Christopher Binyon Sarofim


About 90% of Egypt's population profess the Sunni Islam. Islamic law, sharia is the main source of legislation.

On the one hand, the interpretation of Islam in Egypt is mostly modern and progressive, particularly through the leadership in the Muslim world, Al-Azhar University. On the other hand, Egypt has for decades (along with Saudi Arabia) is also a center of Islamic fundamentalism since 1967, further spreading. Thus, the Muslim Brotherhood has been active, and Osama bin Laden's terrorist group al-Qaeda were found in the times of the 11th September 2001 by Egyptians in leadership positions. In part they are still at the forefront.

Visible signs of increasing Islamization of the society are increasingly seeing too deeply veiled women, although the veil was actually officially banned to Nasser's time. [14] The Fundamentalist scene sees violence against Westerners as part of a just struggle against an "unjust system" , a "godless state" and a "Western-Jewish conspiracy" against Islam.
St. Catherine's Monastery

Today you can find in Cairo and Alexandria, but also in Central and Upper Egypt (often in predominantly Christian villages), a Coptic minority, which will include other Christians together between 4 and 15% of the total population of Egypt. [15] The State and Church figures, however, differ greatly, [16] Therefore, based many of the below-mentioned figures are only estimates. According to official figures from the Christians not more than six percent of the total population.

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Others, in addition to the Coptic Church in Egypt, ancient Oriental Churches represented are the Armenian Apostolic Church, with approximately 15,000 members and the Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch, with only about 500 members. To date, there is the Greek Orthodox Church of Alexandria, which has more than 200 000 believers in Egypt. Another Orthodox church based in Egypt, the Orthodox Church of Sinai, the members of the St. Catherine's Monastery and its surroundings but only about 50 people.

The Roman Catholic Church in Egypt (Apostolic Vicariate of Alexandria) is one of about 30 000 members, [17], mainly of foreign origin. There is, however, to form a series of Uniate churches come: the most important by far the most active in Egypt churches united with Rome, the Coptic Catholic Church with about 250 000 members in seven dioceses (Alexandria, Giza, Luxor, Minya, Assiut , Sohag, Ismayliah). The Melkite Greek Catholic Church (Archdiocese of Alexandria) comprises approximately 35 000 members (estimate: the last indication own dates back to 1970: 11 000 believers). There is also the Maronite Church (Eparchat of Cairo) with 5,000 believers, the Syrian Catholic Church (Eparchat of Cairo) with 1700 believers, the Armenian Catholic Church (Eparchat of Alexandria) with 1300 believers, and the Chaldean Catholic Church (Eparchat of Cairo) with 500 faithful. [18]

Jehovah's Witnesses publish since it was outlawed in 1960, no more data about their membership figures in Egypt.

In Egypt today there are only a very few Jews. In 1947 there were 75,000, 66 000 1948 or Jews, they were driven almost entirely by 1968 or have emigrated. [19] For large-scale deportations of Jews occurred in 1956 in connection with the Suez War in 1967 during the Six Day War. Completed since 1979, the peace treaty between Egypt and Israel was in Egypt in the Jews their freedom of religion are no longer restricted, but they form only a marginal, over-aged minority


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525 BC Egypt was conquered by the Persian Empire and the first time a province of a foreign empire, within certain limits, it was the government and the religious freedom granted. 332 BC was the 404 again gained independence in Egypt without a fight in the hands of Alexander the Great, who Hellenized the country as part of the Macedonian Empire. After his death in 323 BC, took over his commander Ptolemy I Soter, the administration of the Egyptian province. 305, he took as Ptolemy I Soter, the title of a king, founding the dynasty of the Ptolemies, which ruled Egypt for nearly 300 years. They raised the company founded by Alexander Alexandria as their capital and foreign policy were based on the Mediterranean.

