I have done this site especially for Carey Bren
in order to visit thishousewillexist.org
Carey is son of Donald Bren (American real estate investor and chairman of the Irvine Company)
Sorry for my poor english translation.
Donald Bren is the son of a Hollywood producer and left his dream of going to the Olympics after an injury in 1956.
He built his first house with a loan of $ 10.000 in 1958. Rancho Mission Viejo Development on 10 thousand acres in California and sold it to Philip Morris in 1967.
Together with its partners, bought the developer Irvine Co. for 337 million in 1977, became sole owner in 1996.
His current portfolio includes 25 000 undeveloped acres in Orange County, 400 office buildings, 40 retail centers, 90 apartment communities, hotels, marinas and golf courses.
Bren donation for after school programs make a total of 10 million
Continued commitment by Bren to donate $ 100 million to support education in grades K-12
Expands after school programs THINK Together in all schools grades K-5 School District Santa Ana Unified
Click 30.000 program to assist students with financial needs of Southern California
Answer the call made by the Superintendent of Public Instruction to close the achievement gap
Create a leadership grant to expand the program in eastern Los Angeles County
-> Created for Carey Bren
NEWPORT BEACH, CA-(February 19, 2008) In what is considered one of the private donations largest in the history of after-school programs in California, Donald Bren, chairman of Irvine Company Monday announced a donation of $ 8.5 million for the expansion of after-school programs of THINK Together curriculum for Southern California. The funds will benefit children and youth of school districts in Santa Ana and the East County of Los Angeles.
"" After learning of the difficulties faced by students from these school districts - including a decline in enrollment and budget cuts - I felt the need to do something to solve the problem identified by Governor Schwarzenegger to the need for programs after school that are quality, and thus respond to the recent call made by Superintendent O'Connell to create more partnerships with businesses and school districts to expand programs that have proven to be successful, "said Bren, whose philanthropy is the continuation its long-term commitment to improve the quality of education in California, a commitment that includes more than $ 100 million to support education in grades kindergarten through twelve (K-12).
THINK Together is one of the organizations offering more services in the country after school, and has been recognized for providing high quality programs, well structured academic curriculum with after school for students with low incomes.
"THINK Together is a program that has shown great results for these youth at a critical stage in their education through the collaboration of teachers, school administrators and volunteer mentors," said Bren. "Children in kindergarten through fifth grade are in their developmental years and training, in which the student base and encourages the growth of his intelligence and knowledge and develop basic academic skills that will determine the rest of their lives" .
"Think Together plays an important role in assisting these children achieve the academic achievement of their degrees. My goal is that the funds will help close the achievement gap and truly make a difference in providing resources to these students who otherwise would not exist for them. "
Governor Schwarzenegger has been a great promoter of the benefits of after school programs, emphasizing the importance that children have the academic support and a place where they feel safe to learn. THINK Together is funded by Proposition 49, Security Initiative After School Program, approved by voters in the elections of 2002 to provide funding for after school programs in schools with large numbers of students from families low incomes.
"I've always been a big believer in after-school programs," the governor said. "The danger zone for children is from 1 to 6 pm, during those hours have almost no supervision.'s When you can get into all sorts of problems with gangs and drugs, if no one is paying attention."
-> Site for Carey Bren
"These funds will make a Donald Bren positive substantive difference in thousands of students. Statistics show that well-structured programs of high quality and help students improve their performance in their classes," said Schwarzenegger. "Students in Santa Ana and East Los Angeles County now have a better future thanks to the services and advice received from THINK Together and the opportunity to have something positive and productive to do after school ".
THINK Together is a nonprofit after-school program that serves more than 20,000 students every day in 180 locations in the counties of Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside and San Bernardino. With this donation, Think Together can help about 30,000 children and youth.
-> Site for Carey Bren
THINK represent the initials of the English words "Teaching, Helping, Inspiring, Nurturing, Kids" [Teaching, Helping, Inspiring, Nurturing, Kids]. THINK Together engages in partnerships with schools, parents and the community to provide structured places for students to learn and grow.
