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Mr. Boris Agrest is a Director at Akrilat since December 2005.

Sorry for my poor english translation

Acrylate - information about OAO Acrylate (Dzerzhinsk)

JSC "Acrylate" - the only Russian manufacturer of acrylic monomers.

Construction of the complex of acrylate production was approved in 1987, work started only in 1989. But, in connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, funding for the project proceeded intermittently, and in 1994 construction work at the facility were terminated.

In 1999, the company was reorganized into OJSC "Acrylate" through conversion of accounts payable in shares. In 2001, between the administration of the Nizhniy Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk city administration and JSC "Acrylate" was signed investment agreement on realization of priority investment project "Construction and commissioning of the acrylate complex in Dzerzhinsk. OAO Acrylate signed a cooperation agreement with a consortium of Japanese companies Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Nippon Shokubai and Nissho Iwai to complete construction of the acrylate complex in Dzerzhinsk.

Project financing to fully implement the Bank of Bank Petrocommerce. Simultaneously, OAO Acrylate "received tax breaks from the Administration of Nizhny Novgorod and Dzerzhinsk for the project.

In 2004 a solemn opening ceremony of the complex and carried the first shipment of products.

The main products of acrylate:

• Acrylic acid, Mark "E", "P";
• Butyl acrylate;
• Ethyl acrylate;
• Methylacrylate;
• soda-sulfate mixture;
• An aqueous solution of sodium salts;
• 2-ethylhexyl acrylate.

Today, capacity is 35 thousand tons of acrylic monomers in the year. The main market for production of "acrylate" are companies in Western Europe.

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Company Info: In 1987 Minhimprom USSR approved feasibility study for construction of the complex acrylate plants in Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region. Construction of the complex was begun in 1989 on the basis of complete equipment and technology purchased from the Japanese company, Nissho Iwai and delivered under the contract between the union "Tehmashimport" and on the "Plexiglas". In the summer of 1999. Through the conversion of accounts payable in shares, the company was reorganized into Open Joint Stock Company "Acrylate".
JSC "Acrylate" is Russia's only producer of acrylic monomers.
Capacity is 35 thousand tons of acrylic monomers in the year.
Acrylic acid and its esters are used in manufacturing a wide range of polymeric materials (acrylic dispersions, latexes of copolymers, adhesive compositions, superabsorbent) used in various industries.


Bank Petrocommerce grant a loan of "acrylate" in the amount of $ 51 million

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Shareholders of acrylate (Dzerzhinsk, Nizhny Novgorod region) at an extraordinary meeting decided to approve the supplemental agreement to the loan agreement on opening a credit line with Bank Petrocommerce, according to which the period for which offers a line of credit was extended until September 20, 2007, states the official statement of the company.

Meanwhile, as previously reported, in January 2006 of "acrylate" and the bank Petrocommerce agreed to reduce a 2-year term of the loan agreement provides for granting the company a loan of $ 51 million - until September 21, 2006.

In addition, shareholders approved the additional agreement to the pledge of property, owned by OAO "Acrylate" on property rights concluded between "acrylate" and the bank Petrocommerce in enforcing the obligations of "acrylate" in the credit agreement.

Also, shareholders of Acrylate, "countable re-elected commission. The new commission is composed of Yuri Fokin, Irina Holzakova, Elena Gerasimova.

As previously reported, in 1991 for the construction of a complex for production of acrylic acid and emulsions were created ZAO "Acrylate". March 24, 1998 the company introduced the external management. February 15, 2000 at UAB "acrylate" is introduced bankruptcy proceedings for a period of 1 year. Thereafter, the bankruptcy proceedings extended twice due to unsold property.

During the bankruptcy liquid assets of JSC had been withdrawn by JSC "Acrylate".

Construction of the acrylic complex in Dzerzhinsk is renewed in accordance with the agreement of the Government of Nizhny Novgorod region, Dzerzhinsk and administration of "acrylate", which was approved by the Legislative Assembly of Nizhny Novgorod region in November 2001.

The complex was put into operation in late 2004. Owners of businesses have invested in the completion of the acrylic complex $ 51 million raised in the form of loans at the bank Petrocommerce.

"Acrylate" owns the license for production of acrylic acid and its esters on the technology the Japanese company Nippon Shokubai Co., Ltd.