After the death of Cleopatra VII, the last ruler of the Ptolemäerhauses, 30 BC, Egypt became a Roman province. With the division of the Roman Empire in 395 AD, the country came under Eastern Roman-Byzantine rule and lost by the shift of trade routes to Constantinople some of its former economic importance. This, and especially the Byzantine religious policy led to a strong opposition movement against the Byzantine Empire, which was expressed in particular after the Council of Chalcedon in 451 by the formation of an independent Coptic Church. In late antiquity, Egypt was the starting point of Christian Mission in Ethiopia and Nubia, whose churches resembled them closely in the Coptic Church of Egypt. The land was rich and economically important, so that the Persian Sassanid Empire from 619 initially and then tried the Muslim Arabs, wrest it to the Emperor.
Under the rule of Islam

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Muslim Arabs in 640 conquered the Nile Valley, Egypt was now of shifting power centers - Damascus, Baghdad, Cairo - dominated. Under the Umayyads (661-750) Arab tribes settled in the fertile plains and then on the specific cultural appearance in Egypt. With the arrival in power of Saladin, founder of the Ayyubid dynasty (1171-1249), Cairo became the center of the Muslim resistance against the Christian Crusades. Around 1250, rose the palace guard, which consisted of the Mamluks, originally mostly Turkish military slaves, and took power. End of the 13th Last century, they destroyed the Crusader states on Asian soil. Even after the conquest of Egypt by the Ottoman Empire in 1517, the administration remained in their hands. The economic decline as a result of the discovery of the sea route to India (1498) made Egypt one of the poorest provinces of the Ottoman Empire.
Under British control


It was not until the arrival of the French expeditionary corps under Napoleon in 1798 ended the rule of the Ottomans. As had to cancel after the naval victory of the British Admiral Nelson of the Nile in the same year the French Orient their campaign, took advantage of the Albanian Muhammad Ali Pasha, an officer of the situation to seize power (1805-1849). He and his successors were able to achieve under Ottoman rule a certain independence, pursued an expansionary policy and ushered in the history of modern Egypt. The construction of the Suez Canal (1859-1869) made the country so dependent on foreign loans that have set up the UK and France, public debt management was the actual government of the country. To secure the connection route to India, Britain acquired the Egyptian Canal shares, the land occupied in 1882 and 1914 there was formally a protectorate. In 1922, Egypt Fuad I. an already largely independent kingdom after his death in 1936 and obtained the sovereignty. During the Second World War, Egypt was the battleground between German and Italian armies under Erwin Rommel and the British under Bernard Montgomery. British troops remained until 1946 in the country. 1945 Egypt was one of the 51 founding members of the United Nations.
Egypt as a republic

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In 1948, Egyptian Arab armies involved in the attack on the newly proclaimed state of Israel, but were, like the other Arab armies also fought back. On 23 July 1952 (National Day) overthrew the movement of the "Free Officers" in 1936 enthroned King Farouk. The story of the young Republic of Egypt was first General Ali Muhammad Naguib, then determined from the leading head of the revolution, Colonel Gamal Abdel Nasser (1954-1970). Nasser's socialist regime maintained close relations with the Soviet Union. The nationalization of the Suez Canal Company in 1956 led to military intervention by Israel, Britain and France. The Suez crisis was resolved through the intervention of the UN. In 1958 Egypt joined Syria and North Yemen to form the United Arab Republic (UAR) together, which was actually only up to 1961. In the Six Day War with Israel in June 1967 in which Israeli troops reached the Suez Canal, the country suffered a severe military defeat. After Nasser's death in 1970 Vice President Anwar Sadat became president. By the - partially successful - the Yom Kippur War in 1973, Sadat was trying to make up for the defeat of 1967.

1977 Sadat launched a surprise peace initiative, a dialogue with Israel that led in 1979 peace treaty and the withdrawal of Israeli troops from the Sinai Peninsula, on the other hand, however, the country in the Arab world, isolated and provoked the opposition of Islamic fundamentalists. Sadat in 1981, 1978, together with the Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin received the Nobel Peace Prize, was the victim of an assassination plot. His successor, the then incumbent Vice President Muhammad Hosni Mubarak, has succeeded, again due to Egypt as a fully respected member of the Arab League. He ruled, however authoritarian, since the enactment of emergency legislation from 1982 to 2011 to the Revolution.

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