Jack O'Connell, Superintendent of Public Instruction of California made a compliment to today's announcement stating, "our state is in the midst of a serious financial crisis, where every dollar counts and makes a big difference. During these difficult times, and as we have seen in past years, there is no shortage of communities and people who are willing to take steps to ensure that our children have a bright future. "
"I congratulate Donald Bren for his enormous commitment to our students. Your generous donation to THINK Together will make a difference by increasing the number of opportunities for after school programs that now are available for students in East Los Angeles County and Santa Ana These funds will also provide the students with much needed resources and programs to help close the achievement gap, the most serious problem facing public education in California. "
Students attending the THINK Together program each school day. They receive a healthy snack and then participate in a rotating series of activities supervised. Receive one hour of additional instruction - often taught by teachers from the same school - and then receive one hour homework assistance paid staff and / or volunteer tutors. Students then do an hour of exercise that includes a combination of structured physical education activities. THINK Together programs have won numerous awards and demonstrated impressive results.
The donation creates a new grant for leadership that will be used to extend the THINK Together program at the East County of Los Angeles, where the program currently serves 10,000 students. In 2006, when the state released a list of 1,400 schools are considered "High Priority" to receive funds from Proposition 49, hundreds of these schools were identified in the eastern part of the County of Los Angeles. THINK Together currently serves the following school districts in the eastern part of the County of Los Angeles: Azusa, Baldwin Park, Bassett, Duarte, Little Lake, Los Nietos, Norwalk-La Mirada, Pomona and South Whittier.
-> Created for Carey Bren
"This critical funding will allow the expansion and growth of THINK Together in the East County of Los Angeles," said Joanne Kozberg, former Secretary of State and Consumer Services California
UC regent and "The contribution of these low-income students the resources needed to succeed in their education - have no available resources to these disadvantaged young people otherwise - represents a wonderful collaboration between the government (Federal, State and Local ), teachers and the private sector (Donald Bren and The Irvine Company) that will have great results in the lives of many disadvantaged children. "
This donation continues the commitment made a decade ago by Bren and The Irvine Company to THINK Together. Since 1998, Bren and The Irvine Company have provided financial support and its employees have volunteered on the board and as mentors. In addition, the company Vice President Sat Tamaribuchi has been part of the board since its inception in 1997. With the donation today, the financial contribution granted by Bren programs after school THINK Together reach a total of $ 10 million to extend donations to education beyond the area 'The Irvine Ranch' to Santa Ana and The County of Los Angeles.
-> Site for Carey Bren
"This new gift from Donald Bren, is the largest that has been granted an after school program in California, allowing us to extend the learning time and expand educational opportunities for thousands of disadvantaged youth in Southern California, "said Randy Barth, executive director of THINK Together. "This important grant will help us provide thousands of low-income students critical academic intervention programs, reading and homework assistance and physical education programs after school, which will help students close the achievement gap academic who is so evident in these districts and the level of performance for their education. "
"These funds will allow THINK Together to facilitate after-school programs in every school in grades K-5 School District Santa Ana Unified Three of the 10 schools with the highest average of Orange County in Test Academic Performance "Academic Performance Index (API)" are schools that have the THINK Together program, including Monte Vista Elementary School in Santa Ana, which recorded a very high increase in API scores in Orange County.
"This wonderful and generous gift provides critical funding in times of cuts in after school programs and in turn have a major impact on our youth," said José Alfredo Hernández, President of the School Board of Santa Unified School District Ana "THINK Together will continue its work and increase opportunities in the afternoon to reinforce the academic skills of these young people and thus close the gap in academic performance."
"I applaud Donald Bren for his vision and his initiative to provide this critical funding, which will help schools with students from low-income, minority groups and students who are learning English, to close the achievement gap and reach an average for their education to achieve academic success, "said Dr. David Barton, president of the Association of THINK Together receives donation. "The announcement today is great news for all of us in our ongoing effort to tackle a major priority for the state, which is to provide assistance to children who need it most."
"The children of Santa Ana have great potential and this donation Donald Bren significant that provide the resources they need to compete with other students in Orange County," said Jane Russo, superintendent of Unified School District Santa Ana " Our students are very significant challenges, but with the opportunity and instruction received through these important funds, they will use for long the fruits of these educational benefits as a result. "
"The students in these school districts need additional resources to close the achievement gap that exists today," said Bren. "My goal is that the funds make a real difference in the lives of these students and the workforce here in Southern California."
"There is no wiser investment we can do as individuals and as a company to invest in our children," he said Bren. "They are our legacy. They are the leaders of the future and the quality education they receive today will impact on tomorrow on your success and prosperity of our communities. "
-> Created for Carey Bren