The authorized capital of OAO "acrylate" is 240 million rubles and is divided into 240 million ordinary shares with a nominal value of 1 ruble each. Nearly 100% of shares of Acrylate owns Moscow LLC Flolt.

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JSC "Acrylate" plans from 1 April to resume work in full This was reported by Director General of "acrylate" Alexey Avdeev at a press conference on March 27.

Avdeev said that the company was opened in 2004 and has been producing raw materials for paints and varnishes. Part of February and March the whole plant did not produce products, as carried out "campaign forced repairs.

"In late 2008, prices fell for the finished products of our company, which offset the decline in commodity prices. 85% of the products we leave the EU. In February, we have shipped only a third of the monthly plan," - he said. "We did not cut staff, because it is exclusive. The production is on the Japanese technology and some staff have trained in Japan. This is a very expensive education," - said the CEO.

Alexey Avdeev said that sales of the product is also associated with the season - in summer, an increased demand in the winter - a recession.

Avdeev said that "acrylate" is a loan in foreign currency and with each change of course has substantial losses. The size of the loan Director General of "acrylate" is not mentioned.

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In 2003, OAO Acrylate was derived for the reconstruction of a cooling tower SC-400 housing 164. Contractor for the design of the reconstruction was the organization of ZAO Agrostroyservis "Dzerzhinsk.
In the process of reconstruction works of 2003-2004. because of delays in the implementation of commitments "Contractor" repeatedly postponed deadline for the cooling tower commissioning, resulting in a disrupted its launch in 3 months.
After the reconstruction in the winter due to lack of temperature control and leaks in the casing of the frosting becomes cooler outside and inside, which leads to the destruction of sprinkler, drip pan and wind barriers, additional work on chipping ice, endangering people's safety from falling ice. (See photo number 1) When you click the photo increases.

--- -> Site for Boris Agrest

Director of the group in 1988, a man quite clever, as himself, and he did not forget - almost unbelievable - deserves sincere love of their own subordinates. Prior to working with the Nautilus was the director of many Soviet show, from "Circus on Stage" and ending with VAZ "Avtorodeo. Original identity, many defendants in the commercialization and sale of the Nautilus during its greatest popularity. From this assessment is still not agree themselves members of the group, assuming Boris Aleksandrovich one of the best known among them managers. After leaving the band in winter 1989 in a conflict with D. Umetskim gradually moving away from the music business for another, more serious. At the present time - confidently looking to the future Viennese burgher.

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Finance (from Lat. Financia - cash, income) - a set of economic relations that arise in the process of formation, distribution and use of centralized and decentralized funds of funds. Usually it is a trust fund of the state or entities (enterprises). The most important concept in finance is the budget.

The verb means to fund "to supply the cash."

The word finance is often used in everyday life to refer to money.

There is also the same name economics - finance.

Finance as a science

Discipline of finance examines money and socio-economic relationships associated with the formation, distribution and use of material resources. Finance - is an applied economics.

Traditionally finances are divided into public and private. The first group includes: public finance and municipal finance (local finance). In the second group of isolated:

personal finances and family finances;
small business finance, corporate finance (finance companies, finance business), finance banks (banking), finance nonprofit organizations.

For public finance primary spending, as is made clear funding allotted tasks and functions of public education. For private finance primary income, all activities aimed at generating income, which is used at the discretion of the person.

General ability (and perhaps even art), to manage finances is studying science financial management. Financial management of the bank is studied within the science banking. Financial markets are studying the science of Financial Economics. Financial statistics studied in the framework of a small section of the same name statistics. Methods of processing financial information is studying applied mathematical science of financial mathematics. Monitoring of financial flows is studied within the discipline of financial control.

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Key financial concepts

Financial Activity (activities) - is the use of certain techniques and procedures that individuals and organizations use to manage their finances. Particularly important when the difference between income and expenditure and risk assessment of investments.

If revenues exceed expenses (ie there is a surplus), the difference can be given a loan at interest or invested in a business or buy property. This is the essence of financial activity - if you have free financial resources, they should be put into action to bring additional income.

