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Alexander Soros ?




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Alexander Soros is son of George.

alexander on boat

Alexander Soros - a student who is sponsoring a political party in the U.S.

New York University student Alexander Soros has donated almost 74 thousand. dollars for Democratic candidates for federal positions. Previously, the same thing he did, his father, a famous financier, George Soros. Well ... like father, like son.

Alexander financially supports liberal politicians of Conservation Voters and Planned Parenthood and the democratic members of Congress and two Republicans from New York, reports

"Elections are important, and I have measures" - says Soros. "Although I am disappointed with the Democratic Party and politics in general, I have no doubt that our country and the world will be better if the Democrats retain power" - he adds.


alexander on party

Other students follow the footsteps of Soros and financially involved in politics. So far, the Democratic National Committee received nearly 430 thousand. dollars from students. Republicans, however - more than 18 thousand. dollars.

Young Soros is one of the most generous donors. He showed that he is very involved in the affairs of his country. Other "sponsors" are the children of rich American businessmen.

alexander with somebody

George Soros personal relations:
Alexander Soros – son
Andrea Soros – daughter
Daisy Soros – sister-in-law
Gregory Soros – son
Jeffrey Soros – nephew
Jonathan Soros – son
Paul Soros – brother
Robert Soros – son
Susan Weber Soros – husband

George Soros: "the man who brought down the pound sterling
Born in Budapest in 1930, George Soros became famous worldwide in large-scale speculation on the pound sterling! And become a legend in finance, he is now retired.

George Soros is the son of Tivadar Schwartz (who take the name of Soros in 1936), Hungarian writer and lawyer. Thanks to his father, he managed to leave Hungary after the Second World War and settled on the advice of the latter, in England where he studied at the London School of Economics. He lives on odd jobs (lifeguard, carrier, agent, vendor junk ...) and began working in England in 1952 in a small brokerage firm in the City founded by two partners in Hungary.

He began his apprenticeship in the financial field of arbitration and quickly realizes small financial investments for own account. In 1956, thanks to a colleague, he was recruited as a trader with a small brokerage firm on Wall Street and moved to New York.

It begins with an interest in the oil market which holds the upper hand because of the Suez crisis, then to other energy resources. In the sixties, restructuring and mergers and acquisitions give rise to large industrial conglomerates and Soros is watching with interest.

In the late 60s, he decided to take a new step in creating a fund that will make his fortune and fame, "Quantum Fund, a hedge fund offshore operating from New York. The true ambition of Soros is basically becoming an intellectual in the finest European tradition, and even count on his earnings to finance his writings, but he is better at finance and business.

George Soros (JPG) Soros became famous 16 September 1992 nicknamed the "Black Wednesday" by speculating against the pound sterling, Britain is obliged to remove the book from the European monetary system, while Soros wins according to the press about 1 billion dollars in the operation. The position of its funds on the pound sterling was 10 billion. After this operation, he was nicknamed "the man who broke the Bank of England." He was also accused by the Malaysian Prime Minister to have had a negative influence on the Malaysian currency during the Asian crisis of 1997.

Since the '80s, George Soros has invested in numerous charities including the most famous is the "Open Society" it funds its own money and operating in over fifty countries on the planet. He says he does not philanthropy out of guilt or for public relations, but because he believes and because he can afford it. It would give more than 500 million dollars annually to the Open Society, and over the past 20 years have given more than $ 4 billion to encourage and develop multiple activities Philanthropy.

Soros partly based on his philosophy of the market the concept of "reflexivity" he explains as follows: financial markets are not as rational as the theory says. For him investors influence each other, the prices of stocks, bonds depend on people who sell them, which often react emotionally rather than on the basis of logical calculations.

His fortune is estimated at over $ 7 billion.

George Soros, who became a legend of finance retired in the early 2000s. According to him, the current system of financial speculation hinders the healthy economic development in many developing countries. Much of the world's problems comes from what he calls "fundamentalism" of markets: the idea that free trade benefits to society is always false. He favors a mixed economy with state intervention in the economy.

However, it is almost a contradiction since both advocated an overhaul of the rules of global finance, but at the same time said (responding to criticism that he would be personally responsible for the collapse of the Thai currency and the Bank of England) that "A player market does not have to worry about the consequences of his actions."

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