If expenses exceed income (that is, there is a deficit), then you need to fill in the missing financial resources. This can be done by obtaining a loan, or by issuing shares or bonds on the exchange. In today's world, a borrower does not have to go yourself and find the lender - you can go to the bank or the stock market, and the appropriate financial institution for a commission will find the lender. Or vice versa - for the lender to find the borrower. Actually the whole point of the banking and exchange activities is to effectively communicate in need with those who have surplus funds. What works best in the country's banking and exchange system, the more active and more stable economy as a whole. This fundamental macroeconomic rule has no exceptions.
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As mentioned earlier, the bank serves as an intermediary between borrowers and lenders. In practice, it looks like this: the lender (investor) comes in and puts their spare money into a bank account (so-called. Deposit) to receive from your contribution percentage. Then the bank comes to the borrower to obtain credit. Bank gives money saver in the loan to the borrower at interest, and this percentage also includes the income for the depositor and the income for the bank, and more, plus a percentage for the risk insurance bad debt.

Exchange also serves to connect lenders and borrowers, but, unlike the bank, not its own "financial buffer", ie can not put money on deposit until the borrower. Exchange can bind the lender and the borrower only in real time. The bank may postpone the funds, that is, the lender (investor) can come to the bank today, and the borrower (who wants to take depositors' money in the loan) can appear only in a month.
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In addition, the Exchange trades deposits and loans in an indirect manner. Who wants to take credit issues on the stock exchange stocks or bonds. Share is the share of ownership in the company of the borrower, and thus simultaneously serves as collateral for the loan. Bond is also a type of loan, but she, unlike stocks, does not give ownership of the company-borrower, though it may include a single bond. In stocks and bonds can also pay interest (called a dividend). If not for stock dividends are paid, it is assumed that the share will rise in price, and the lender, bought the share, be able to get due to it profits only by selling more costly campaign.
Finance Options

Distribution - distributed through the Finance and redistributed to the gross domestic income, so that the funds placed at the disposal of the state, the municipality;
Control - is their ability to monitor the entire course of the distribution process, and spending by purpose of money flowing from the federal budget;
Regulatory - government intervention in the reproduction process through finance (taxes, government loans, etc.). State acts on the reproductive process through the financing of individual enterprises, a tax policy;
Stabilizing - providing citizens stable economic and social conditions.

Financial Services

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A general term to describe the services of companies whose activities are connected with money or investment services.

The financial services include the following services:

Banking Services
Investment Banking
Insurance services
Leasing Services
Factoring services

Financial markets

Financial market - a market (often exchange), covering primarily the capital market and money market. Serves trade in financial assets, manages the financial risk and promotes investment. Be divided on the financial market

Capital market - in this market there is a redistribution of free capital. Capital market include:
Capital market, including:
Market for bank loans;
Market debt securities.
Market equity securities
Money market (cash market) - in this market is the buying and selling of money.

According to the types of financial instruments financial markets are distinguished:

Securities market (stock market) - addresses a special kind of tool finansovgo - securities. Securities market serves as a money market and capital market.
Foreign exchange market - there is an exchange of foreign currency derivatives, foreign exchange and trade financial instruments.
Insurance market - insurance and reinsurance financial risks.
The gold market - revealing the real cost of money in the traditional gold standard.
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Personal Finance

Personal financial decisions often boil down to planning your personal budget. A common method of planning a personal budget is as follows:

in budget revenues are recorded all the expected revenue of the budget period, including:
outstanding pensions and compensation
income from bank deposits
Income from rental property
income from existing securities
then compiled expenditure budget, including:
housing and communal utilities payments
meals of
health insurance
fees on loans
purchase of durable goods
risk insurance (property, health, etc.)
retirement savings

Typically, personal budgets are drawn at 1, 3, 6 or 12 months. Recommended to make a personal budget with a surplus of 3-5% [citation 730].

Financial decisions on the revenue side of your personal budget often are not complicated - important not to overlook any possible source of income. The main principle: "Capital must make a capital." If there are available means of production - they should be put into action. If there is unused property - it must be leased. If a free resource is not able to generate income and is not a good investment (that is not increasing in price by itself), it should be sold and the money must be turned into investments.

Tips like "to change jobs for better paying" no relation to finance. Finance - this is what is available and what you can handle. The main task of financial management - the most efficient (that is, with the greatest benefit) manage the available finances. Under current conditions, loan money to acquire additional financial resources in the form of the loan is not a problem.

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To avoid unwanted seizures in budget revenues do not include potential revenue if the probability of obtaining less than 90%. At the same time, if the windfall did appear, the way its disposal to determine in an expeditious manner. Another important point to remember when planning for income - is that the pensions and compensation should be based on the best of the possible schemes.

In the process of budget planning has to take more complex financial decisions, especially budget expenditures. There are many important tips:

Firstly, when calculating the long-term budget period (6 months or more), do not forget about inflation. If something is worth a certain amount at the beginning of the year, it does not mean that in the end, the price remains the same. Use the inflation forecasts from reputable sources, and provides this prediction in a spending plan.
Pawn in the estimated cost (previously The announced) increase in costs for products and services. If declared, that while some electricity price will rise by a certain percentage, this percentage should be reflected in the budget.
Of course, you should always look for the cheapest products and services available on the market. Otherwise, the basic principle of market economy - competition - will not work. But this does not mean that the quality of products at the same time can be neglected. Not to budget for substandard or questionable quality products and services. Need to choose the cheapest, but only an acceptable quality category. This applies especially to food, medical and financial services.
Loans need to be sure to return, if only in order not to spoil your "credit history" and be able to get credit in the future. Therefore, the contributions of credit must be given high priority in the list of expenses.
Insurance risk - an indispensable part of competent financial management. No less than 5% (preferably 8-12%) of all personal expenses are encouraged to provide for insurance of various kinds of risks. It is common international practice.
Finding a legitimate scheme to reduce taxes paid - common in the West, a method to reduce costs. If there is even the slightest possibility of reducing taxes, then she should surely enjoy. If the amount of taxes is very large (and potential savings can pay back the services of a specialist), it is advisable to seek advice from a financial advisor (or even hire a personal accountant).

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In the pension fund is recommended to postpone 7-10% of income. Pension fund - it is in principle an ordinary term deposit, but with minimal risk pledged.
Investment - is the area's most complex financial decisions. It is often said that you need to have even a "special flair" to make good decisions in this area. However, if we discard all sorts of hoaxes, then we can say that good investment decisions - is the product of a thorough and comprehensive analysis bezemotsionalnogo market investments.

Finance companies

The main objective of corporate finance - financial support for the organization. It is also important to find the optimal balance between the profitability of the business and financial risks. To ensure the ongoing financial needs of business are usually taken short-term bank loans. To ensure long-term needs often are issued bonds or equity. Such strategic decisions about loans or issue of shares ultimately determine the very structure of capital organization.

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Another important aspect of corporate finance - it's investment decisions, ie decisions about investing the available surplus funds. After an investment - an investment of free assets in the hope that it eventually will increase in value. Investment management - the most important aspect of finance at any level and corporate level is no exception. Before deciding to invest, you should consider the following factors:

the ratio between: the goal - a period of time - inflation - risk aversion - tax
choice between active and passive hedging strategies
evaluation of the effectiveness of the investment portfolio

Financial management in organizations is largely similar to the accounting. But the bookkeeping involved in view of the already committed transactions (and, hence, taking into account the "historical" financial information). A financial management looks to the future and is analyzing the effectiveness and planning more upcoming financial transactions.

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State Finances
Taxes and Fees

Definition of tax provided in art. 8 of the Tax Code (a sort of "fiscal constitution"). According to this normative act, the tax - a mandatory, individual grant payments from companies and individuals in the form of alienation of their right of ownership (economic or operational control) of cash in order to ensure the state and (or) the municipalities. This definition points to the distinctive features of a tax on other types of payments to the budget: mandatory, individual free of charge, the nature of money (taxes of the current tax system can only have a monetary form, as opposed to the tax system in effect prior to enactment of the Tax Code) and target orientation payment (for the state and (or) the municipalities).

Fees - mandatory contributions payable by companies and individuals, the payment of which is one of the conditions of the commission in respect of payers of fees by state agencies, local governments, other competent authorities and officials of the legal actions, including the provision of certain rights or permits (licenses) . From the definition of visible differences to the category of tax collection: in particular the collection, as opposed to the tax, is not always necessary, but only in the case when in regard to its payer or that the authorities make "legal actions", that is, there is currently an "individual onerousness.

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Taxes today - the most important and largest part of government revenue (fiscal function of taxes). By manipulating the tax rates, the state can influence the economy, activating one or another economic sector (or, for example, geographic region), or vice versa, keeping growth in some areas (the regulating function of the tax).

Taxes are directly and indirectly. Direct tax - a tax levied by the state directly to the income or property tax. Indirect tax - a tax on goods and services, established in the form of price premiums or rates. Indirect taxes are also found in the form of excise taxes (including universal excise tax) and customs duties.

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